mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
597 lines
23 KiB
597 lines
23 KiB
$cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
define('AVATAR_WIDTH', 100);
$special_user_bitfield[0]="Forum moderator";
$special_user_bitfield[1]="Project administrator";
$special_user_bitfield[2]="Project developer";
$special_user_bitfield[3]="Project tester";
$special_user_bitfield[4]="Volunteer developer";
$special_user_bitfield[5]="Volunteer tester";
$special_user_bitfield[6]="Project scientist";
define('ST_NEW_TIME', 1209600); //3600*24*14 - 14 days
define('ST_NEW', 'New member');
define('MAXIMUM_EDIT_TIME',3600); //Maximally allow edits of forums posts up till one hour after posting.
define('MAX_FORUM_LOGGING_TIME', 2419200); //3600*24*28 - 28 days
define('NO_CONTROLS', 0);
define('FORUM_CONTROLS', 1);
define("EXCERPT_LENGTH", "120");
define('NEW_IMAGE', 'img/unread_post.png');
define('NEW_IMAGE_STICKY', 'img/unread_sticky.png');
define('NEW_IMAGE_LOCKED', 'img/unread_locked.png');
define('NEW_IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED', 'img/unread_sticky_locked.png');
define('IMAGE_STICKY', 'img/sticky_post.png');
define('IMAGE_LOCKED', 'img/locked_post.png');
define('IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED', 'img/sticky_locked_post.png');
define('EMPHASIZE_IMAGE', 'img/emphasized_post.png');
define('FILTER_IMAGE', 'img/filtered_post.png');
define('RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE', 'img/rate_positive.png');
define('RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE', 'img/rate_negative.png');
define('REPORT_POST_IMAGE', 'img/report_post.png');
define ('SOLUTION', 'This answered my question');
define ('SUFFERER', 'I also have this question');
define ('OFF_TOPIC', 'Off-topic');
$thread_sort_styles['timestamp'] = "Newest first";
$thread_sort_styles['timestamp_asc'] = "Oldest first";
$thread_sort_styles['score'] = "Highest rated first";
$faq_sort_styles['create_time'] = "Most recent question first";
$faq_sort_styles['timestamp'] = "Most recent answer first";
$faq_sort_styles['activity'] = "Most frequently asked first";
$answer_sort_styles['score'] = "Highest score first";
$answer_sort_styles['timestamp'] = "Most recent first";
$answer_sort_styles['timestamp_asc'] = "Oldest first";
$thread_filter_styles['2'] = "\"Very helpful\"";
$thread_filter_styles['1'] = "At least \"helpful\"";
$thread_filter_styles['0'] = "At least \"neutral\"";
$thread_filter_styles['-1'] = "At least \"unhelpful\"";
$thread_filter_styles['-2'] = "All posts";
$post_ratings['2'] = "Very helpful (+2)";
$post_ratings['1'] = "Helpful (+1)";
$post_ratings['0'] = "Neutral";
$post_ratings['-1'] = "Not helpful (-1)";
$post_ratings['-2'] = "Off topic (-2)";
$config = get_config();
$no_forum_rating = parse_bool($config, "no_forum_rating");
* Process a user-supplied title to remove HTML stuff
function cleanup_title($title) {
$x = trim(htmlspecialchars($title));
$x = stripslashes($x); // clean up funky old titles in DB
if (strlen($x)==0) return "(no title)";
else return $x;
* Check if user has special user bit enabled
function isSpecialUser($user, $specialbit){
return (substr($user->special_user, $specialbit,1)==1);
* Check to see if a specific user has rated a specific post before
function getHasRated($user, $postid){
return (strstr($user->rated_posts,"|".$postid));
* Get the user's preferred sorting style.
function getSortStyle($user,$place){
if ($user->id!=""){
} else {
return $$place; // Huh?
/*** display functions ***/
* Show the posts in a thread for a user.
