mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
306 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
306 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id$
# Creates a new BOINC project.
import boinc_path_config
from Boinc.setup_project import *
from Boinc import database, db_mid, configxml, tools
import sys, os, getopt, re, socket
def gethostname():
return socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
return 'localhost'
def isurl(s):
return s.startswith('http://') or s.startswith('https://')
argv0 = sys.argv[0]
HOME = os.path.expanduser('~')
USER = os.environ['USER']
NODENAME = gethostname()
HELP = """
syntax: %(argv0)s [options] project ['Project Long Name']
Creates a new project with given name with everything running on a single
Misc options:
--verbose={0,1,2} default: 1
-v alias for --verbose=2
--no_query accept all directories without querying
--user_name default: $USER (%(USER)s)
--delete_prev_inst delete project-root first (from prev installation)
--drop_db_first drop database first (from prev installation)
--base default: $HOME (%(HOME)s)
--key_dir default: BASE/keys
--project_root default: BASE/projects/PROJECT
--url_base default: http://$NODENAME/ (http://%(NODENAME)s/)
--html_user_url default: URL_BASE/PROJECT/
--html_ops_url default: URL_BASE/PROJECT_ops/
--cgi_url default: URL_BASE/PROJECT_cgi/
--db_name default: PROJECT
Example command line:
./make_project --base $HOME/boinc --url_base http://boink/ yah 'YETI @ Home'
Then upload_dir = $HOME/boinc/projects/yah/upload
and cgi_url = http://boink/yah_cgi/
By default, directory options will be queried if they do not exist yet.
""" %locals()
# Project-specific directory structure that you probably don't need to change:
# --bin_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/bin
# --cgi_bin_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/cgi-bin
# --html_user_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/html_user
# --html_ops_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/html_ops
# --download_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/download
# --upload_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/upload
# --log_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/log
# --pid_dir default: PROJECT_ROOT/pid
def syntax_error(str):
raise SystemExit('%s; See "%s --help" for help\n' % (str,sys.argv[0]))
def usage():
print HELP
raise SystemExit
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
[ 'help',
# 'bin_dir=',
# 'cgi_bin_dir=',
# 'html_user_dir=',
# 'html_ops_dir=',
# 'download_dir=',
# 'upload_dir=',
# 'log_dir=',
# 'pid_dir='
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
options.url_base = None
options.no_query = False
options.delete_prev_inst = False
for o,a in opts:
if o == '-h' or o == '--help': usage()
elif o == '-v': options.echo_verbose = 2
elif o == '--verbose': options.echo_verbose = int(a)
elif o == '--no_query': options.no_query = True
elif o == '--user_name': options.user_name = a
elif o == '--drop_db_first': options.drop_db_first = True
elif o == '--delete_prev_inst': options.delete_prev_inst = True
elif o == '--base': options.base = a
elif o == '--key_dir': options.key_dir = a
elif o == '--project_root': options.project_root = a
elif o == '--url_base': options.url_base = a
elif o == '--html_user_url': options.html_user_url = a
elif o == '--html_ops_url': options.html_ops_url = a
elif o == '--cgi_url': options.cgi_url = a
elif o == '--db_name': options.db_name = a
# elif o == '--bin_dir': options.bin_dir = a
# elif o == '--cgi_bin_dir': options.cgi_bin_dir = a
# elif o == '--html_user_dir': options.html_user_dir = a
# elif o == '--html_ops_dir': options.html_ops_dir = a
# elif o == '--download_dir': options.download_dir = a
# elif o == '--upload_dir': options.upload_dir = a
# elif o == '--log_dir': options.log_dir = a
# elif o == '--pid_dir': options.pid_dir = a
raise SystemExit('internal error o=%s'%o)
if len(args) == 2:
