mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
1116 lines
37 KiB
1116 lines
37 KiB
<?php // -*- php -*-
// test.inc
// A set of classes for testing BOINC.
// These classes let you create multiple projects and multiple hosts
// (all running on a single machine),
// add applications and work units, run the system,
// and verify that the results are correct.
// See doc/test.html for details
ob_end_flush(); // let us see what's going on
// Create a handler function
function my_assert_handler ($file, $line, $code) {
echo "Assertion Failed:
File '$file'
Line '$line'
Code '$code'
assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE , 1);
assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING , 1);
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL , 1);
assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'my_assert_handler');
$errors = 0;
// get an enviroment variable, and abort script if missing
function get_env_var($name, $defvalue = -1) {
$x = getenv($name);
if ($x == null) {
if ($defvalue != -1) {
return $defvalue;
} else {
echo "Environment variable $name not defined\n";
return $x;
// VERBOSE=0 print nothing
// VERBOSE=1 show only up to 1 line
// VERBOSE=2 print everything
define("VERBOSE", get_env_var("TEST_VERBOSE",1));
function verbose_echo($level, $line)
if ($level == 0) {
if (VERBOSE == 1) {
echo "\n";
echo "$line\n";
} else if (VERBOSE >= $level) {
if (VERBOSE == 2) {
echo "$line\n";
} else if (VERBOSE == 1) {
echo "\r ";
echo "\r$line ";
function error($msg, $fatal=0)
global $errors;
verbose_echo(0, "ERROR: $msg");
if ($fatal) {
// when sleeping for a long time this shows sleep progress
function verbose_sleep($msg, $wait)
$front = "$msg [sleep ";
$back = "]";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $wait; ++$i) {
$m = $front . str_repeat('.',$i) . str_repeat(' ',$wait-$i) . $back;
verbose_echo(1, $m);
function XPassThru($cmd, $failok=0)
PassThru($cmd, $retval);
if (!$failok && $retval) {
verbose_echo(0, "Command failed: $cmd");
function verbose_XPassThru($cmd, $failok=0)
verbose_echo(2," $cmd");
return XPassThru($cmd, $failok);
function proxerize($s, $t)
if ($t) {
return preg_replace(",http://[^/]*/,", "http://localhost:8080/", $s);
} else {
return $s;
define("KEY_DIR" , get_env_var("BOINC_KEY_DIR"));
define("SHMEM_KEY" , get_env_var("BOINC_SHMEM_KEY"));
define("PROJECTS_DIR" , get_env_var("BOINC_PROJECTS_DIR"));
define("CGI_URL" , proxerize(get_env_var("BOINC_CGI_URL"), $use_proxy_cgi));
define("HTML_URL" , proxerize(get_env_var("BOINC_HTML_URL"), $use_proxy_html));
define("USER_NAME" , get_env_var("BOINC_USER_NAME", get_env_var("USER","")));
define("CGI_DIR" , get_env_var("BOINC_CGI_DIR"));
define("HTML_DIR" , get_env_var("BOINC_HTML_DIR"));
define("HOSTS_DIR" , get_env_var("BOINC_HOSTS_DIR"));
function check_program_exists($prog) {
if (!is_executable($prog)) {
verbose_echo(0, "Executable not found: $prog");
verbose_echo(0, "Did you `make' yet?\n");
function check_core_client_executable()
function check_app_executable($app)
function run_db_script($script, $db_name) {
$db_dir = SRC_DIR . "/db";
$x = "sed -e s/BOINC_DB_NAME/$db_name/ $db_dir/$script | mysql";
// echo $x;
// expand a macro in a file
function macro_substitute($macro, $replacement, $infile, $outfile) {
$x = "sed -e s/$macro/$replacement/ $infile > $outfile";
//echo $x;
// make a file executable
function make_executable($name) {
XPassThru("chmod uog+x $name");
// given a project URL,
// return the name of the account file
function account_file_name($url) {
$x = strstr($url, "http://");
if ($x) {
$x = substr($x, strlen("http://"));
} else {
$x = $url;
$encoded_name = strtr($x, "/", "_");
return "account_".$encoded_name.".xml";
function db_open($db_name) {
$retval = mysql_connect();
if (!$retval) {
echo "mysql_connect() failed\n";
$retval = mysql_select_db($db_name);
if (!$retval) {
echo "mysql_select_db() failed\n";
function db_query($query) {
if (!mysql_query($query)) {
echo "mysql_query failed: $query\n";
echo mysql_error();
function run_tool($cmd) {
function create_keys() {
$key_dir = KEY_DIR;
$lib_dir = SRC_DIR."/lib";
XPassThru("$lib_dir/crypt_prog -genkey 1024 $key_dir/upload_private $key_dir/upload_public");
XPassThru("$lib_dir/crypt_prog -genkey 1024 $key_dir/code_sign_private $key_dir/code_sign_public");