* It's a big one.
function show_posts($thread, $sort_style, $filter, $logged_in_user, $show_controls=true) {
$n = 1;
if ($show_controls) {
$controls = FORUM_CONTROLS;
} else {
$controls = NO_CONTROLS;
// If logged in user is moderator,
// let him see all posts - including hidden ones
if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR)){
$show_hidden_posts = true;
} else {
$show_hidden_posts = false;
$posts = $thread->getPosts($sort_style, $show_hidden_posts);
$postcount = (sizeof($posts)-1);
if ($logged_in_user) $last_visit = $thread->getLastReadTimestamp($logged_in_user);
$postnumber=0; $previous_post=0;
$no_wraparound = get_str("nowrap",true);
foreach ($posts as $key => $post){
// There *HAS* to be a better way to do this. WOW.
if ((!$logged_in_user) // If the user isn't logged in
|| (!$logged_in_user->getMinimumWrapPostcount()) //or If the user hasn't enabled the feature to display only a certain amount of posts, simply display all of them.
|| ($postcount < $logged_in_user->getMinimumWrapPostcount()) //If it is enabled and we havent yet hit the limit, simply display all
|| ($no_wraparound) // If the user has asked to display all the posts just display them
($postcount >= $logged_in_user->getMinimumWrapPostcount()) //If it is enabled and we have hit the limit AND we have the minimum wraparound number of posts or more
($postnumber==1 || $postnumber==($postcount+1)) // Let's display the post only if it is the first post
(($postnumber > $postcount+1-$logged_in_user->getDisplayWrapPostcount()) //or it is one of the last wrap_display_postcount posts.
&& ($sort_style==CREATE_TIME_OLD))
(($postnumber <= $logged_in_user->getDisplayWrapPostcount()) //or it is one of the last wrap_display_postcount posts.
&& ($sort_style==CREATE_TIME_NEW))
|| ($sort_style!=CREATE_TIME_NEW && $sort_style!=CREATE_TIME_OLD)
|| ($post->getTimestamp() > $last_visit) //or if this post is unread
) {
if ($postnumber!=$previous_post+1){
//A number of posts were hidden, display a way to unhide them:
echo "<tr class=\"postseperator\"><td></td><td colspan=\"2\">
Only the first post and the last ".($logged_in_user->getDisplayWrapPostcount())." posts
(of the ".($postcount+1)." posts in this thread) are displayed. <br />
<a href=\"?id=".$thread->getID()."&nowrap=true\">Click here to also display the remaining posts</a>.</td></tr>";
show_post($post, $thread, $logged_in_user, $n, $controls, $filter);
// To allow users to start reading a thread even though our DB layer is super slow
$n = ($n+1)%2;
if (($post->getTimestamp()>$last_visit) &&
((!$first_unread_post) || ($post->getTimestamp()<$first_unread_post->getTimestamp()))
if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->hasJumpToUnread()){
if ($first_unread_post){
echo "<script>function jumpToUnread(){location.href='#".$first_unread_post->getID()."';}</script>";
} else {
echo "<script>function jumpToUnread(){};</script>";
if ($logged_in_user) $thread->setLastReadTimestamp($logged_in_user);
* Display an individual post, as though in a thread.
