mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
91 lines
3.1 KiB
91 lines
3.1 KiB
include_once( "../inc/db.inc" );
include_once( "../inc/util.inc" );
include_once( "../inc/prefs.inc" );
include_once( "../inc/queue.inc" );
$user = get_logged_in_user();
$timestr = time_str(time(0));
$title = "New job for ".$user -> name." at ".$timestr;
page_head( $title );
$appresult = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM app" );
$nrofapps = mysql_num_rows( $appresult );
if( $nrofapps )
$selection = "";
for( $appindex = 0; $appindex < $nrofapps; ++$appindex )
$app = mysql_fetch_object( $appresult );
$appqmax = nr_of_jobs_for_user_for_app( $user, $app );
$appsubmitted = nr_of_submitted_jobs_for_user_for_app( $user, $app );
if( $appqmax > $appsubmitted )
$selection = $selection.'<option value="'.$app -> id.'">'.$app -> user_friendly_name.'</option>';
if( $selection != "" )
echo '<form action="queue_new_job_form_action.php" method="POST">';
row1( "New job speciffics" );
$selection = "<select name=\"application\">".$selection."</select>";
row2( "Application: ", $selection );
row2( "Name of job (no spaces, quotes or slashes): ", '<input type="text" size="65" name="name" value="" maxlength="128" >' );
row2( "Input: ", '<textarea wrap="off" rows="20" cols="74" name="input"></textarea>' );
$selection = '<option value="461274818700"> 5 min. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="1383824456100"> 15 min. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="2767648912200"> 30 min. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="5535297824400"> 1 h. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="16605893473200"> 3 h. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="33211786946400"> 6 h. </option>';
$selection = "<select name=\"fops\">".$selection."</select>";
row2( "Estimated time to completion: ", $selection );
$selection = '<option value="2097152"> 2 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="4194304"> 4 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="16777216"> 16 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="67108864"> 64 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="134217728"> 128 Mb. </option>';
$selection = "<select name=\"mem\">".$selection."</select>";
row2( "Estimated memory usage: ", $selection );
$selection = '<option value="2097152"> 2 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="4194304"> 4 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="16777216"> 16 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="67108864"> 64 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="134217728"> 128 Mb. </option>';
$selection .= '<option value="536870912"> 512 Mb. </option>';
$selection = "<select name=\"disk\">".$selection."</select>";
row2( "Estimated disk usage: ", $selection );
row2( "", '<input type="submit" value=" Submit Job ">' );
row1( "Commands" );
row2( "", '<a href="download/DownLoads/ClassicalBuilder/webstart_ClassicalBuilder.jnlp">Run Classical-Builder</a>' );
row2( "", '<a href="queue_show_queue.php">Go back to your queue</a>' );
row2( "", '<a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' );
echo '</form>';
exit_with_text( "You are not allowed to submit any jobs !" );