function check_exists($file) {
if (!file_exists($file)) {
error("file doesn't exist: $file\n");
function check_deleted($file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
error("file wasn't deleted: $file\n");
class Platform {
var $name;
var $user_friendly_name;
function Platform($name, $ufn) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->user_friendly_name = $ufn;
class Core_Version {
var $version;
var $exec_dir;
var $exec_name;
var $platform;
function Core_Version() {
$this->version = 1;
$this->platform = new Platform(PLATFORM, PLATFORM);
$this->exec_dir = SRC_DIR . "/client";
$this->exec_name = CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME;
class App {
var $name;
function App($name) {
$this->name = $name;
class App_Version {
var $app;
var $version;
var $exec_dir;
var $exec_names; // array of filenames;
// defaults to one element: $app->name
var $platform;
function App_Version($app) {
$this->exec_names = array();
$this->exec_dir = SRC_DIR . "/apps";
$this->exec_names[0] = $app->name;
$this->app = $app;
$this->version = 1;
$this->platform = new Platform(PLATFORM, PLATFORM);
class Project {
var $short_name;
var $long_name;
var $users;
var $core_versions;
var $apps;
var $app_versions;
var $platforms;
var $project_dir;
var $db_name;
var $db_passwd;
var $generate_keys;
var $shmem_key;
var $key_dir;
var $download_url;
var $scheduler_url;
var $upload_url;
var $user_name;
var $master_url;
var $resource_share;
var $source_dir;
var $project_php_file;
var $project_prefs_php_file;
function Project() {
$this->short_name = "test";
$this->long_name = "test";
$this->users = array();
$this->core_versions = array();
$this->apps = array();
$this->app_versions = array();
$this->platforms = array();
$this->db_passwd = "";
$this->generate_keys = false;
$this->shmem_key = SHMEM_KEY;
$this->resource_share = 1;
$this->source_dir = SRC_DIR;
function add_user($user) {
array_push($this->users, $user);
function add_core_version($core_version) {
array_push($this->core_versions, $core_version);
function add_app($app) {
array_push($this->apps, $app);
function add_app_version($app_version) {
array_push($this->app_versions, $app_version);
function add_platform($platform) {
array_push($this->platforms, $platform);
function add_app_and_version($appname) {
$app = new App($appname);
$app_version = new App_Version($app);
function add_core_and_version() {
$this->add_core_version(new Core_Version());
function mkdir($dir, $chmod=0)
$d = "$this->project_dir/$dir";
if ($chmod) {
chmod($d, 0777);
function copy($source, $dest, $failok=0)
XPassThru("cp -f $this->source_dir/$source $this->project_dir/$dest >> /dev/null 2>&1", $failok);
// Set up the database and directory structures for a project
function install($scheduler_file = null) {
$base_dir = PROJECTS_DIR;
$cgi_url = CGI_URL."/".$this->short_name;
$this->download_url = HTML_URL."/".$this->short_name."/download";
$this->upload_url = $cgi_url."/file_upload_handler";
$this->scheduler_url = $cgi_url."/cgi";
$this->project_dir = $base_dir."/".$this->short_name;
$this->master_url = HTML_URL."/".$this->short_name."/";
verbose_echo(1, "Deleting previous test runs");
XPassThru("rm -rf $this->project_dir");
verbose_echo(1, "Creating server directories");
// make the CGI writeable in case scheduler writes req/reply files
$this->mkdir("cgi", 1);
$this->mkdir("upload", 1);
XPassThru("ln -s $this->project_dir/download $this->project_dir/html_user/download");
if ($this->generate_keys) {
} else {
$this->key_dir = KEY_DIR;
XPassThru("cp $this->key_dir/* $this->project_dir/keys");
// set up the database
verbose_echo(1, "Setting up database");
$this->user_name = USER_NAME;
if (!$this->db_name)
$this->db_name = $this->user_name."_".$this->short_name;
run_db_script("drop.sql", $this->db_name);
run_db_script("schema.sql", $this->db_name);
run_db_script("constraints.sql", $this->db_name);
db_query("insert into project(short_name, long_name) values('$this->short_name', '$this->long_name')");
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->users); $i++) {
$user = $this->users[$i];
$now = time(0);
$pp = null;
if ($user->project_prefs) {
$pp = "<project_preferences>\n$user->project_prefs</project_preferences>\n";
$gp = null;
if ($user->global_prefs) {