function show_post($post, $thread, $logged_in_user, $n, $controls=FORUM_CONTROLS, $filter=true) {
$user = $post->getOwner();
global $no_forum_rating;
global $config;
if ($logged_in_user) {
$tokens = url_tokens($logged_in_user->getAuthenticator());
//If the user that made this post is on the list of people to ignore, change thresholds to be much more strict
if ($logged_in_user){
if (in_array($user->getID(),$logged_in_user->getIgnoreList())){
$rated_below_threshold = ($logged_in_user->getHighRatingThreshold()>$post->getRating());
$rated_above_threshold = ($logged_in_user->getHighRatingThreshold()+abs($logged_in_user->getLowRatingThreshold())<($post->getRating()));
} else { //Use normal threshold values
$rated_below_threshold = ($logged_in_user->getLowRatingThreshold()>($post->getRating()));
$rated_above_threshold = ($logged_in_user->getHighRatingThreshold()<($post->getRating()));
// The creator can edit the post, but only in a specified amount of time
// (exception: a moderator can edit his/her posts at any time)
$can_edit = false;
if ($logged_in_user) {
if ($user->getID() == $logged_in_user->getID()) {
if ($logged_in_user->isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR)) {
$can_edit = true;
} else if (can_reply($thread, $logged_in_user)) {
$time_limit = $post->getTimestamp()+MAXIMUM_EDIT_TIME;
$can_edit = time()<$time_limit;
} else {
$can_edit = false;
echo "
<tr class=\"row".$n."\" valign=\"top\">
<td rowspan=\"3\"><a name=\"".$post->getID()."\"></a><div class=\"authorcol\">
// Print the user links
echo re_user_links($user, URL_BASE);
echo "<br>";
// Print the special user lines, if any
global $special_user_bitfield;
$keys = array_keys($special_user_bitfield);
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($special_user_bitfield);$i++) {
if ($user->isSpecialUser($keys[$i])) {
if ($user->create_time>time()-ST_NEW_TIME) $fstatus.=ST_NEW."<br>";
if ($fstatus) echo "<font size=\"-2\">$fstatus</font>";
echo "<span class=\"authorinfo\">";
if (!$filter || !$rated_below_threshold){
if ($user->hasAvatar() && (!$logged_in_user || ($logged_in_user->hasHideAvatars()==false))) {
echo "<img width=\"".AVATAR_WIDTH."\" height=\"".AVATAR_HEIGHT."\" src=\"".$user->getAvatar()."\" alt=\"Avatar\"><br>";
echo "<a href=\"forum_pm.php?action=new&userid=".$user->getID()."\" class=\"smalltext\">private message</a><br>\n";
echo "Joined: ", gmdate('M j, Y', $user->getCreateTime()), "<br>";
} else { // default
// circumvent various forms of identity spoofing
// by displaying the user id of the poster.
// its cheap, easy, and doesn't require any additional database calls.
echo "Posts: ".$user->getPostCount()."<br>";
echo "ID: ".$user->getID()."<br>";
echo "Credit: ".number_format($user->getTotalCredit())."<br>";
echo "RAC: ".number_format($user->getExpavgCredit())."<br>";
echo "</span></div></td>";
if ($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) {
echo "<form action=\"forum_rate.php?post=", $post->getID(), "\" method=\"post\">";
echo "<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"postheader\">";
} else {
echo "<td class=\"postheader\">";
if ($logged_in_user && $post->getTimestamp()>$thread->getLastReadTimestamp($logged_in_user)){
echo "<img src=\"".NEW_IMAGE."\" alt=\"Unread post\" height=\"".NEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT."\">";
if ($rated_above_threshold){
echo "<img src=\"".EMPHASIZE_IMAGE."\" alt=\"!\" height=\"".EMPHASIZE_IMAGE_HEIGHT."\">";
echo " <a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=".$thread->getID()."&nowrap=true#$post->id\">Message ".$post->getID()."</a> - ";
if ($post->isHidden()) echo "<font color=red>[deleted] </font>";
echo "
Posted ", pretty_time_str($post->getTimestamp());
if ($post->getParentPostID()) echo " - in response to <a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=".$thread->getID()."&nowrap=true#".$post->getParentPostID()."\">Message ID ".$post->getParentPostID()."</a>.";
if ($can_edit && $controls != NO_CONTROLS) echo " <a href=\"forum_edit.php?id=".$post->getID()."$tokens\">[Edit this post]</a>";
if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR)) echo post_moderation_links($config,$logged_in_user,$post,$tokens); //If user is moderator, show links
if ($post->getModificationTimestamp()) echo "<br>Last modified: ", pretty_time_Str($post->getModificationTimestamp());
if ($rated_below_threshold && $filter){
