
436 lines
17 KiB

$cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
$lang_language_dir = "../languages/";
$lang_translations_dir = "translations/";
$lang_prj_translations_dir = "project_specific_translations/";
$lang_compiled_dir = "compiled/";
$lang_project_default = "en";
$lang_log_level = 0;
$lang_log_file = $lang_language_dir."translator.log";
function getSupportedLanguages(){
global $lang_language_dir, $lang_compiled_dir;
//echo $lang_language_dir.$lang_compiled_dir;
if (is_dir($lang_language_dir.$lang_compiled_dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($lang_language_dir.$lang_compiled_dir)) { //If dir exists
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//read contents
if ($file==".." or $file=="."){
} else if (substr($file,-7)==""){
//only files ending in
$list[] = substr($file,0,-7);
} else {echo "uh";}
return $list;
function trSpecific($tokennumber, $language=""){
global $lang_language_dir, $lang_compiled_dir;
$language= substr($language,0,5);
if ($language!="" && file_exists($lang_language_dir.$lang_compiled_dir.$language."")){
//If we have the language, include it
//echo "[$language]";
return stripslashes($language_lookup_array[$tokennumber]);
} else {
return false;
* Parses the language interface file containing the tokens (can parse .po-style files)
function parseLanguageInterface($file){
$translation_file = file($file);
for ($i = 0;$i<sizeof($translation_file);$i++){
$entry = ltrim(trim($translation_file[$i]));
if (($pos=strpos($entry, "msgid"))!==false){
//If found msgid entry
if (ltrim(trim($token))!=""){
return $interface;
* Builds the lookup arrays from the language interface file
* and the language files found in the $dir directory subtree
function buildLanguages($langdir,$transdir,$prjtransdir,$compdir){
global $lang_project_default;
$actual_compdir = $compdir; // Store the actual compile dir, we want to use a temporary addition
$randomness = rand(10000,99999)."_"; //Concat some randomness to the temporary dir, we'll rename files later
$compdir .=$randomness; // This is to ensure that no problems arise even when the filesystem fails to
//ensure mutual exclusion for compile timer tests. This way a new file will simply
//overwrite the old one instead of garbling it if 2 processes of this compiler runs
//The reason why we are using filename prefixes here is that on some installations PHP isn't allowed
//to create and use new directories (due to wrong permissions or SELinux restrictions).
//Touching compile timer
fwrite($fh, time());
//First build the list of defines for the tokens
//and place it in an include file in the directory
$interface = parseLanguageInterface($langdir.$transdir.$lang_project_default.".po");
if (!$fh = fopen($langdir.$compdir."","w")) {
language_log("Could not access $langdir $compdir - please check permissions",2);
fwrite($fh, "<?php\n");
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($interface);$i++){
//Translate to PHP
fwrite($fh, "define(\"".$interface[$i]."\",".$i.");\n");
fwrite($fh, '?>');
$real_interface_size = sizeof($interface);
//Now run trough each language and recompile their lookup arrays.
