"; // Build an array of IDs of all users with pictures in their profiles. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { // NUM is supposedly faster than ASSOC. $userIds[] = $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); if (count($userIds) > 0) { // Randomize the ordering of users. shuffle($userIds); } $numPages = ceil(count($userIds)/($width * $height)); // Make sure that a page is generated even when no profiles with pictures // exist in order to avoid 404 errors from the profile_menu page. if ($numPages == 0) { $numPages = 1; } echo "Generating $numPages pages.
"; $count = 0; for ($page = 1; $page <= $numPages; $page++) { $file = PROFILE_PATH . "user_gallery_" . $page . ".html"; $descriptor = fopen($file, "w"); page_head("User Picture Gallery: Page $page of $numPages", null, $descriptor); fwrite($descriptor, "

User Profile Pictures

Last updated " . gmdate("r") . " UTC\n

Browse the user profiles by picture. Only user profiles with pictures are listed here."); fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); for ($row = 0; $row < $height; $row++) { fwrite($descriptor, ""); for ($col = 0; $col < $width; $col++) { if ($count < $numIds) { fwrite($descriptor, ""); $count++; } } fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); if ($count == $numIds) { break; } } fwrite($descriptor, "
\n"); // Previous and Next links write_page_links("user_gallery", $page, $numPages, $descriptor); page_tail($descriptor); //fwrite($descriptor, ""); fclose($descriptor); } echo "

Go to the first generated page."; } // Creates pages grouping user profiles by country. Filenames are of the // format "profile_country__.html // Also creates a summary page listing all countries which have profiled // members, the number of such members, and links to the created pages for // each country. function build_country_pages() { $query = "SELECT * FROM profile"; $result = mysql_query($query); $numIds = 0; // Build a multi-dimensional array of countries, each element of which contains an array // of the userids who belong to those countries. Format: array[country][index] = userid. while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $query2 = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = " . $row['userid']; $result2 = mysql_query($query2); $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); if ($row2['country']) { $countryMembers[$row2['country']][] = $row2['id']; $numIds++; } } mysql_free_result($result); mysql_free_result($result2); echo "$numIds users have profiles AND non-null country entries.
"; $countries = array_keys($countryMembers); // Build the pages. // TODO: Define a constant for the desired number of rows per page. foreach ($countries as $country) { build_country_page($country, &$countryMembers[$country], 5); } // Build the summary page linking to the individual country pages. // TODO: Pass $countryMembers by reference. build_country_summary_page($countryMembers); echo "
View Summary Page"; echo "

Done"; } // Helper function for build_country_page. Creates as many pages as // are neccessary to list all user profiles for country $name, given // $rows rows per page. Member IDs are passed in the array $members. function build_country_page($name, $members, $rows) { $countryName = $name; // Make the country name a legal format for a filename. $name = get_legal_filename($countryName); $name = ereg_replace(',', '', $name); $name = ereg_replace(' ', '_', $name); $numMembers = count($members); $numPages = ceil(count($members) / (2 * $rows)); echo "
$countryName has $numMembers members. - $numPages pages will be generated. VIEW"; $count = 0; for ($page = 1; $page <= $numPages; $page++) { $filename = PROFILE_PATH . "profile_country_" . $name . "_" . $page . ".html"; $descriptor = fopen($filename, "w"); page_head("User Profiles from $countryName: Page $page of $numPages", null, $descriptor); fwrite($descriptor, "


