mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
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491 lines
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// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2005 University of California
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _CLIENT_STATE_
#define _CLIENT_STATE_
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
#include "acct_mgr.h"
#include "acct_setup.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "client_types.h"
#include "file_xfer.h"
#include "gui_rpc_server.h"
#include "gui_http.h"
#include "hostinfo.h"
#include "miofile.h"
#include "net_stats.h"
#include "pers_file_xfer.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "scheduler_op.h"
#include "ss_logic.h"
#include "time_stats.h"
#include "http_curl.h"
// project: suspended, deferred, or no new work (can't ask for more work)
// overall: not work_fetch_ok (from CPU policy)
#define WORK_FETCH_OK 1
// project: has more than min queue * share, not suspended/def/nonewwork
// overall: at least min queue, work fetch OK
// project: less than min queue * resource share of DL/runnable results
// overall: less than min queue
// project: no downloading or runnable results
// overall: at least one idle CPU
// CLIENT_STATE encapsulates the global variables of the core client.
// If you add anything here, initialize it in the constructor
vector<PLATFORM> platforms;
vector<PROJECT*> projects;
vector<APP*> apps;
vector<FILE_INFO*> file_infos;
vector<APP_VERSION*> app_versions;
vector<WORKUNIT*> workunits;
vector<RESULT*> results;
PERS_FILE_XFER_SET* pers_file_xfers;
HTTP_OP_SET* http_ops;
FILE_XFER_SET* file_xfers;
ACTIVE_TASK_SET active_tasks;
HOST_INFO host_info;
GLOBAL_PREFS global_prefs;
NET_STATS net_stats;
SS_LOGIC ss_logic;
GUI_RPC_CONN_SET gui_rpcs;
TIME_STATS time_stats;
PROXY_INFO proxy_info;
GUI_HTTP gui_http;
VERSION_INFO core_client_version;
string statefile_platform_name;
int file_xfer_giveup_period;
MODE run_mode;
MODE network_mode;
bool started_by_screensaver;
bool exit_when_idle;
bool exit_before_start;
bool exit_after_finish;
bool check_all_logins;
bool user_active; // there has been recent mouse/kbd input
bool return_results_immediately;
bool allow_remote_gui_rpc;
int cmdline_gui_rpc_port;
bool show_projects;
bool requested_exit;
char detach_project_url[256];
// stores URL for -detach_project option
char reset_project_url[256];
// stores URL for -reset_project option
char update_prefs_url[256];
// stores URL for -update_prefs option
char main_host_venue[256];
// venue from project that gave us general prefs
// or from account manager
char attach_project_url[256];
char attach_project_auth[256];
bool exit_before_upload;
// exit when about to upload a file
#ifndef _WIN32
gid_t boinc_project_gid;
// backoff-related variables
int master_fetch_period;
// fetch project's master URL (and stop doing scheduler RPCs)
// if get this many successive RPC failures (default 10)
int retry_cap;
// cap project->nrpc_failures at this number
int master_fetch_retry_cap;
// after this many master-fetch failures,
// move into a state in which we retry master fetch
// at the frequency below
int master_fetch_interval;
// see above
int sched_retry_delay_min;
int sched_retry_delay_max;
int pers_retry_delay_min;
int pers_retry_delay_max;
int pers_giveup;
bool tasks_suspended;
// Don't do CPU. See check_suspend_activities for logic
bool network_suspended;
// Don't do network. See check_suspend_network for logic
int suspend_reason;
int network_suspend_reason;
bool executing_as_daemon;
// true if --daemon is on the commandline
// this means we are running as a daemon on unix,
// or as a service on Windows
bool redirect_io;
// redirect stdout, stderr to log files
bool disable_graphics;
// a condition has occurred in which we know graphics will
// not be displayable.
// So GUIs shouldn't offer graphics.
bool detach_console;
bool launched_by_manager;
// this affects auto-update
bool run_by_updater;
double now;
double last_wakeup_time;
bool initialized;
bool client_state_dirty;
int old_major_version;
int old_minor_version;
int old_release;
bool skip_cpu_benchmarks;
// if set, use hardwired numbers rather than running benchmarks
bool run_cpu_benchmarks;
// if set, run benchmarks on client startup
bool cpu_benchmarks_pending;
// set if a benchmark fails to start because of a process that doesn't stop.