(project_shortname, project_longname) = args
elif len(args) == 1:
(project_shortname, project_longname) = args[0], args[0].capitalize()
syntax_error('Need one or two arguments')
opt_repls = {'PROJECT':project_shortname,
def delete_slash(str):
return os.path.join(str,'')[:-1]
def add_slash(str, action=True):
if action:
return os.path.join(str,'')
return str
def replopt(str):
for key in opt_repls:
str = str.replace(key, delete_slash(opt_repls[key]))
return str
def defopt(name, v, isdir=True):
options.__dict__[name] = opt_repls[name.upper()] = add_slash(replopt(options.__dict__.get(name) or v), isdir)
defopt('url_base' , 'http://%s/'%NODENAME)
if not isurl(options.url_base):
syntax_error('url_base needs to be an URL')
defopt('html_user_url' , 'URL_BASE/PROJECT')
defopt('html_ops_url' , 'URL_BASE/PROJECT_ops')
defopt('cgi_url' , 'URL_BASE/PROJECT_cgi')
defopt('user_name' , USER, isdir=False)
defopt('base' , HOME)
defopt('key_dir' , 'BASE/keys')
defopt('project_root' , 'BASE/projects/PROJECT')
defopt('db_name' , 'PROJECT', isdir=False)
print "Creating project '%s' (short name '%s'):" %(project_longname, project_shortname)
for k in ['base',
'cgi_url' ]:
print k.upper().rjust(15), "=", options.__dict__[k]
project_root_parent = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(options.project_root,'..'))
if not os.path.exists(project_root_parent):
if os.path.exists(options.project_root):
if options.delete_prev_inst:
if not options.no_query:
if not query_noyes('Delete %s?'%options.project_root):
raise SystemExit('Aborted')
print "Deleting", options.project_root
raise SystemExit('Project root already exists! Specify --delete_prev_inst --drop_db_first to clobber')
if not options.no_query:
if not query_yesno("Continue?"):
raise SystemExit('Aborted')
options.install_method = 'copy'
project = Project(project_shortname, project_longname,
project_dir = options.project_root,
master_url = options.html_user_url,
cgi_url = options.cgi_url,
key_dir = options.key_dir,
db_name = options.db_name,
production = 1
# project.sched_install('feeder')
# project.sched_install('transitioner')
# project.sched_install('validate_test')
# project.sched_install('assimilator')
# project.sched_install('file_deleter')
httpd_conf_template_filename = os.path.join(options.project_root,
proot = delete_slash(options.project_root)
html_user_url = options.html_user_url
html_ops_url = options.html_ops_url
print >>open(httpd_conf_template_filename,'w'), '''
## Settings for BOINC project %(project_longname)s
Alias /%(project_shortname)s %(proot)s/html_user
Alias /%(project_shortname)s_ops %(proot)s/html_ops
ScriptAlias /%(project_shortname)s_cgi %(proot)s/cgi-bin
# Note: projects/*/keys/ should NOT be readable!
<Directory "%(proot)s/html_user">
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "%(proot)s/html_ops">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "%(proot)s/cgi-bin">
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
''' %locals()
print '''Done installing files.
Steps to complete installation:
1. Set permissions for Apache:
cat %(httpd_conf_template_filename)s >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf && apachectl restart
# (path to httpd.conf varies)
2. Add to crontab (as %(USER)s)
(If cron cannot run "start", try using a helper script to set PATH and
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * %(proot)s/bin/start --cron
To start, show status, stop BOINC daemons run:
Master URL: %(html_user_url)s
Administration URL: %(html_ops_url)s
Tasks to do:
1. Add platform(s)
%(proot)s/bin/add platform --name=c64 --user_f="Commodore 64"
%(proot)s/bin/add platform --name=i686-pc-linux-gnu --user_f="Linux x86"
2. Add application(s)
%(proot)s/bin/add app --name=SpaghettiAtHome
3. Add core client and application binaries
3a. Place compiled clients in %(proot)s/apps/boinc/ and %(proot)s/apps/APP/
3b. Run %(proot)s/bin/update_versions
4. Generate work : read documentation at http://boinc.berkeley.edu/