\n"); fwrite($descriptor, "Last updated " . gmdate("r") . " UTC

\n"); $offset = (($page-1) * $rows * 2); $numPerPage = ($rows * 2); show_user_table($members, $offset, $numPerPage, 2, $descriptor); $tempFileName = "profile_country_" . $name; write_page_links($tempFileName, $page, $numPages, $descriptor); page_tail($descriptor); fclose($descriptor); } } // Builds a summary table of user profiles, writing it to $descriptor if it is // available, or echoing if it is not. // // $members is an array of userIDs; // $offset indicates which entry to begin the table with // $numToDisplay indicates how many profiles to display in this table // $cols indicates how many profile summaries should be written per row // $descriptor is an optional file descriptor to write the table to. function show_user_table($members, $offset, $numToDisplay, $cols, $descriptor=null) { // TODO: Would be nice if we could open a stream to stdout to avoid // all the redundant $descriptor checks. Once the server is running // PHP 5+, might want to try switching over to fprintf(...). if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); } else { echo "
"; } $rows = ceil($numToDisplay / $cols); $count = $offset; $numMembers = count($members); for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) { if ($count >= $numMembers) { break; } if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); } else { echo ""; } // Formatting is a table with two columns of user summaries. for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) { if ($count < $numMembers) { if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, ""); } else { echo ""; } $count++; } else { // Empty entry if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, ""); } else { echo ""; } } } if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); } else { echo ""; } } if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, "
"); } else { echo "
"; } // Only link an image if one exists. if (file_exists(IMAGE_PATH . $members[$count] . '_sm.jpg')) { if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, ""); } else { echo ""; } } else { if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, " "); } else { echo " "; } } if ($descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, "
"); fwrite($descriptor, get_profile_summary($members[$count])); fwrite($descriptor, "\n", get_profile_summary($members[$count]), "
\n"); } else { echo ""; } } // Generates a legal filename from a parameter string. function get_legal_filename($name) { $name = ereg_replace(',', '', $name); return ereg_replace(' ', '_', $name); } // Generates a string containing: // 1) the name of the user with ID == $userid, with a link to a view of their profile; // 2) the first MAX_DESC_LENGTH characters from the response1 field of said user's profile. function get_profile_summary($userid) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM profile WHERE userid = $userid"); $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = $userid"); if (!$result || !$result2) { echo "Database error!"; // Change this to a standard error page. exit(); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); mysql_free_result($result); mysql_free_result($result2); if (strlen($row['response1']) != 0) { $description = "(\"" . sanitize_html(substr($row['response1'], 0, MAX_DESC_LENGTH)); if (strlen($row['response1']) >= MAX_DESC_LENGTH) { $description = $description . "..."; } $description = $description . "\")"; } $summary = "" . $row2['name'] . " " . $description; return $summary; } // Generates a standard set of links between associated multi-page documents. All linked // files must be of the form "$filename_.html". function write_page_links($filename, $currPageNum, $numPages, $descriptor) { fwrite($descriptor, "

Page $currPageNum of $numPages

"); $nextPageNum = $currPageNum + 1; $prevPageNum = $currPageNum - 1; // Make the 'previous' and 'next' page links as appropriate. if ($currPageNum > 1) { fwrite($descriptor, "Previous Page"); if ($currPageNum != $numPages) { fwrite($descriptor, " | "); } } if ($currPageNum != $numPages) { fwrite($descriptor, "Next Page"); } fwrite($descriptor, "

\n\n\n"); // Make the individual page links (or a bold non-link for the current page). for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPages; $i++) { if ($i != $currPageNum) { fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); } else { fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); } } fwrite($descriptor, "
Jump to Page:$i$i
\n"); } function build_country_summary_page($countryMembers) { $countries = array_keys($countryMembers); $filename = PROFILE_PATH . "profile_country.html"; $descriptor = fopen($filename, "w"); echo "

Building country summary page...
"; page_head("User Profiles by Country", null, $descriptor); fwrite($descriptor, "

User Profiles by Country

Last updated " . gmdate("r") . " UTC

"); fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); fwrite($descriptor, "\n"); foreach ($countries as $country) { $numMembers = count($countryMembers[$country]); $name = get_legal_filename($country); fwrite($descriptor, "\n\n"); } fwrite($descriptor, "
"); page_tail($descriptor); fclose($descriptor); } ?>