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390 lines
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// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2005 University of California
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Mac_Saver_ModuleView.m
// BOINC_Saver_Module
#import "Mac_Saver_ModuleView.h"
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...);
void strip_cr(char *buf);
int gGoToBlank; // True if we are to blank the screen
int gBlankingTime; // Delay in minutes before blanking the screen
NSString *gPathToBundleResources;
NSImage *gBOINC_Logo;
NSRect gMovingRect;
float gImageXIndent;
float gTextBoxHeight;
NSPoint gCurrentPosition;
NSPoint gCurrentDelta;
ATSUStyle theStyle;
ATSUFontID theFontID;
Fixed atsuSize;
char myFontName[] = "Helvetica";
//char myFontName[] = "Lucida Blackletter";
ATSUAttributeTag theTags[] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag };
ByteCount theSizes[] = { sizeof (ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed) };
ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = { &theFontID, &atsuSize };
CGContextRef myContext;
bool isErased;
#define SAFETYBORDER 20.0
#define MINDELTA 8
#define MAXDELTA 20
int signof(float x) {
return (x > 0.0 ? 1 : -1);
@implementation BOINC_Saver_ModuleView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame isPreview:(BOOL)isPreview {
NSBundle * myBundle;
OSStatus err;
self = [ super initWithFrame:frame isPreview:isPreview ];
if (gBOINC_Logo == NULL) {
if (self) {
myBundle = [ NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
// grab the screensaver defaults
mBundleID = [ myBundle bundleIdentifier ];
// Path to our copy of switcher utility application in this screensaver bundle
gPathToBundleResources = [ myBundle resourcePath ];
ScreenSaverDefaults *defaults = [ ScreenSaverDefaults defaultsForModuleWithName:mBundleID ];
// try to load the version key, used to see if we have any saved settings
mVersion = [defaults floatForKey:@"version"];
if (!mVersion) {
// no previous settings so define our defaults
mVersion = 1;
gGoToBlank = NO;
gBlankingTime = 1;
// write out the defaults
[ defaults setInteger:mVersion forKey:@"version" ];
[ defaults setInteger:gGoToBlank forKey:@"GoToBlank" ];
[ defaults setInteger:gBlankingTime forKey:@"BlankingTime" ];
// synchronize
[defaults synchronize];
// set defaults...
gGoToBlank = [ defaults integerForKey:@"GoToBlank" ];
gBlankingTime = [ defaults integerForKey:@"BlankingTime" ];
[ self setAutoresizesSubviews:YES ]; // make sure the subview resizes.
NSString *fileName = [[ NSBundle bundleForClass:[ self class ]] pathForImageResource:@"boinc_ss_logo" ];
if (! fileName) {
// What should we do in this case?
return self;
gBOINC_Logo = [[ NSImage alloc ] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName ];
gMovingRect.origin.x = 0.0;
gMovingRect.origin.y = 0.0;
gMovingRect.size = [gBOINC_Logo size];
if (gMovingRect.size.width < TEXTBOXMINWIDTH) {
gImageXIndent = (TEXTBOXMINWIDTH - gMovingRect.size.width) / 2;
gMovingRect.size.width = TEXTBOXMINWIDTH;
} else {
gImageXIndent = 0.0;
gMovingRect.size.height += gTextBoxHeight;
gCurrentPosition.x = SAFETYBORDER + 1;
gCurrentPosition.y = SAFETYBORDER + 1 + gTextBoxHeight;
gCurrentDelta.x = 1.0;
gCurrentDelta.y = 1.0;
[ self setAnimationTimeInterval:1/8.0 ];
ATSUFindFontFromName(myFontName, strlen(myFontName), kFontFamilyName, kFontMacintoshPlatform,
kFontNoScriptCode, kFontNoLanguageCode, &theFontID);
err = ATSUCreateStyle(&theStyle);
atsuSize = Long2Fix (20);
err = ATSUSetAttributes(theStyle, 2, theTags, theSizes, theValues);
return self;
- (void)startAnimation {
int newFrequency;
[ super startAnimation ];
if ( [ self isPreview ] )