$gp = "<global_preferences>\n$user->global_prefs</global_preferences>\n";
db_query("insert into user values (0, $now, '$user->email_addr', '$user->name', '$user->authenticator', 'Peru', '12345', 0, 0, 0, '$gp', '$pp', 0, 'home', '', 0, 1)");
$napp = sizeof($this->apps);
verbose_echo(1, "Adding $napp app(s) to database");
for ($i=0; $i<$napp; $i++) {
$app = $this->apps[$i];
$now = time(0);
db_query("insert into app(name, create_time) values ('$app->name', $now)");
verbose_echo(1, "Adding platforms(s) to database");
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->app_versions); $i++) {
$app_version = $this->app_versions[$i];
$p = $app_version->platform;
$found = false;
for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($this->platforms); $j++) {
if (strcmp($this->platforms[$j]->name, $p->name) == 0) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
array_push($this->platforms, $app_version->platform);
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->platforms); $i++) {
$platform = $this->platforms[$i];
run_tool("add platform -db_name $this->db_name -platform_name $platform->name -user_friendly_name '$platform->user_friendly_name'");
$ncore = sizeof($this->core_versions);
verbose_echo(1, "Adding $ncore core version(s) to database");
for ($i=0; $i<$ncore; $i++) {
$core_version = $this->core_versions[$i];
$p = $core_version->platform;
$x = "add core_version -db_name $this->db_name -platform_name $p->name -version $core_version->version -download_dir $this->project_dir/download -download_url $this->download_url -exec_dir $core_version->exec_dir -exec_files $core_version->exec_name";
$nappv = sizeof($this->app_versions);
verbose_echo(1, "Adding $nappv app version(s) to database");
for ($i=0; $i<$nappv; $i++) {
$app_version = $this->app_versions[$i];
$app = $app_version->app;
$p = $app_version->platform;
$x = "add app_version -db_name $this->db_name -app_name '$app->name' -platform_name $p->name -version $app_version->version -download_dir $this->project_dir/download -download_url $this->download_url -code_sign_keyfile $this->key_dir/code_sign_private -exec_dir $app_version->exec_dir -exec_files";
for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($app_version->exec_names); $j++) {
$x = $x." ".$app_version->exec_names[$j];
verbose_echo(1, "Creating html directories");
// copy the user and administrative PHP files to the project dir,
$this->copy('html_user/*.php' , 'html_user/');
$this->copy('html_user/*.inc' , 'html_user/');
$this->copy('html_user/*.html' , 'html_user/');
$this->copy('html_ops/*.php' , 'html_ops/');
$this->copy('html_ops/*.inc' , 'html_ops/');
$this->copy('html_ops/*.html' , 'html_ops/');
$this->copy('tools/country_select' , 'html_user/');
if ($this->project_php_file) {
$this->copy('html_user/$this->project_php_file', 'html_user/project.inc');
if ($this->project_prefs_php_file) {
$this->copy('html_user/$this->project_prefs_php_file', 'html_user/project_specific_prefs.inc');
// Copy the sched server in the cgi directory with the
// cgi names given $source_dir/html_usr/schedulers.txt
verbose_echo(1, "Copying cgi programs");
if ($scheduler_file == null) {
$scheduler_file = "schedulers.txt";
$f = fopen("$this->project_dir/html_user/schedulers.txt", "w");
} else {
$f = fopen("$this->project_dir/html_user/$scheduler_file", "r");
while (true) {
$scheduler_url = fgets($f, 1000);
if($scheduler_url == false) break;
$temp = substr($scheduler_url, 0, strrpos($scheduler_url, '<'));
$cgi_name = substr($temp, strrpos($temp, '/')+1, strlen($temp) - strrpos($temp, '/'));
$this->copy('sched/cgi', 'cgi/$cgi_name');
// copy all the backend programs to the CGI directory
$this->copy('sched/cgi' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/file_upload_handler' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/make_work' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/feeder' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/timeout_check' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/validate_test' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/file_deleter' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/assimilator' , 'cgi/');
$this->copy('sched/start_servers' , 'cgi/');
verbose_echo(1, "Writing config files");
// write the server config file
$this->append_config("<config>\n" .
