require_once("docutil.php"); page_head("Generating work"); echo "
Workunits and results can be created using either a utility program or a C++ function.
create_work -appname name // application name -wu_name name // workunit name -wu_template filename // WU template filename -result_template filename // result template filename -redundancy n // # of results to create -db_name x // database name -db_passwd x // database password -db_host x // database host -db_user x // database user name -upload_url x // URL for output file upload -download_url x // base URL for input file download -download_dir x // where to move input files -rsc_fpops x // est. # floating-point ops -rsc_iops x // est. # integer ops -rsc_memory x // est. RAM working set size, bytes -rsc_disk x // est. disk space required -keyfile x // path of upload private key -delay_bound x // delay bound for result completion infile_1 ... infile_m // input files
The WU template file has the form
[ <file_info>...</file_info> ] [ ... ] <workunit> [ <command_line>-flags xyz</command_line> ] [ <env_vars>name=val&name=val</env_vars> ] [ <max_processing>...</max_processing> ] [ <max_disk>...</max_disk> ] [ <file_ref>...</file_ref> ] [ ... ] </workunit>The components are:
<command_line> | The command-line arguments to be passed to the main program. |
<env_vars> | A list of environment variables in the form name=value&name=value&name=value. |
<max_processing> | Maximum processing (measured in Cobblestones). An instance of the computation that exceeds this bound will be aborted. This mechanism prevents an infinite-loop bug from indefinitely incapacitating a host. The default is determined by the client; typically it is 1. |
<max_disk> | Maximum disk usage (in bytes). The default is determined by the client; typically it is 1,000,000. |
<file_ref> | describes a reference to an input file, each of which is described by a <file_info> element. |
The workunit template file is processed as follows:
The result file template is macro-substituted as follows:
The C++ library (backend_lib.C,h) provides the functions:
int read_key_file(char* path, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key); int create_work( WORKUNIT&, char* wu_template, // contents, not path char* result_template_filename, // path int redundancy, char* infile_dir, // where input files are char** infiles, // array of input file names int ninfiles R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key, // upload authentication key char* upload_url, char* download_url );
read_key_file() reads a private key from a file. Use this to read the file upload authentication key.
create_work() creates a workunit and one or more results. The arguments are similar to those of the utility program; some of the information is passed in the WORKUNIT structure, namely the following fields:
name appid batch rsc_fpops rsc_iops rsc_memory rsc_disk delay_boundAll other fields should be zeroed. "; page_tail(); ?>