authenticator); mail( $new, PROJECT." account email change", "The email address of your " . PROJECT . " account has been changed from $old to $new. To validate the new address, visit the URL: ".URL_BASE."validate_email.php?u=$user->id&x=$x " ); } db_init(); $user = get_logged_in_user(); $email_addr = strtolower(process_user_text(post_str("email_addr"))); $passwd = process_user_text(post_str("passwd")); page_head("Change email address of account"); if (!is_valid_email_addr($email_addr)) { echo "New email address '$email_addr' is invalid"; } else if ($email_addr == $user->email_addr) { echo "New email address is same as existing address; no change."; } else { $existing = lookup_user_email_addr($email_addr); if ($existing) { echo "There's already an account with that email address"; } else { $passwd_hash = md5($passwd.$user->email_addr); if ($passwd_hash != $user->passwd_hash) { echo "Invalid password."; } else { $passwd_hash = md5($passwd.$email_addr); $query = "update user set email_addr='$email_addr', passwd_hash='$passwd_hash', email_validated=0 where id=$user->id"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { echo " The email address of your account is now $email_addr.
We have send an email message to that address.
To validate the new address, visit the link in the email. "; send_verify_email($user->email_addr, $email_addr, $user); } else { echo " We can't update your email address due to a database problem. Please try again later. "; } } } } page_tail(); ?>