"<db_name>$this->db_name</db_name>\n" .
"<db_passwd>$this->db_passwd</db_passwd>\n" .
"<shmem_key>$this->shmem_key</shmem_key>\n" .
"<key_dir>$this->key_dir</key_dir>\n" .
"<download_url>$this->download_url</download_url>\n" .
"<download_dir>$this->project_dir/download</download_dir>\n" .
"<upload_url>$this->upload_url</upload_url>\n" .
"<upload_dir>$this->project_dir/upload</upload_dir>\n" .
"<user_name>$this->user_name</user_name>\n" .
// put a file with the database name and other info
// in each HTML directory
$f = fopen("$this->project_dir/html_user/.htconfig.xml", "w");
fputs($f, "<db_name>$this->db_name</db_name>\n");
fputs($f, "<db_passwd>$this->db_name</db_passwd>\n");
fputs($f, "<download_url>$this->download_url</download_url>\n");
fputs($f, "<cgi_url>$cgi_url</cgi_url>\n");
XPassThru("cp $this->project_dir/html_user/.htconfig.xml $this->project_dir/html_ops");
// edit "index.php" in the user HTML directory to have
// the right file as the source for scheduler_urls;
// default is schedulers.txt
$x = "sed -e s/FILE_NAME/$scheduler_file/ $this->project_dir/html_user/index.php > temp; mv temp $this->project_dir/html_user/index.php";
verbose_echo(1, "Linking cgi programs");
// create symbolic links to the CGI and HTML directories
$cgi_dir = CGI_DIR;
$cgi_url = CGI_URL;
$html_dir = HTML_DIR;
$html_url = HTML_URL;
XPassThru("rm -f $cgi_dir/$this->short_name");
XPassThru("ln -s $this->project_dir/cgi $cgi_dir/$this->short_name");
XPassThru("rm -f $html_dir/$this->short_name");
XPassThru("ln -s $this->project_dir/html_user $html_dir/$this->short_name");
$x = "ln -s $this->project_dir/html_ops ".$html_dir."/".$this->short_name."_admin";
// show the URLs for user and admin sites
$admin_url = $html_url."/".$this->short_name."_admin/index.php";
verbose_echo(2, "Master URL: $this->master_url");
verbose_echo(2, "Admin URL: $admin_url");
// Adds http password protection to the html_ops directory
function http_password($user,$password) {
$f = fopen($this->project_dir."/html_ops/.htaccess", "w");
fputs($f,"AuthName \"$this->long_name Administration\"\n");
fputs($f,"AuthType Basic\n");
fputs($f,"AuthUserFile $this->project_dir/html_ops/.htpasswd\n\n");
fputs($f,"require valid-user\n");
XPassThru("htpasswd -bc $this->project_dir/html_ops/.htpasswd $user $password");
// moves the master web page to temp
// This is used to test exponential backoff on the client side.
function delete_masterindex() {
XPassThru("mv $this->project_dir/html_user/index.php $this->project_dir/html_user/temp");
// moves temp back to the master web page
// This is used to test exponential backoff on the client side.
function reestablish_masterindex() {
XPassThru("mv $this->project_dir/html_user/temp $this->project_dir/html_user/index.php");
// delete the sched server for this project
// This is used to test exponential backoff on the client side.
function delete_scheduler($cgi_num = null) {
XPassThru("rm $this->project_dir/cgi/cgi$cgi_num");
// copies the sched server back into the CGI directory.
// This is used to test exponential backoff on the client side.
function reinstall_scheduler($cgi_num=null) {
XPassThru("cp $this->source_dir/sched/cgi $this->project_dir/cgi/cgi$cgi_num");
// moves the download directory to temp.
// This is used to test exponential backoff
function delete_downloaddir($download_dir_num = null) {
XPassThru("mv $this->project_dir/download$download_dir_num $this->project_dir/download_moved$download_dir_num");
// reinstalls the download directory.