newFrequency = initBOINCSaver([ self isPreview ]);
if (newFrequency)
[ self setAnimationTimeInterval:1.0/newFrequency ];
- (void)stopAnimation {
[ super stopAnimation ];
if ( [ self isPreview ] )
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
[ super drawRect:rect ];
// optionally draw here
- (void)animateOneFrame {
int newFrequency = 0;
NSRect theFrame = [ self frame ];
NSRect currentDrawingRect, eraseRect;
NSPoint imagePosition;
Rect r;
char *msg;
CFStringRef cf_msg;
AbsoluteTime timeToUnblock, frameStartTime = UpTime();
OSStatus err;
if ([ self isPreview ]) {
#if 1 // Currently drawRect just draws our logo in the preview window
NSString *fileName = [[ NSBundle bundleForClass:[ self class ]] pathForImageResource:@"boinc" ];
if (fileName) {
NSImage *myImage = [[ NSImage alloc ] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName ];
[ myImage setScalesWhenResized:YES ];
[ myImage setSize:theFrame.size ];
[ myImage compositeToPoint:NSZeroPoint operation:NSCompositeSourceOver ];
[ myImage release ];
[ self setAnimationTimeInterval:1/1.0 ];
#else // Code for possible future use if we want to draw more in preview
myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
[ self setAnimationTimeInterval:1/30.0 ];
myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
// [myContext retain];
NSWindow *myWindow = [ self window ];
NSRect windowFrame = [ myWindow frame ];
if ( (windowFrame.origin.x != 0) || (windowFrame.origin.y != 0) ) {
// Hide window on second display to aid in debugging
// [[[ NSView focusView] window ] setLevel:kCGMinimumWindowLevel ];
return; // We draw only to main screen
NSRect viewBounds = [self bounds];
newFrequency = getSSMessage(&msg);
// Clear the previous drawing area
currentDrawingRect = gMovingRect;
currentDrawingRect.origin.x = (float) ((int)gCurrentPosition.x);
currentDrawingRect.origin.y += (float) ((int)gCurrentPosition.y - gTextBoxHeight);
if ( (msg != NULL) && (msg[0] != '\0') ) {
// Set direction of motion to "bounce" off edges of screen
if (currentDrawingRect.origin.x <= SAFETYBORDER) {
gCurrentDelta.x = (float)SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) / 8.;
gCurrentDelta.y = (float)(SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) * signof(gCurrentDelta.y)) / 8.;
if ( (currentDrawingRect.origin.x + currentDrawingRect.size.width) >=
(viewBounds.origin.x + viewBounds.size.width - SAFETYBORDER) ) {
gCurrentDelta.x = -(float)SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) / 8.;
gCurrentDelta.y = (float)(SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) * signof(gCurrentDelta.y)) / 8.;
if (currentDrawingRect.origin.y <= SAFETYBORDER) {
gCurrentDelta.y = (float)SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) / 8.;
gCurrentDelta.x = (float)(SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) * signof(gCurrentDelta.x)) / 8.;
if ( (currentDrawingRect.origin.y + currentDrawingRect.size.height) >=
(viewBounds.origin.y + viewBounds.size.height - SAFETYBORDER) ) {
gCurrentDelta.y = -(float)SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) / 8.;
gCurrentDelta.x = (float)(SSRandomIntBetween(MINDELTA, MAXDELTA) * signof(gCurrentDelta.x)) / 8.;
#if 0
// For testing
gCurrentDelta.x = 0;
gCurrentDelta.y = 0;
if (!isErased) {
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
// Erasing only 2 small rectangles reduces screensaver's CPU usage by about 25%
imagePosition.x = (float) ((int)gCurrentPosition.x + gImageXIndent);
imagePosition.y = (float) (int)gCurrentPosition.y;
eraseRect.origin.y = imagePosition.y;
eraseRect.size.height = currentDrawingRect.size.height - gTextBoxHeight;
if (gCurrentDelta.x > 0) {
eraseRect.origin.x = imagePosition.x - 1;