// Persists so that the next start of BOINC runs the benchmarks.
int exit_after_app_start_secs;
// if nonzero, exit this many seconds after starting an app
double app_started;
// when the most recent app was started
// --------------- acct_mgr.C:
ACCT_MGR_OP acct_mgr_op;
ACCT_MGR_INFO acct_mgr_info;
// --------------- acct_setup.C:
PROJECT_INIT project_init;
GET_PROJECT_CONFIG_OP get_project_config_op;
LOOKUP_ACCOUNT_OP lookup_account_op;
CREATE_ACCOUNT_OP create_account_op;
LOOKUP_WEBSITE_OP lookup_website_op;
PROJECT_ATTACH project_attach;
GET_CURRENT_VERSION_OP get_current_version_op;
GET_PROJECT_LIST_OP get_project_list_op;
void new_version_check();
void all_projects_list_check();
double new_version_check_time;
double all_projects_list_check_time;
string newer_version;
// --------------- app_graphics.C:
ACTIVE_TASK* get_next_graphics_capable_app();
// --------------- auto_update.C:
AUTO_UPDATE auto_update;
// --------------- client_state.C:
void show_host_info();
int init();
bool poll_slow_events();
// Never blocks.
// Returns true if it actually did something,
// in which case it should be called again immediately.
void do_io_or_sleep(double dt);
bool time_to_exit();
PROJECT* lookup_project(const char*);
APP* lookup_app(PROJECT*, const char*);
FILE_INFO* lookup_file_info(PROJECT*, const char* name);
RESULT* lookup_result(PROJECT*, const char*);
WORKUNIT* lookup_workunit(PROJECT*, const char*);
APP_VERSION* lookup_app_version(APP*, char* platform, int ver);
int detach_project(PROJECT*);
int report_result_error(RESULT&, const char *format, ...);
int reset_project(PROJECT*);
bool no_gui_rpc;
int link_app(PROJECT*, APP*);
int link_file_info(PROJECT*, FILE_INFO*);
int link_file_ref(PROJECT*, FILE_REF*);
int link_app_version(PROJECT*, APP_VERSION*);
int link_workunit(PROJECT*, WORKUNIT*);
int link_result(PROJECT*, RESULT*);
void print_summary();
bool garbage_collect();
bool garbage_collect_always();
bool update_results();
int nresults_for_project(PROJECT*);
// --------------- cpu_sched.C:
double debt_interval_start;
double total_wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval;
// "wall CPU time" accumulated since last adjust_debts()
double total_cpu_time_this_debt_interval;
double cpu_shortfall;
bool work_fetch_no_new_work;
bool must_enforce_cpu_schedule;
bool must_schedule_cpus;
bool must_check_work_fetch;
std::vector <RESULT*> ordered_scheduled_results;
void assign_results_to_projects();
RESULT* largest_debt_project_best_result();
RESULT* earliest_deadline_result();
void reset_debt_accounting();
void adjust_debts();
bool possibly_schedule_cpus();
void schedule_cpus();
bool enforce_schedule();
bool no_work_for_a_cpu();
void rr_simulation();
void make_running_task_heap(vector<ACTIVE_TASK*>&);
void print_deadline_misses();
inline double work_buf_min() {
return global_prefs.work_buf_min_days * 86400;
inline double work_buf_additional() {
return global_prefs.work_buf_additional_days *86400;
inline double work_buf_total() {
double x = work_buf_min() + work_buf_additional();
if (x < 1) x = 1;
return x;
void request_enforce_schedule(const char*);
void request_schedule_cpus(const char*);
// Check for reschedule CPUs ASAP. Called when:
// - core client starts (CS::init())
// - an app exits (ATS::check_app_exited())
// - Tasks are killed (ATS::exit_tasks())
// - a result's input files finish downloading (CS::update_results())
// - an app fails to start (CS::schedule_cpus())
// - any project op is done via RPC (suspend/resume)
// - any result op is done via RPC (suspend/resume)
// --------------- cs_account.C:
int add_project(
const char* master_url, const char* authenticator,
const char* project_name, bool attached_via_acct_mgr
int parse_account_files();
int parse_account_files_venue();
int parse_preferences_for_user_files();
int parse_statistics_files();
// should be move to a new file, but this will do it for testing
// --------------- cs_apps.C:
double total_resource_share();
double potentially_runnable_resource_share();
double nearly_runnable_resource_share();
double fetchable_resource_share();
double runnable_resource_share();
void request_work_fetch(const char*);
// Check if work fetch needed. Called when:
// - core client starts (CS::init())
// - task is completed or fails
// - tasks are killed
// - an RPC completes
// - project suspend/detch/attach/reset GUI RPC