if ($user_is_on_ignorelist) $andtext=" and the user is on your ignore list";
echo "<br>This post has been filtered (rating: ".($post->getRating()).")$andtext, press <a href=\"?id=".$thread->getID()."&filter=false#".$post->getID()."\">here</a> to view this thread without filtering";
echo "</td></tr></form>";
echo "<tr class=\"row$n\"><td class=\"postbody\" colspan=\"2\">";
//If either filtering is turned off or this post is not below the threshold
if (!$filter || !$rated_below_threshold){
$posttext = $post->getContent();
// If the creator of this post has a signature and
// wants it to be shown for this post AND the logged in
// user has signatures enabled: show it
if ($post->hasSignature() && (!$logged_in_user || !$logged_in_user->hasHideSignatures())){
if ($logged_in_user){
$options = $logged_in_user->getTextTransformSettings();
} else {
$options = new output_options;
$posttext = output_transform($posttext,$options);
echo "<p>", $posttext, "</p>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"postfooter\">ID: <i>", $post->id;
if ($no_forum_rating != NULL) {
echo " | <a href=\"forum_report_post.php?post=".$post->getID()."\"><img src=\"".REPORT_POST_IMAGE."\" alt=\"Report this post as offensive\" height=\"".REPORT_POST_IMAGE_HEIGHT."\" border=0></a></td>";
} else {
$rating = $post->getRating();
echo " | Rating: ", $rating, "</i> | rate: <a href=\"forum_rate.php?post=".$post->getID()."&choice=p$tokens\"><img src=\"".RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE."\" alt=\"+\" height=\"".RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT."\" border=0></a> / <a href=\"forum_rate.php?post=".$post->getID()."&choice=n$tokens\"><img src=\"".RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE."\" alt=\"-\" height=\"".RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT."\" border=0></a> - <a href=\"forum_report_post.php?post=".$post->getID()."\"><img src=\"".REPORT_POST_IMAGE."\" alt=\"Report this post as offensive\" height=\"".REPORT_POST_IMAGE_HEIGHT."\" border=0></a></td>";
if (($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) && (can_reply($thread, $logged_in_user))) {
echo "<td align=right class=\"postfooter\">[<a href=\"forum_reply.php?thread=" . $thread->getID() . "&post=" . $post->getID() . "#input\">Reply to this post</a>]</td>";
} else {
echo "<td class=\"postfooter\"></td>";
echo "</tr>";
} else {
echo "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"postfooter\" colspan=\"2\">";
echo "<tr class=\"postseperator\"><td colspan=3></td></tr>";
/*** utility functions ***/
* Start the forum table, output the proper headings and such.
function start_forum_table($headings, $extra="width=100%") {
start_table($extra." cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2");
echo "<tr>";
for ($i=0; $i<count($headings); $i++) {
if (is_array($headings[$i])){
$title = $headings[$i][0];
$class = $headings[$i][1]?$headings[$i][1]:"heading";
if ($headings[$i][2]) $span = " colspan=\"".$headings[$i][2]."\" ";
} else {
$title = $headings[$i];
$class = "heading";
echo "<th class=$class$span>$title</th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
* End the forum table, currently just close the open table tag.
function end_forum_table() {
echo "</table>\n";
* Output the forum/thread title.
function show_forum_title($forum=NULL, $thread=NULL, $extended=true) {
if ($extended) {
echo "<tr>\n";
// Search
echo "<td><form action=\"forum_search_action.php\" method=\"POST\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search_max_time\" value=\"30\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search_forum\" value=\"-1\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search_sort\" value=\"5\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"search_keywords\">
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"search\"><br>
<span class=\"smalltext\"><a href=\"forum_search.php\">advanced search</a></span>
echo "</td>\n";
$logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false);
// Custom stuff for logged in user
if ($logged_in_user) {
echo "<td align=\"right\">\n";
$return = urlencode(current_url());
echo "<a href=\"forum_index.php?read=1&".url_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator)."&return=".$return."\">Mark all threads as read</a><br />\n";
// Private messages
echo pm_notification($logged_in_user);
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<p>\n";
if ($forum) {
