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// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2005 University of California
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// scheduler code related to homogeneous redundancy
#include "config.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "error_numbers.h"
#include "server_types.h"
#include "sched_config.h"
#include "sched_msgs.h"
#include "sched_hr.h"
#ifdef _USING_FCGI_
#include "fcgi_stdio.h"
#define FCGI_ToFILE(x) (x)
const int nocpu = 1;
const int Intel = 2;
const int AMD = 3;
const int Macintosh = 4;
const int AMDAthlon = 5;
const int AMDDuron = 6;
const int AMDSempron = 7;
const int AMDOpteron = 8;
const int AMDAthlon64 = 9;
const int AMDAthlonXP = 10;
const int IntelXeon = 11;
const int IntelCeleron = 12;
const int IntelPentium = 13;
const int IntelPentiumII = 14;
const int IntelPentiumIII = 15;
const int IntelPentium4 = 16;
const int IntelPentiumD = 17;
const int IntelPentiumM = 18;
const int AMDAthlonMP = 19;
const int AMDTurion = 20;
const int IntelCore2 = 21;
const int noos = 128;
const int Linux = 256;
const int Windows = 384;
const int Darwin = 512;
const int freebsd = 640;
inline int OS(HOST& host){
if (strcasestr(host.os_name, "Linux")) return Linux;
else if (strcasestr(host.os_name, "Windows")) return Windows;
else if (strcasestr(host.os_name, "Darwin")) return Darwin;
else if (strcasestr(host.os_name, "FreeBSD")) return freebsd;
else return noos;
inline int CPU(HOST& host){
if (strcasestr(host.p_vendor, "Intel")) {
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Xeon")) return IntelXeon;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Celeron")) {
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, " M ")) return IntelPentiumM;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, " D ")) return IntelPentiumD;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "III")) return IntelPentiumIII;
return IntelCeleron;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Core")) return IntelCore2;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Pentium")) {
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "III")) return IntelPentiumIII;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "II")) return IntelPentiumII;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, " 4 ")) return IntelPentium4;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, " D ")) return IntelPentiumD;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, " M ")) return IntelPentiumM;
return IntelPentium;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "x86")) {
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 6")) return IntelCeleron;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 9")) return IntelPentiumM;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 10")) return IntelXeon;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 5 Model 1")) return IntelPentium;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 5 Model 2")) return IntelPentium;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 1")) return IntelPentium;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 15 Model 1")) return IntelPentium4;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 15 Model 2")) return IntelPentium4;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 7")) return IntelPentiumIII;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 8" )) return IntelPentiumIII;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 11")) return IntelPentiumIII;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 3")) return IntelPentiumII;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Family 6 Model 5")) return IntelPentiumII;
return Intel;
} else if(strcasestr(host.p_vendor, "AMD")) {
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Duron")) return AMDDuron;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Opteron")) return AMDOpteron;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Sempron")) return AMDSempron;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Turion")) return AMDTurion;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "Athlon")) {
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "XP")) return AMDAthlonXP;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "MP")) return AMDAthlonMP;
if (strcasestr(host.p_model, "64")) return AMDAthlon64;
return AMDAthlon;
return AMD;
else if (strcasestr(host.p_vendor, "Macintosh")) return Macintosh;
else return nocpu;
inline int HR_CLASS(HOST& host) {
return OS(host) + CPU(host);
int hr_class(HOST& host) {
return HR_CLASS(host);
bool hr_unknown_platform(HOST& host) {
if (OS(host) == noos) return true;
if (CPU(host) == nocpu) return true;
return false;
// quick check for platform compatibility
bool already_sent_to_different_platform_quick(
) {
int host_hr_class = HR_CLASS(sreq.host);
if (wu.hr_class) {
if (host_hr_class != wu.hr_class) {
return true;
return false;
// If we've already sent a result of this WU to a different platform
// return true
// else if we haven't sent a result to ANY platform
// update WU with platform code
// return false
// (where "platform" is os_name + p_vendor; may want to sharpen this for Unix)
bool already_sent_to_different_platform_careful(
) {
int retval, wu_hr_class;
char buf[256];
// reread hr_class field from DB in case it's changed
db_wu.id = workunit.id;
retval = db_wu.get_field_int("hr_class", wu_hr_class);
if (retval) {
SCHED_MSG_LOG::MSG_CRITICAL, "can't get hr_class for %d: %d\n",
db_wu.id, retval
return true;
wreq.hr_reject_temp = false;
int host_hr_class = HR_CLASS(sreq.host);
if (wu_hr_class) {
if (host_hr_class != wu_hr_class) {
wreq.hr_reject_temp = true;
} else {
sprintf(buf, "hr_class=%d", host_hr_class);
return wreq.hr_reject_temp;
const char *BOINC_RCSID_4196d9a5b4="$Id$";