eraseRect.size.width = gCurrentDelta.x + 1;
} else {
eraseRect.origin.x = currentDrawingRect.origin.x + currentDrawingRect.size.width - gImageXIndent + gCurrentDelta.x - 1;
eraseRect.size.width = -gCurrentDelta.x + 1;
eraseRect = NSInsetRect(eraseRect, -1, -1);
eraseRect.origin.x = imagePosition.x;
eraseRect.size.width = currentDrawingRect.size.width - gImageXIndent - gImageXIndent;
if (gCurrentDelta.y > 0) {
eraseRect.origin.y = imagePosition.y;
eraseRect.size.height = gCurrentDelta.y + 1;
} else {
eraseRect.origin.y = imagePosition.y + currentDrawingRect.size.height - gTextBoxHeight - 1;
eraseRect.size.height = -gCurrentDelta.y + 1;
eraseRect = NSInsetRect(eraseRect, -1, -1);
eraseRect = currentDrawingRect;
eraseRect.size.height = gTextBoxHeight;
eraseRect = NSInsetRect(eraseRect, -1, -1);
isErased = true;
// Get the new drawing area
gCurrentPosition.x += gCurrentDelta.x;
gCurrentPosition.y += gCurrentDelta.y;
imagePosition.x = (float) ((int)gCurrentPosition.x + gImageXIndent);
imagePosition.y = (float) (int)gCurrentPosition.y;
// Calculate QuickDraw Rect for current text box
r.left = (float) ((int)gCurrentPosition.x);
r.right = r.left + gMovingRect.size.width;
r.top = viewBounds.size.height - imagePosition.y;
r.bottom = r.top + (int)MAXTEXTBOXHEIGHT;
r.top += TEXTBOXTOPBORDER; // Add a few pixels space below image
TXNTextBoxOptionsData theOptions = {kTXNUseCGContextRefMask, kATSUStartAlignment,
kATSUNoJustification, 0, myContext };
cf_msg = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, msg, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
[ gBOINC_Logo compositeToPoint:imagePosition operation:NSCompositeCopy ];
err = TXNDrawCFStringTextBox ( cf_msg, &r, theStyle, &theOptions);
gTextBoxHeight = r.bottom - r.top + TEXTBOXTOPBORDER;
gMovingRect.size.height = [gBOINC_Logo size].height + gTextBoxHeight;
isErased = false;
} else { // Empty or NULL message
if (!isErased) {
eraseRect = NSInsetRect(currentDrawingRect, -1, -1);
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
isErased = true;
gMovingRect.size.height = [gBOINC_Logo size].height + gTextBoxHeight;
if (newFrequency)
[ self setAnimationTimeInterval:(1.0/newFrequency) ];
// setAnimationTimeInterval does not seem to be working, so we
// throttle the screensaver directly here.
timeToUnblock = AddDurationToAbsolute(durationSecond/newFrequency, frameStartTime);
- (BOOL)hasConfigureSheet {
return YES;
// Display the configuration sheet for the user to choose their settings
- (NSWindow*)configureSheet
// if we haven't loaded our configure sheet, load the nib named MyScreenSaver.nib
if (!mConfigureSheet)
[ NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"BOINCSaver" owner:self ];
// set the UI state
[ mGoToBlankCheckbox setState:gGoToBlank ];
mBlankingTimeString = [[ NSString alloc ] initWithFormat:@"%d", gBlankingTime ];
[ mBlankingTimeTextField setStringValue:mBlankingTimeString ];
return mConfigureSheet;
// Called when the user clicked the SAVE button
- (IBAction) closeSheetSave:(id) sender
// get the defaults
ScreenSaverDefaults *defaults = [ ScreenSaverDefaults defaultsForModuleWithName:mBundleID ];
// save the UI state
gGoToBlank = [ mGoToBlankCheckbox state ];
mBlankingTimeString = [ mBlankingTimeTextField stringValue ];
gBlankingTime = [ mBlankingTimeString intValue ];
// write the defaults
[ defaults setInteger:gGoToBlank forKey:@"GoToBlank" ];
[ defaults setInteger:gBlankingTime forKey:@"BlankingTime" ];
// synchronize
[ defaults synchronize ];
// end the sheet
[ NSApp endSheet:mConfigureSheet ];
// Called when the user clicked the CANCEL button
- (IBAction) closeSheetCancel:(id) sender
// nothing to configure
[ NSApp endSheet:mConfigureSheet ];