getAuthenticator()); } // Fetch the thread and increment the number of views $thread = new Thread($threadid); if ($thread->isHidden()) { if ((!$logged_in_user) || (($logged_in_user) && (!$logged_in_user->isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR)))) { /* If the user logged in is a moderator, show him the * thread if he goes so far as to name it by ID like this. * Otherwise, hide the thread. */ error_page(tr(FORUM_THREAD_HIDDEN)); } } $forum = $thread->getForum(); $category = $forum->getCategory(); $title = cleanup_title($thread->getTitle()); if (!$sort_style) { // get the sorting style from the user or a cookie if ($logged_in_user){ $sort_style = $logged_in_user->getThreadSortStyle(); } else { list($forum_style, $sort_style)=explode("|",$_COOKIE['sorting']); } } else { if ($logged_in_user){ $logged_in_user->setThreadSortStyle($sort_style); } else { list($forum_style,$old_style)=explode("|",$_COOKIE['sorting']); setcookie('sorting', implode("|",array($forum_style,$sort_style)), time()+3600*24*365); } } if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->hasJumpToUnread()){ page_head($title, 'jumpToUnread();'); echo "getID()."\" rel=\"up\" title=\"".$forum->getTitle()."\">"; } else { page_head($title); echo "getID()."\" rel=\"up\" title=\"".$forum->getTitle()."\">"; } $is_subscribed = $logged_in_user && $thread->isSubscribed($logged_in_user); show_forum_title($forum, $thread); if ($thread->getType()!=0 && $thread->getStatus()==0){ $thread_owner = $thread->getOwner(); if ($logged_in_user){ if ($thread_owner->getID() == $logged_in_user->getID()){ if ($thread->getPostCount()!=0) { // Show a "this question has been answered" to the author echo "
If your question has been adequately answered please click here to close it!
"; } } else { // and a "I also got this question" to everyone else if they havent already told so echo "
"; } } } echo "
getID(), "\"> "; echo "\n
"; $reply_url = ""; if (can_reply($thread, $logged_in_user)) { $reply_url = "forum_reply.php?thread=".$thread->getID()."#input"; show_button($reply_url, tr(FORUM_THREAD_REPLY), "Add a new message to this thread"); } if ($is_subscribed) { $url = "forum_subscribe.php?action=unsubscribe&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens"; show_button($url, tr(FORUM_THREAD_UNSUBSCRIBE), "You are subscribed to this thread. Click here to unsubscribe."); } else { $url = "forum_subscribe.php?action=subscribe&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens"; show_button($url, tr(FORUM_THREAD_SUBSCRIBE), "Click to get email when there are new posts in this thread"); } //If the logged in user is moderator enable some extra features if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR)){ if ($thread->isHidden()){ show_button("forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=unhide&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Un-delete this thread"); } else { show_button("forum_moderate_thread.php?action=hide&thread=".$thread->getID(), "Delete", "Delete this thread (you can un-delete it later)"); } if ($thread->isSticky()){ show_button("forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=desticky&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Make unsticky", "Make this thread not sticky"); } else { show_button("forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=sticky&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Make sticky", "Make this thread sticky"); } if ($thread->isLocked()) { show_button("forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=unlock&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Unlock", "Unlock this thread"); } else { show_button("forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=lock&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Lock", "Lock this thread"); } show_button("forum_moderate_thread.php?action=move&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Move", "Move this thread to a different forum"); show_button("forum_moderate_thread.php?action=title&thread=".$thread->getID()."$tokens", "Edit title", "Edit thread title"); } // Display a box that allows the user to select sorting of the posts echo ""; echo "Sort "; echo select_from_array("sort", $thread_sort_styles, $sort_style); echo "\n
\n"; // Here is where the actual thread begins. $headings = array(array(tr(FORUM_AUTHOR),"authorcol"), array(tr(FORUM_MESSAGE),"",2)); start_forum_table($headings, "id=\"thread\" width=100%"); show_posts($thread, $sort_style, $filter, $logged_in_user, true); end_forum_table(); if ($reply_url) { show_button($reply_url, tr(FORUM_THREAD_REPLY), "Add a new message to this thread"); } show_forum_title($forum, $thread, false); $thread->incViews(); page_tail(); ?>