// This is used to test exponential backoff
function reinstall_downloaddir($download_dir_num = null) {
XPassThru("mv $this->project_dir/download_moved$download_dir_num $this->project_dir/download$download_dir_num");
function remove_file_upload_handler($handler_num = null) {
XPassThru("rm $this->project_dir/cgi/file_upload_handler$handler_num");
function reinstall_file_upload_handler($handler_num = null) {
XPassThru("cp $this->source_dir/sched/file_upload_handler $this->project_dir/cgi/file_upload_handler$handler_num");
function start_servers() {
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; ./start_servers >> start_servers.out 2>&1");
verbose_sleep("Starting servers for project $this->short_name", 1);
function install_feeder() {
$this->append_config("<start>./feeder -d 3 -asynch >> feeder.out 2>&1</start>\n");
function install_timeout_check($app, $nerror = 5,$ndet = 5, $nredundancy = 5){
$this->append_config("<start>./timeout_check -d 3 -app $app->name -nerror $nerror -ndet $ndet -nredundancy $nredundancy -asynch >> timeout_check.out 2>&1</start>\n");
function install_make_work($work,$cushion,$redundancy){
$result_template_path = realpath($work->result_template);
$this->append_config("<start>./make_work -asynch -d 3 -cushion $cushion -redundancy $redundancy -result_template $result_template_path -wu_name $work->wu_template >> make_work.out 2>&1</start>\n");
function deinstall_make_work() {
// run the validator asynchronously
function install_validate($app, $quorum) {
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->app_versions); $i++) {
$app = $this->app_versions[$i]->app;
$this->append_config("<start>./validate_test -asynch -d 3 -app $app->name -quorum $quorum >> validate.out 2>&1</start>\n");
// do one pass of validation
function validate($quorum) {
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->app_versions); $i++) {
$app = $this->app_versions[$i]->app;
verbose_echo(1, "Validating $app->name");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; ./validate_test -d 3 -one_pass -app $app->name -quorum $quorum >> validate.out 2>&1");
function install_file_delete(){
$this->append_config("<start>./file_deleter -d 3 -asynch >> file_deleter.out 2>&1</start>\n");
// do one pass of file_deleter
function file_delete() {
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; ./file_deleter -d 3 -one_pass >> file_deleter.out 2>&1");
function install_assimilator() {
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->app_versions); $i++) {
$app = $this->app_versions[$i]->app;
$this->append_config("<start>./assimilator -asynch -app -d 3 $app->name >> assimilator.out 2>&1</start>\n");
// do one pass of assimilator
function assimilate() {
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->app_versions); $i++) {
$app = $this->app_versions[$i]->app;
verbose_echo(1, "Assimilating $app->name");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; ./assimilator -one_pass -d 3 -app $app->name >> assimilator.out 2>&1");
// start collecting data for stripcharts
function start_stripchart() {
$source_dir = $this->source_dir;
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/stripchart.cgi $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/stripchart $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/stripchart.cnf $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/samples/looper $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/samples/db_looper $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/samples/datafiles $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/samples/get_load $this->project_dir/cgi/");
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/stripchart/samples/dir_size $this->project_dir/cgi/");
macro_substitute("BOINC_DB_NAME", $this->db_name, "$source_dir/stripchart/samples/db_count", "$this->project_dir/cgi/db_count");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; looper get_load 1 > get_load_out &");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; db_looper 'result' 1 > count_results_out &");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; db_looper 'workunit where assimilate_state=2' 1 > assimilated_wus_out &");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; looper 'dir_size ../download' 1 > download_size_out &");
XPassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; looper 'dir_size ../upload' 1 > upload_size_out &");
// this should stop the feeder and any other daemons
function stop($nosleep=0) {
$f = fopen($this->project_dir."/cgi/stop_server", "w");
fputs($f, "<quit/>\n");
// need to sleep because the feeder sleeps (up to 5+5+1) seconds to
// check triggers.