if (is_dir($langdir.$transdir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($langdir.$transdir)) {
//If dir exists
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//read contents
if ($file==".." or $file=="."){
} else if (substr($file,-3)==".po"){
//only files ending in .po
language_log("----------------Compiling $file---------------",0);
$language = parseLanguage($langdir.$transdir.$file, $interface);
if (!$fh = fopen($langdir.$compdir.$file.".inc","w")) {
language_log("ERROR: could not access $langdir $compdir - please check permissions",2);
fwrite($fh, "<?php\n");
$keys = array_keys($language);
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($interface);$i++){
if (isset($keys[$i]) && isset($language[$keys[$i]]) && $language[$keys[$i]]!="") {
//Translate to PHP
fwrite($fh, "\$language_lookup_array[".$keys[$i]."] = \"".addslashes($language[$keys[$i]])."\";\n");
fwrite($fh, '?>');
} else {
//debug("File $file with unknown extension found in $info_dir");
} else {
//debug("$info_dir could not be opened - check permissions?");
} else {
//debug("$info_dir not found or is not a directory");
//Do the same again, this time for the project specific language files
// and instead of creating new compiled files
// just add to whatever existing ones
if (is_dir($langdir.$prjtransdir)) {
$interface = parseLanguageInterface($langdir.$prjtransdir.$lang_project_default.".po");
if (!$fh = fopen($langdir.$compdir."","a")) {
language_log("ERROR: could not access $langdir $compdir - please check permissions",2);
fwrite($fh, "<?php\n");
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($interface);$i++){
fwrite($fh, "define(\"".$interface[$i]."\",".($i+$real_interface_size).");\n");
fwrite($fh, '?>');
if ($dh = opendir($langdir.$prjtransdir)) {
//If dir exists
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//read contents
if ($file==".." or $file=="."){
} else if (substr($file,-3)==".po"){
//only files ending in .po
language_log("----------------Compiling project specific $file---------------",0);
$language = parseLanguage($langdir.$prjtransdir.$file, $interface);
if (!$fh = fopen($langdir.$compdir.$file.".inc","a")) {
language_log("ERROR: could not access $langdir $compdir - please check permissions",2);
fwrite($fh, "<?php\n");
$keys = array_keys($language);
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($interface);$i++){
if ($language[$keys[$i]]!="") {
fwrite($fh, "\$language_lookup_array[".($real_interface_size+$keys[$i])."] = \"".addslashes($language[$keys[$i]])."\";\n"); //Translate to PHP
fwrite($fh, '?>');
} else {
//debug("File $file with unknown extension found in $info_dir");
} else {
//debug("$info_dir could not be opened - check permissions?");
} else {
//debug("$info_dir not found or is not a directory");
//Lastly we will rename the files to their real names (remove the random prefix):
if ($dh = opendir($langdir.$actual_compdir)) { //If dir exists
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//read contents
if ($file==".." or $file=="." or (substr($file,0,strlen($randomness))!=$randomness)){
// Do nothing
} else if (substr($file,-4)==".inc"){
//only files ending in .inc
rename ($langdir.$actual_compdir.$file, $langdir.$actual_compdir.substr($file,strlen($randomness)));
} else {
echo "no compile dir?!";
* Have some of the files changed?
function languagesNeedsRebuild($langdir,$transdir,$prjtransdir, $compdir){
if (!file_exists($langdir.$compdir)){
//This directory does not exist - try to create one
return true;
//and force an update since we need it
// return false; //Uncomment this to speed up things when you know that you will manually recompile the languages when updated...
$last_compile = filemtime($langdir."last_compile_timer");
//This file gets touched each time a compile finishes
if (is_dir($langdir.$transdir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($langdir.$transdir)) {
//If dir exists
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//read contents
if ($file==".." or $file=="."){
} else if (substr($file,-3)==".po"){
//only files ending in .po
if (filemtime($langdir.$transdir.$file)>$last_compile) return true;
if (is_dir($langdir.$prjtransdir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($langdir.$prjtransdir)) {
//If dir exists
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
//read contents
if ($file==".." or $file=="."){
} else if (substr($file,-3)==".po"){
//only files ending in .po
if (filemtime($langdir.$prjtransdir.$file)>$last_compile) return true;
return false;
//All checks say that nothing has changed.
* Parses a gettext .po-file into an indexed PHP array,
* checking for inconsistencies if needed.
* The $file is parsed and validated against $interface
function parseLanguage($file, $interface){
if (sizeof($interface)<1){
language_log("No interface defined for 'compileLanguages()'",2);
$translation_file = file($file);
$first_entry = true;
for ($i = 0;$i<sizeof($translation_file);$i++){
$entry = ltrim(trim($translation_file[$i]));
//echo $entry;
if (($pos=strpos($entry, "msgid"))!==false){
//If found msgid entry
if (!$first_entry){
//If this is not the first, save the previous entry
//Does token msgid entry exist in interface?