// - result suspend/abort GUI RPC
int quit_activities();
void set_ncpus();
double estimate_cpu_time(WORKUNIT&);
double get_fraction_done(RESULT* result);
int input_files_available(RESULT*, bool);
ACTIVE_TASK* lookup_active_task_by_result(RESULT*);
int ncpus;
// number of usable cpus
int nslots;
int latest_version(APP*, char*);
int app_finished(ACTIVE_TASK&);
bool start_apps();
bool handle_finished_apps();
// --------------- cs_benchmark.C:
bool should_run_cpu_benchmarks();
void start_cpu_benchmarks();
bool cpu_benchmarks_poll();
void abort_cpu_benchmarks();
bool are_cpu_benchmarks_running();
bool cpu_benchmarks_done();
void cpu_benchmarks_set_defaults();
void print_benchmark_results();
// --------------- cs_cmdline.C:
void parse_cmdline(int argc, char** argv);
void parse_env_vars();
void do_cmdline_actions();
// --------------- cs_files.C:
void check_file_existence();
bool start_new_file_xfer(PERS_FILE_XFER&);
int make_project_dirs();
bool handle_pers_file_xfers();
// --------------- cs_platforms.C:
const char* get_primary_platform();
void add_platform(const char*);
void detect_platforms();
void write_platforms(PROJECT*, MIOFILE&);
bool is_supported_platform(const char*);
// --------------- cs_prefs.C:
int project_disk_usage(PROJECT*, double&);
int total_disk_usage(double&);
// returns the total disk usage of BOINC on this host
double allowed_disk_usage();
int allowed_project_disk_usage(double&);
int suspend_tasks(int reason);
int resume_tasks(int reason=0);
int suspend_network(int reason);
int resume_network();
void read_global_prefs();
int save_global_prefs(char* prefs, char* url, char* sched);
double available_ram();
double max_available_ram();
void check_suspend_activities(int&);
void check_suspend_network(int&);
void install_global_prefs();
PROJECT* global_prefs_source_project();
void show_global_prefs_source(bool);
// --------------- cs_scheduler.C:
int make_scheduler_request(PROJECT*);
int handle_scheduler_reply(PROJECT*, char* scheduler_url, int& nresults);
SCHEDULER_OP* scheduler_op;
bool contacted_sched_server;
int overall_work_fetch_urgency;
bool scheduler_rpc_poll();
double avg_proc_rate();
bool should_get_work();
// --------------- cs_statefile.C:
void set_client_state_dirty(const char*);
int parse_state_file();
int write_state(MIOFILE&);
int write_state_file();
int write_state_file_if_needed();
void check_anonymous();
int parse_app_info(PROJECT*, FILE*);
int write_state_gui(MIOFILE&);
int write_file_transfers_gui(MIOFILE&);
int write_tasks_gui(MIOFILE&);
// --------------- cs_trickle.C:
int read_trickle_files(PROJECT*, FILE*);
int remove_trickle_files(PROJECT*);
int handle_trickle_down(PROJECT*, FILE*);
// --------------- check_state.C:
// stuff related to data-structure integrity checking
void check_project_pointer(PROJECT*);
void check_app_pointer(APP*);
void check_file_info_pointer(FILE_INFO*);
void check_app_version_pointer(APP_VERSION*);
void check_workunit_pointer(WORKUNIT*);
void check_result_pointer(RESULT*);
void check_pers_file_xfer_pointer(PERS_FILE_XFER*);
void check_file_xfer_pointer(FILE_XFER*);
void check_app(APP&);
void check_file_info(FILE_INFO&);
void check_file_ref(FILE_REF&);
void check_app_version(APP_VERSION&);
void check_workunit(WORKUNIT&);
void check_result(RESULT&);
void check_active_task(ACTIVE_TASK&);
void check_pers_file_xfer(PERS_FILE_XFER&);
void check_file_xfer(FILE_XFER&);
void check_all();
void free_mem();
// --------------- work_fetch.C:
int proj_min_results(PROJECT*, double);
void check_project_timeout();
PROJECT* next_project_master_pending();
PROJECT* next_project_sched_rpc_pending();
PROJECT* next_project_trickle_up_pending();
PROJECT* next_project_need_work();
PROJECT* find_project_with_overdue_results();
double overall_cpu_frac();
double time_until_work_done(PROJECT*, int, double);
bool compute_work_requests();
void scale_duration_correction_factors(double);
void generate_new_host_cpid();
void compute_nuploading_results();
extern CLIENT_STATE gstate;
#ifdef SANDBOX
#define BOINC_PROJECT_GROUP_NAME "boinc_project"
// return a random double in the range [MIN,min(e^n,MAX))
extern double calculate_exponential_backoff(
int n, double MIN, double MAX
#define POLL_INTERVAL 1.0
// the client will handle I/O (including GUI RPCs)
// for up to POLL_INTERVAL seconds before calling poll_slow_events()
// to call the polling functions