$sleep = $nosleep ? 0 : 7;
verbose_sleep("Stopping server(s) for project $this->short_name", $sleep);
// append the line to the config file
function append_config($line) {
$f_old = fopen($this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.xml", "r");
$f_new = fopen($this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.tmp", "w");
$appended = false;
while(!feof($f_old)) {
$in_line = fgets($f_old,1024);
if (strstr($in_line, "</config>")) {
fputs($f_new, $line);
$appended = true;
fputs($f_new, $in_line);
if (!$appended) fputs($f_new, $line);
rename($this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.tmp", $this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.xml");
// remove any line containing the pattern from the config file
function remove_config($pattern) {
$f_old = fopen($this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.xml", "r");
$f_new = fopen($this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.tmp", "w");
while(!feof($f_old)) {
$in_line = fgets($f_old, 1024);
if (!strstr($in_line, $pattern))
fputs($f_new, $in_line);
rename($this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.tmp", $this->project_dir."/cgi/.htconfig.xml");
// remove the stop_server trigger
function restart() {
function check_results($ntarget, $matchresult) {
$n = 0;
$result = mysql_query("select * from result");
while ($x = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($matchresult->server_state != null && $matchresult->server_state != $x->server_state) {
error("result $x->id: unexpected state $x->server_state (expected $matchresult->server_state)");
if ($matchresult->stderr_out != null) {
// need to use === to differentiate FALSE from 0. php sucks.
if (strpos($x->stderr_out,$matchresult->stderr_out)===FALSE) {
error("result $x->id: unexpected stderr_out:
if ($matchresult->exit_state != null && $matchresult->exit_status != $x->exit_status) {
error("result $x->id: unexpected exit_status $x->exit_status (expected $matchresult->exit_status)");
if ($n != $ntarget) {
error("expected $ntarget results, found $n.\n");
function num_wus_left() {
$result = mysql_query("select count(*) as cnt from result where server_state=2");
$count = mysql_fetch_object($result);
return $count->cnt;
function num_results_done() {
$result = mysql_query("select count(*) as cnt from result where server_state=4");
$count = mysql_fetch_object($result);
return $count->cnt;
function compare_file($result, $correct) {
PassThru("diff $this->project_dir/upload/$result $correct", $retval);
if ($retval) {
error("File mismatch for project $this->short_name: $result $correct");
} else {
verbose_echo(2, "Files match for project $this->short_name: $result $correct");
function check_server_deleted($file) {
check_deleted("$this->project_dir/" . $file);
function check_server_exists($file) {
check_exists("$this->project_dir/" . $file);
// represents an account on a particular project
class User {
var $name;
var $email_addr;
var $authenticator;
var $project_prefs;
var $project;
function User() {
$this->name = "John";
$this->email_addr = "john@boinc.org";
$this->authenticator = "3f7b90793a0175ad0bda68684e8bd136";
class Host {
var $name;
var $users;
var $projects;
var $host_dir;
var $global_prefs;
var $log_flags;
function Host() {
$this->name = "test";
$this->users = array();
$this->projects = array();
$this->global_prefs = null;
//$this->log_flags = null;
$this->log_flags = "log_flags.xml";
function add_user($user, $project) {
array_push($this->users, $user);
array_push($this->projects, $project);
function install() {
$base_dir = HOSTS_DIR;
$this->host_dir = $base_dir."/".$this->name;
XPassThru("rm -rf $this->host_dir");
XPassThru("mkdir $this->host_dir");
// create account files
verbose_echo(1, "Creating account files");
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->users); $i++) {
$user = $this->users[$i];
$project = $this->projects[$i];
$filename = account_file_name($project->master_url);
verbose_echo(2, "Writing $this->host_dir/$filename");
$f = fopen($this->host_dir."/".$filename, "w");
fputs($f, "<account>\n");
fputs($f, " <master_url>$project->master_url</master_url>\n");
fputs($f, " <authenticator>$user->authenticator</authenticator>\n");
fputs($f, $user->project_prefs);
fputs($f, "</account>\n");
// copy log flags, if any
if ($this->log_flags != null) {
XPassThru("cp $this->log_flags $this->host_dir/log_flags.xml");
// copy global prefs, if any
if ($this->global_prefs != null) {
XPassThru("cp $this->global_prefs.xml $this->host_dir/global_prefs.xml");
function kill($boinc_pid) {
if ($boinc_pid) {
XPassThru("kill -9 $boinc_pid");
// forks a new process to run this host with the given $args.
// the pid returned is the pid of the newly forked php process.
// NOTE: to kill the newly started host,
// get_new_boincpid() must be called and kill() must be called on it.
function run_asynch($args) {
// TODO: just use shell & to background?