//If so, add to output
$id = checkToken($current_token, $interface, $i);
if ($id!==false){
$current_token = getPOLineContent($entry);
//Now it is no longer the first entry
} elseif (substr($translation_file[$i],0,1)!="#") {
//echo "Else";
$id = checkToken($current_token, $interface, $i);
if ($id!==false){
checkMissingTokens($output, $interface);
return $output;
* Checks if token is in interface.
* Displays error if not
function checkToken($current_token, $interface, $line){
$id = array_search($current_token,$interface);
if ($id===false){
language_log("Above line ".$line.": Language file $file has a token (".$current_token.") that is not defined in the interface.",1);
return false;
} else {
return $id;
* This function prints any missing tokens as errors
function checkMissingTokens($language_array, $interface){
$diff = array_values(array_diff( array_keys($interface),array_keys($language_array)));
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($diff); $i++){
language_log("Language file is missing token (".$interface[$diff[$i]].")",1);
* Returns the contents of a line (ie removes "" from start and end)
function getPOLineContent($line){
$start = strpos($line, '"')+1;
$stop = strrpos($line, '"');
return substr($line, $start, $stop-$start);
* Translate token
* Use the token name as a constant - like echo tr(MENU_ABOUT);
function tr($tokennumber){
global $language_lookup_array;
if (strval(intval($tokennumber))!=$tokennumber){
echo "token $tokennumber missing from language interface.";
language_log("token $tokennumber missing from language interface.");
if (array_key_exists($tokennumber,$language_lookup_array)){
//If language has got the token
//If found in client language, return that
return stripslashes($language_lookup_array[$tokennumber]);
return "[MISSING TEXT]"; //If not found there display "MISSING TEXT"
function language_log($message, $loglevel=0){
global $lang_log_level, $lang_log_file;
if ($loglevel==0) $msg = "[ Debug ]";
if ($loglevel==1) $msg = "[ Warning ]";
if ($loglevel==2) $msg = "[ CRITICAL ]";
if ($loglevel>=$lang_log_level){
$fh = fopen($lang_log_file,"a");
fwrite($fh, date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())." ".$msg." ".$message."\n");
if (languagesNeedsRebuild($lang_language_dir, $lang_translations_dir, $lang_prj_translations_dir, $lang_compiled_dir) || get_str("compile_languages",true)){
buildLanguages($lang_language_dir,$lang_translations_dir,$lang_prj_translations_dir, $lang_compiled_dir);
// Define some variables (from constants) that the language files can use in the translation:
if (file_exists($lang_language_dir.$lang_compiled_dir."")){
//Make a list of languages which the user prefers (by looking at cookies and browser settings)
//cookies have highest priority.
if (isset($_COOKIE['lang'])){
$language_string = $_COOKIE['lang'].",";
} else {
$language_string = '';
$language_string .= strtolower($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
//Find out which language to use by iterating trough list
//The list is commaseperated, so split it into an array of the following type:
// Array (
// [0] => da
// [1] => en-us;q=0.7
// [2] => en;q=0.3
// )
//Now a language is either defined as primary-secondary or merely primary
//it can also have a quality attribute set - which orders the languages in a user
//preffered ordering. Since this is usally the same order as the array indices
//we just ignore this attribute. (TODO: don't ignore this attribute)
//A missing quality attribute means q=1
//Always include the project default as fallback
for ($i=sizeof($client_languages);$i>=0;$i--){
//Now for each language that the client requests
if ((strlen($client_languages[$i])>2) && (substr($client_languages[$i],2,1)=="_" || substr($client_languages[$i],2,1)=="-")){
//If this is defined as primary-secondary
$language = substr(
//represent it as xx_YY
} else {
$language = substr($client_languages[$i],0,2);
//else just use xx
if (file_exists($lang_language_dir.$lang_compiled_dir.$language."")) {
//If we have the language, include it
//echo "[$language]";
} else {
language_log("Could not load language interface.",2);
echo "ERROR: Could not load language interface. This is a fatal error, exitting.";