$category = $forum->getCategory();
$is_helpdesk = $category->getType();
} else {
$is_helpdesk = false;
$where = $is_helpdesk?tr(LINKS_QA):tr(FORUM_TITLE_SHORT);
$top_url = $is_helpdesk?"forum_help_desk.php":"forum_index.php";
if (!$forum && !$thread) {
echo "<p class=\"title\">";
echo $where;
} else if ($forum && !$thread) {
echo "<span class=title>";
echo "<a href=\"$top_url\">$where</a> : ";
echo $forum->getTitle();
echo "</span><br>";
} else if ($forum && $thread) {
echo "<span class=title>";
echo "<a href=\"$top_url\">$where</a> : ";
echo "<a href=\"forum_forum.php?id=".$forum->getID()."\">", $forum->getTitle(), "</a> : ";
echo cleanup_title($thread->getTitle());
echo "</span><br>";
} else {
echo "Invalid input to show_forum_title<br>"; // TODO: handle this condition gracefully
echo "</p>\n";
* show a thread with its context (e.g. for search results)
function show_thread($thread, $n) {
$forum = getForum($thread->forum);
$category = getCategory($forum->category);
$first_post = getFirstPost($thread->id);
$title = cleanup_title($thread->title);
$where = $category->is_helpdesk?"Questions and answers":"Message boards";
$top_url = $category->is_helpdesk?"forum_help_desk.php":"forum_index.php";
$excerpt = sub_sentence(stripslashes($first_post->content), ' ', EXCERPT_LENGTH, true);
$posted = time_diff_str($thread->create_time, time());
$last = time_diff_str($thread->timestamp, time());
$m = $n%2;
echo "
<tr class=\"row$m\">
<td><font size=\"-2\">
$n) Posted $posted
Last response $last
<td valign=top>
<a href=\"$top_url\">$where</a> : $category->name :
<a href=\"forum_forum.php?id=$forum->id\">$forum->title</a> :
<a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=$thread->id\">$title</a>
<font size=\"-2\">$excerpt</font>
* Show a post with its context (e.g. for search results)
function show_post2($post, $n) {
$thread = getThread($post->thread);
$forum = getForum($thread->forum);
$category = getCategory($forum->category);
$where = $category->is_helpdesk?"Questions and answers":"Message boards";
$top_url = $category->is_helpdesk?"forum_help_desk.php":"forum_index.php";
$content = output_transform($post->content);
$when = time_diff_str($post->timestamp, time());
$user = lookup_user_id($post->user);
$title = cleanup_title($thread->title);
$m = $n%2;
if ($post->hidden) {
$deleted = "<br><font color=red>[Deleted by a moderator]</font>";
} else {
$deleted = "";
echo "
<tr class=row$m>
$n) <a href=\"$top_url\">$where</a> : $category->name :
<a href=\"forum_forum.php?id=$forum->id\">$forum->title</a> :
<a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=$thread->id\">$title</a>
(<a href=\"forum_thread.php?id=".$thread->id."&nowrap=true#".$post->id."\">Message ".$post->id."</a>)
Posted $when by $user->name $deleted
function post_rules() {
return "
<li> Posts must be 'kid friendly': they may not contain
content that is obscene, hate-related,
sexually explicit or suggestive.
<li> No commercial advertisements.
<li> No links to web sites involving sexual content,
gambling, or intolerance of others.
<li> No messages intended to annoy or antagonize other people,
or to hijack a thread.
<li> No messages that are deliberately hostile or insulting.
<li> No abusive comments involving race, religion,
nationality, gender, class or sexuality.
function post_warning() {
return "<br><br>
<font size=-2>
<a href=moderation.php>More info</a>
function check_banished($user) {
$x = $user->getBanishedUntil();
if ($x>time()) {
"You may not post or rate messages until ".gmdate('M j, Y', $x)
function can_reply($thread, $user) {
if (!$thread->isLocked() || ($user && $user->isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function pm_notification($user) {
$output = "";
$pm = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS unread FROM private_messages WHERE userid=".$user->id." AND opened=0");
$pm = mysql_fetch_object($pm);
if ($pm->unread > 1) {
$output .= "<strong><a href=\"forum_pm.php?action=inbox\">".tra("You have %1 unread private messages.", $pm->unread)."</a> </strong>";
} elseif ($pm->unread == 1) {
$output .= "<strong><a href=\"forum_pm.php?action=inbox\">".tra("You have one unread private message.")."</a> </strong>";
} else {
$output .= tra("You have no unread private messages.")." ";
$output .= "| <a href=\"forum_pm.php?action=inbox\">".tra("Inbox")."</a>\n";
$output .= "| <a href=\"forum_pm.php?action=new\">".tra("Write")."</a>\n";
return $output;