A project is an organization (e.g., an academic research project) that uses BOINC to get computing power. Projects are independent; each one manages its own applications, databases and servers, and is not affected by the status of other projects.
The components of a project are shown below.
The server side of a project consists of two parts:
Input and output files are distributed by data servers, which are HTTP servers able to handle uploads. These servers need not be owned or operated by the project. A project might, for example, recruit other organizations to donate network bandwidth by hosting data servers; data could be moved on tape between the project back end and the data servers.
A project can operate one or more applications. Versions of an application are compiled for various platforms (Windows/Intel, Linux/Intel, MacOS/PPC, etc.). The BOINC core client is available for many platforms; a project can compile an application for any or all of these.