mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
155 lines
5.7 KiB
155 lines
5.7 KiB
include_once( "../inc/db.inc" );
include_once( "../inc/util.inc" );
include_once( "../inc/prefs.inc" );
include_once( "../inc/queue.inc" );
$timestr = time_str(time(0));
$jobapplication = post_int( 'application' );
$jobname = escapeshellcmd( $_POST[ 'name' ] );
$jobinput = post_str( 'input' );
$jobfops = post_int( 'fops' );
$jobdisk = post_int( 'disk' );
$jobmem = post_int( 'mem' );
if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$jobinput = stripslashes( $jobinput );
$config = get_config();
$name = parse_config( $config, "<long_name>" );
$user = get_logged_in_user();
$jobapplicationname = mysql_fetch_object( mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM app WHERE id=".$jobapplication ) );
$app = $jobapplicationname;
$jobapplicationfriendlyname = $jobapplicationname -> user_friendly_name;
$jobapplicationname = $jobapplicationname -> name;
$title = "New job for '".$jobname."' ".$user -> name." at ".$timestr;
page_head( $title );
row1( "Job speciffics" );
row2( "Job application: ", $jobapplicationfriendlyname );
row2( "Job name: ", $jobname );
row2( "Job estimated time to complete: ", floor( ( float )( $jobfops ) / 92254963740 )." min. " );
row2( "Job estimated memory usage: ", floor( ( float )( $jobmem ) / 1048576 )." Mb. " );
row2( "Job estimated disk usage: ", floor( ( float )( $jobdisk ) / 1048576 )." Mb. " );
row2( "Job input:", '<textarea wrap="off" rows="20" cols="74">'.$jobinput.'</textarea>' );
if( ( $jobname == "" ) || strpos( $jobname, "queue" ) || strpos( $jobname, " " ) ||
strpos( $jobname, '"' ) || strpos( $jobname, "'" ) || strpos( $jobname, "`" ) ||
strpos( $jobname, "\\" ) )
exit_with_text( "The job name is invalid !" );
if( $jobinput == "" )
exit_with_text( "There was no input !" );
$appqmax = nr_of_jobs_for_user_for_app( $user, $app );
$appsubmitted = nr_of_submitted_jobs_for_user_for_app( $user, $app );
if( $appqmax <= $appsubmitted )
exit_with_text( "Job limit would be exceeded!" );
$bin_dir = parse_config( $config, "<bin_dir>" );
$download_dir = parse_config( $config, "<download_dir>" );
$upload_dir = parse_config( $config, "<upload_dir>" );
$template_dir = parse_config( $config, "<template_dir>" );
$config_dir = parse_config( $config, "<project_dir>" );
$createworkprogram = parse_config( $config, "<create_work_program>" );
$extendedjobname = $jobname."_queue_".$jobapplication."_".time(0)."_".random_string();
$extendedjobname = escapeshellcmd( $extendedjobname );
$wu_template = $template_dir."/queue_".$jobapplicationname."_work_unit_template";
$result_template = $template_dir."/queue_".$jobapplicationname."_result_unit_template";
$temporaryinputfile = $extendedjobname;
$command_to_submit = $bin_dir."/".$createworkprogram;
$command_to_submit .= " -config_dir ".$config_dir;
$command_to_submit .= " -appname ".$jobapplicationname;
$command_to_submit .= " -wu_name ".$extendedjobname;
$command_to_submit .= " -wu_template ".$wu_template;
$command_to_submit .= " -result_template ".$result_template;
$command_to_submit .= " -rsc_fpops_est ".floor( ( float )( $jobfops ) );
$command_to_submit .= " -rsc_fpops_bound ".floor( 3.0 * ( float )( $jobfops ) );
$command_to_submit .= " -rsc_memory_bound ".floor( ( float )( $jobmem ) );
$command_to_submit .= " -rsc_disk_bound ".floor( ( float )( $jobdisk ) );
$command_to_submit .= " -priority 10 -batch ".$user -> id;
$command_to_submit .= " ".$temporaryinputfile;
$command_to_submit = escapeshellcmd( $command_to_submit );
$command_to_submit = "cd ".$config_dir."; ".$command_to_submit;
$temporaryinputfile = $download_dir."/".$temporaryinputfile;
$filehandle = fopen( $temporaryinputfile, "w" );
if( !$filehandle )
exit_with_text( "Cannot create the temporary input file !" );
if( !fwrite( $filehandle, $jobinput ) )
fclose( $filehandle );
exit_with_text( "Cannot write to the temporary input file !" );
fclose( $filehandle );
if( strpos( $jobapplicationname, "classical" ) !== false )
$testinputcommand = $bin_dir."/verify_classical_input ".$temporaryinputfile." /dev/null /dev/stdout /dev/stdout";
$testinputcommand = escapeshellcmd( $testinputcommand );
$testinputcommand = "cd ".$config_dir."; ".$testinputcommand;
$errorline = 0;
exec( $testinputcommand, &$outputoftest, &$errorline );
if( $errorline != 0 )
$errorstring = "Your input had an error on line ".$errorline." ! The job was not submitted !";
unlink( $temporaryinputfile );
exit_with_text( $errorstring );
system( $command_to_submit );
unlink( $temporaryinputfile );
$workunit = mysql_fetch_object( mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM workunit WHERE name='".$extendedjobname."'" ) );
if( !$workunit )
exit_with_text( "Error during submition of the workunit associated with your job !" );
$qlistentry = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO q_list VALUES('','".$user->id."','".$workunit->id."')" );
if( !$qlistentry )
exit_with_text( "Error during submition of your job !" );
$jobidlink = '<a href="queue_show_job.php?workunitid='.$workunit -> id.'">'.$jobname.' ('.$workunit -> id.')</a>';
row1( "Your job has been submitted !" );
row2( "Job status: ", workunit_status_string( $workunit ) );
row2( "Job id: ", $jobidlink );
row1( "Commands" );
row2( "Status of this job: ", '<a href="queue_show_job.php?workunitid='.$workunit -> id.'">Show job status</a>' );
$max_jobs = max_nr_of_jobs_of_user( $user );
$njobs = nr_of_jobs_of_user( $user );
if( $njobs < $max_jobs )
if( $max_jobs - $njobs > 1 )
$line = "You can submit ".($max_jobs-$njobs)." more jobs: ";
$line = "You can submit one more job: ";
row2( $line, '<a href="queue_new_job_form.php">Submit another job</a>' );
row2( "", '<a href="queue_show_queue.php">Go back to your queue</a>' );
row2( "", '<a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' );