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<title>Installing a BOINC server</title>
<h2>Installing a BOINC server</h2>
To create a BOINC server you must have the following software installed:
<li> MySQL
<li> Apache with PHP
Unzip and untar the BOINC release, and compile it by typing
"configure" and "make".
To install in /usr/local/boinc, type "make install".
If Apache is configured to run with Fast CGI, rename fcgi to cgi in
the "boinc/sched" directory, replacing the existing cgi.
When installed there will be two directories created in your current directory,
"boinc_cvs/" and "boinc_server/".
"boinc_cvs/" will contain all the source
code in a directory called "boinc/".
"boinc_server/" will contain four directories, "upload/", "download/", "cgi/", and "keys/".
"upload/" and "cgi/"must be set as CGI in the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) and uploads must be allowed to the "upload/" directory.
Make sure to include something like:
<p>alias /barry/ "/disks/philmor/a/users/barry/"<p>
or whichever directory contains "boinc_cvs/" and "boinc_server/".
Edit your Apache configuration file (httpd.conf)
to allow uploads to to the upload directory.
Add the following (with appropriate changes) to your .tcshrc
setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR ~boinc_server/download
setenv BOINC_UPLOAD_DIR ~boinc_server/upload
setenv BOINC_PLATFORM sparc-sun-solaris2.7
setenv BOINC_DB_NAME boinc_barry
setenv BOINC_KEY 0xdabacafe
setenv BOINC_USER barry
setenv BOINC_KEY_DIR ~/boinc_server/keys
setenv BOINC_MASTER_URL http:\\\/\\\/localhost\\\/
setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR /usr/local/boinc/download
This directory should be set to be web accessible via Apache.
If you plan on using a different directory, be sure to set the
BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR properly so as to point to the correct directory.
It is important that this directory is different from the BOINC_UPLOAD_DIR.
BOINC_UPLOAD_DIR /usr/local/boinc/upload
This directory should be set to be web accessible via Apache. If
you plan on using a different directory, be sure to set the
BOINC_UPLOAD_DIR properly so as to point to the correct directory. It is
important that this directory is different from the BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR.
This is set when configure is run in the client directory. It is
used by the client to determine the name of the BOINC client.
This is currently used by one of the test scripts.
It is not critical for the running of BOINC.
BOINC_KEY_DIR /usr/local/boinc/key_dir
This should be set to a directory in which the public and private
keys for BOINC are to be created. If you wish to place this in a
different directory, change the variable appropriately.
setenv BOINC_KEY 0xdadacafe
This should be set to any 32 bit hex value desired. To run
multiple instances of BOINC on one machine, each instance needs to have
a different BOINC_KEY compiled into it.
Go into the boinc/test directory, and type
This script runs a test case that initializes the database with a
user account, application and workunits, runs the client, and checks the