
217 lines
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page_head("Exporting statistics data");
echo "
BOINC projects may export data describing teams, users and hosts.
This data is exported in XML files that can be downloaded
by HTTP from a designated server.
The data is presented in several different 'views':
teams ordered by credit, teams ordered by ID, etc.
To increase the efficiency of data access,
views are broken into a number of files,
each containing a fixed number of records.
The entries in a given file are in either 'summary' or 'detail' form.
For example, the summary of a team gives its ID, name, and credit,
while the detailed from also contains a list of its members.
These files can be zipped or gzipped by passing the '-zip' or '-gzip'
command to the db_dump program.
The files are as follows:
For each table (team, user, and host) this gives
<li> the total number of records
<li> the number of records per file for summary files
<li> the number of records per file for detail files
It also includes the UNIX time when the files were last generated.<br>
For example:
Team summaries, ordered by decreasing <a href=credit.php>total credit</a><.
N is 0, 1, ...
Team summaries, ordered by decreasing <a href=credit.php>recent-average credit</a>.
Team details, ordered by increasing ID.
User summaries, ordered by decreasing total credit.
User summaries, ordered by decreasing recent-average credit.
User details, ordered by increasing ID.
Host summaries, ordered by decreasing total credit.
Host summaries, ordered by decreasing recent-average credit.
Host details, ordered by increasing ID.
The format of the various XML elements is as follows:
<b>Team summary</b>
&lt;name>Broadband Reports Team Starfire&lt;/name>
<b>Team detail</b>
&lt;name>Broadband Reports Team Starfire&lt;/name>
&lt;name>John Keck&lt;/name>
<b>User summary</b>
&lt;name>John Keck&lt;/name>
<b>User detail</b>
&lt;name>Eric Heien&lt;/name>
&lt;country>United States&lt;/country>
<b>Host summary</b>
<b>Host detail</b>
&lt;os_name>Windows XP&lt;/os_name>