#! /usr/bin/env php . // mass_email_script [--userid N] [--send] [--idfile X] [--batch N] // // send mass email. Options: // --userid send only to the given user // --send actually send email // --show_email show what would be sent rather than sending it // --explain show what we're doing // --idfile read user ID from the given file; otherwise send to everyone. // The IDs must be in increasing order // --nocurrent Don't send to current users // --batch N Do batches of N (default 1000) // // NOTE: a file "email_log" is used for checkpoint/restart. // It stores a list of user IDs sent to. // You must create this file (use touch) before starting // (this is to prevent you from accidentally running this // in the wrong directory and re-mailing a lot of people) // // see http://boinc.berkeley.edu/mass_email.php for info $cli_only = true; require_once('../project/project.inc'); require_once('../inc/email.inc'); require_once('../inc/db.inc'); require_once('../inc/util_ops.inc'); db_init(); set_time_limit(0); $globals->send = false; $globals->explain = false; $globals->userid = 0; $globals->nocurrent = false; $globals->idfile = null; $globals->batch = 1000; $globals->lapsed_interval = 60*86400; for ($i=1; $i<$argc; $i++) { if ($argv[$i] == "--batch") { $i++; $globals->batch = $argv[$i]; } elseif ($argv[$i] == "--show_email") { $globals->show_email = true; } elseif ($argv[$i] == "--explain") { $globals->explain = true; } elseif ($argv[$i] == "--send") { $globals->send = true; } elseif ($argv[$i] == "--idfile") { $i++; $globals->idfile = $argv[$i]; } elseif ($argv[$i] == "--userid") { $i++; $globals->userid = $argv[$i]; } else { echo "unrecognized option $argv[$i]\n"; echo "usage: mass_email_script.php [--userid N] [--show_mail] [--explain] [--send]\n"; exit (1); } } $mass_email_log = 'email_log'; // File names for the various mail types. // Change these here if you like. $email_failed_html = 'newsletter/failed_html'; $email_failed_text = 'newsletter/failed_text'; $email_failed_subject = 'newsletter/failed_subject'; $email_lapsed_html = 'newsletter/lapsed_html'; $email_lapsed_text = 'newsletter/lapsed_text'; $email_lapsed_subject = 'newsletter/lapsed_subject'; $email_current_html = 'newsletter/current_html'; $email_current_text = 'newsletter/current_text'; $email_current_subject = 'newsletter/current_subject'; function read_files(&$item) { $item['html'] = file_get_contents($item['html_file']); if (!$item['html']) { $x = $item['html_file']; echo "file missing: $x\n"; exit(); } $item['text'] = file_get_contents($item['text_file']); if (!$item['text']) { $x = $item['text_file']; echo "file missing: $x\n"; exit(); } $item['subject'] = file_get_contents($item['subject']); if (!$item['subject']) { $x = $item['subject']; echo "file missing: $x\n"; exit(); } } function read_email_files() { global $globals; global $email_failed_html; global $email_failed_text; global $email_failed_subject; global $email_lapsed_html; global $email_lapsed_text; global $email_lapsed_subject; global $email_current_html; global $email_current_text; global $email_current_subject; $failed['html_file'] = $email_failed_html; $failed['text_file'] = $email_failed_text; $failed['subject'] = $email_failed_subject; $lapsed['html_file'] = $email_lapsed_html; $lapsed['text_file'] = $email_lapsed_text; $lapsed['subject'] = $email_lapsed_subject; $current['html_file'] = $email_current_html; $current['text_file'] = $email_current_text; $current['subject'] = $email_current_subject; read_files($failed); read_files($lapsed); if (!$globals->nocurrent) { read_files($current); } $email_files['failed'] = $failed; $email_files['lapsed'] = $lapsed; $email_files['current'] = $current; return $email_files; } function last_rpc_time($user) { $x = 0; $result = mysql_query("select rpc_time from host where userid=$user->id"); while ($host = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($host->rpc_time > $x) $x = $host->rpc_time; } mysql_free_result($result); return $x; } function replace($user, $template) { $pat = array( '//', '//', '//', '//', '//', ); $rep = array( $user->name, gmdate('d F Y', $user->create_time), number_format($user->total_credit, 0), opt_out_url($user), floor((time() - $user->last_rpc_time) / 86400), ); return preg_replace($pat, $rep, $template); } function mail_type($user, $email_file) { global $globals; $html = replace($user, $email_file['html']); $text = replace($user, $email_file['text']); if ($globals->show_email) { echo "\nSending to $user->email_addr:\n"; echo "------- SUBJECT ----------\n"; echo $email_file['subject']; echo "\n------- HTML ----------\n"; echo $html; echo "\n------- TEXT ----------\n"; echo $text; } if ($globals->send) { if (is_valid_email_addr($user->email_addr)) { send_email( $user, $email_file['subject'], $text, $html ); } else { if ($globals->explain) { echo "invalid e-mail address\n"; } } } } function handle_user($user) { global $email_files; global $globals; $user->last_rpc_time = last_rpc_time($user); $lapsed = time() - $user->last_rpc_time > $globals->lapsed_interval; if ($user->total_credit == 0) { mail_type($user, $email_files['failed']); if ($globals->explain) { echo "sending failed email to $user->email_addr\n"; } } else if ($lapsed) { mail_type($user, $email_files['lapsed']); if ($globals->explain) { echo "sending lapsed email to $user->email_addr\n"; } } else { if (!$globals->nocurrent) { mail_type($user, $email_files['current']); if ($globals->explain) { echo "sending current email to $user->email_addr\n"; } } } } function do_batch($startid, $n, $log) { $result = mysql_query( "select * from user where id>$startid order by id limit $n" ); while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { handle_user($user); $startid = $user->id; fputs($log, $user->id . "\n"); fflush($log); } mysql_free_result($result); return $startid; } function do_one($thisid, $log) { $result = mysql_query( "select * from user where id=$thisid" ); $user = mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($user) { handle_user($user); fputs($log, $user->id . "\n"); fflush($log); } mysql_free_result($result); return $startid; } function read_log() { global $mass_email_log; $f = fopen($mass_email_log, 'r'); if (!$f) { echo "$mass_email_log not found - create empty file and run again\n"; exit(); } $startid = 0; while (fscanf($f, '%d', &$startid)) { // read to the last entry in the file } fclose($f); return $startid; } function main() { global $globals; global $id_file; global $mass_email_log; $startid = read_log(); $f = fopen($mass_email_log, 'a'); if ($id_file == "") { while (1) { $new_startid = do_batch($startid, $globals->batch, $f); if ($new_startid == $startid) break; $startid = $new_startid; } } else { $fid = fopen($id_file, 'r'); if (!$fid) { echo $id_file . ' not found - create ID list and run again\n'; exit(); } $thisid = 0; while (fscanf($fid, '%d', &$thisid)) { if ($thisid > $startid) { do_one($thisid, $f); } } fclose($fid); } echo 'All done!' . "\n"; } if (!$USE_PHPMAILER) { echo "You must use PHPMailer.\n"; exit(); } $email_files = read_email_files(); if ($globals->userid) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($globals->userid); if (!$user) { echo "no such user\n"; } else { $user->last_rpc_time = last_rpc_time($user); mail_type($user, $email_files['failed']); mail_type($user, $email_files['lapsed']); if (!$globals->nocurrent) { mail_type($user, $email_files['current']); } } } else { main(); } ?>