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
return -1;
} else if ($pid) {
return $pid; // we are the parent
} else { //we are the child
verbose_echo(1, "Running core client asynch");
$source_dir = SRC_DIR;
assert($source_dir && 1);
assert($exec_name && 1);
assert($this->host_dir && 1);
verbose_XPassThru("cd $this->host_dir; $source_dir/client/$exec_name $args > client.out");
//returns a pid for a boinc process running in the system
// that is different from $client_pid.
// This call blocks until such process is started.
function get_new_client_pid($client_pid) {
while(true) {
$pid = exec("pgrep -n boinc");
if(($pid != null) && ($pid != $client_pid)) {
return $pid;
function run($args=null) {
verbose_echo(1, "Running core client");
$source_dir = SRC_DIR;
assert($source_dir && 1);
assert($exec_name && 1);
assert($this->host_dir && 1);
verbose_XPassThru("cd $this->host_dir; $source_dir/client/$exec_name $args > client.out", $ret);
assert ($ret == 0);
// read a CPU time file written by the client.
// This is sort of a kludge.
function read_cpu_time_file($file_name) {
$time_file = fopen($this->host_dir/$file_name, "r");
if($time_file == NULL) return 0;
fscanf($time_file, "%f", $app_time);
return $app_time;
function check_file_present($project, $filename) {
$enc_url = str_replace("http://", "", $project->master_url);
$enc_url = str_replace("/", "_", $enc_url);
$path= "$this->host_dir/projects/$enc_url/$filename";
if (!file_exists($path)) {
error("file $path doesn't exist");
class Work {
var $app;
var $wu_template;
var $result_template;
var $redundancy;
var $input_files;
var $rsc_iops;
var $rsc_fpops;
var $rsc_memory;
var $rsc_disk;
var $delay_bound;
function Work() {
$this->input_files = array();
$this->rsc_iops = 1.8e12;
$this->rsc_fpops = 1e13;
$this->rsc_memory = 1e7;
$this->rsc_disk = 1e7;
$this->delay_bound = 1000;
$this->redundancy = 1;
function install($project) {
verbose_echo(1, "Installing work <$this->wu_template> in project $project->short_name");
if (!$this->app) {
$this->app = $project->app_versions[0]->app;
$app = $this->app;
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->input_files); $i++) {
$x = $this->input_files[$i];
XPassThru("cp $x $project->project_dir/download");
// simulate multiple data servers by making symbolic links
// to the download directory
$f = fopen($this->wu_template,"r");
while(true) {
$temp = fgets($f,1000);
if($temp == false) break;
$temp = stristr($temp,"<DOWNLOAD_URL/>");
if($temp) {
$pos = strpos($temp,">");
if($temp[$pos + 2] != "<") {
$append = substr($temp, $pos+1,strpos($temp,"/<") - $pos -1);
XPassThru("ln -s $project->project_dir/download $project->project_dir/download$append");
// simulate multiple data servers by making copies of
// the file upload handler
$source_dir = SRC_DIR;
$append = null;
$f = fopen($this->result_template,"r");
while(true) {
$temp = fgets($f,1000);
if($temp == false) break;
$temp = stristr($temp,"<url>");
if($temp) {
$upload_url = strip_tags($temp,"<UPLOAD_URL/>");
if(strip_tags($upload_url)) {
$append = strip_tags($upload_url);
XPassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/file_upload_handler $project->project_dir/cgi/file_upload_handler$append");
$cmd = "create_work -db_name $project->db_name -download_dir $project->project_dir/download -upload_url $project->upload_url -download_url $project->download_url -keyfile $project->key_dir/upload_private -appname $app->name -rsc_iops $this->rsc_iops -rsc_fpops $this->rsc_fpops -rsc_disk $this->rsc_disk -wu_template $this->wu_template -result_template $this->result_template -redundancy $this->redundancy -wu_name $this->wu_template -delay_bound $this->delay_bound";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($this->input_files); $i++) {
$x = $this->input_files[$i];
$cmd = $cmd." ".$x;
function start_proxy($code)
verbose_XPassThru("./testproxy 8080 localhost:80 '$code' 2>/dev/null &");
function test_msg($msg)
echo "-- Testing " . $msg . ' ' . str_repeat('-', 78 - strlen($msg)-12) . "\n";
function test_done()
global $errors;
// PHP's exit function is really annoying, it prints the exit value
if ($errors) {
verbose_echo(0, "ERRORS: $errors");
exit ($errors);
} else {
verbose_echo(1, "Passed test!");
if (VERBOSE == 1)
echo "\n";