. // forms for account creation and login function create_account_form($teamid, $next_url) { echo "
"; if ($teamid) { echo " "; } start_table(); // Using invitation codes to restrict access? // if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { row2( tra("Invitation Code")."

".tra("A valid invitation code is required to create an account.")."

", "" ); } row2( tra("Name")."

".tra("Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname.")."

", "" ); row2( tra("Email Address")."

".tra("Must be a valid address of the form 'name@domain'.")."

", "" ); $min_passwd_length = parse_element(get_config(), ""); if (!$min_passwd_length) { $min_passwd_length = 6; } row2( tra("Password") ."

".tra("Must be at least %1 characters", $min_passwd_length)."

", "" ); row2(tra("Confirm password"), ""); row2_init( tra("Country")."

".tra("Select the country you want to represent, if any.")."

", "\n"; if (0) { row2( tra("Postal or ZIP Code")."


", "" ); } // Check if we're reCaptcha to prevent spam accounts // $publickey = parse_config(get_config(), ""); if ($publickey) { row2( "", boinc_recaptcha_get_html($publickey) ); } row2("", "" ); end_table(); echo "\n"; } function login_form($next_url) { echo "
"; start_table(); if (LDAP_HOST) { $x = "Email address or LDAP user name:"; } else { $x = tra("Email address:"); } if (!parse_bool(get_config(), "no_computing")) { $x .= '

'.tra("forgot email address?")."

"; } row2($x, ""); row2(tra("Password:") . '

' . tra("forgot password?") . "

", '' ); row2(tra("Stay logged in"), '' ); row2("", "

" ); end_table(); echo "
\n"; } ?>