. // Show server status page. // Sources of data: // - daemons on this host: use "ps" to see if each is running // (this could be made more efficient using a single "ps", // or it could be cached) // - daemons on other hosts: get from a cached file generated periodically // by ops/remote_server_status.php // (we can't do this ourselves because apache can't generally ssh) // - apps and job counts: get from a cached file that we generate ourselves require_once("../inc/cache.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/xml.inc"); require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); if(file_exists('../../release.inc')) include '../../release.inc'; if (!defined('STATUS_PAGE_TTL')) { define('STATUS_PAGE_TTL', 3600); } // trim a daemon command for display. // For now, remove the cmdline args, but show the app if any // function command_display($cmd) { $x = explode(" -", $cmd); $prog = $x[0]; $x = strpos($cmd, "-app "); if ($x) { $y = substr($cmd, $x); $y = explode(" ", $y); $app = $y[1]; $prog .= " ($app)"; } return $prog; } function daemon_html($d) { switch ($d->status) { case 0: $s = tra("Not Running"); $c = "bg-danger"; break; case 1: $s = tra("Running"); $c = "bg-success"; break; default: $s = tra("Disabled"); $c = "bg-warning"; break; } echo " ".command_display($d->cmd)." $d->host $s "; } function daemon_xml($d) { switch ($d->status) { case 0: $s = "not running"; break; case 1: $s = "running"; break; default: $s = "disabled"; } echo " $d->host ".command_display($d->cmd)." $s "; } function item_xml($name, $val) { if (!$val) $val = 0; echo " <$name>$val\n"; } function item_html($name, $val) { $name = tra($name); echo "$name$val\n"; //echo "$name$val\n"; } function show_status_html($x) { page_head(tra("Project status")); $j = $x->jobs; $daemons = $x->daemons; start_table(); echo "\n"; echo "

".tra("Server status")."

"; start_table('table-striped'); table_header(tra("Program"), tra("Host"), tra("Status")); foreach ($daemons->local_daemons as $d) { daemon_html($d); } foreach ($daemons->remote_daemons as $d) { daemon_html($d); } foreach ($daemons->disabled_daemons as $d) { daemon_html($d); } end_table(); if ($daemons->cached_time) { echo "
Remote daemon status as of ", time_str($daemons->cached_time); } if ($daemons->missing_remote_status) { echo "
Status of remote daemons is missing\n"; } if (function_exists('server_status_project_info')) { echo "
"; server_status_project_info(); } echo "\n"; echo "

".tra("Computing status")."

\n"; echo "


\n"; start_table('table-striped'); item_html("Tasks ready to send", $j->results_ready_to_send); item_html("Tasks in progress", $j->results_in_progress); item_html("Workunits waiting for validation", $j->wus_need_validate); item_html("Workunits waiting for assimilation", $j->wus_need_assimilate); item_html("Workunits waiting for file deletion", $j->wus_need_file_delete); item_html("Tasks waiting for file deletion", $j->results_need_file_delete); item_html("Transitioner backlog (hours)", number_format($j->transitioner_backlog, 2)); end_table(); echo "


\n"; start_table('table-striped'); item_html("With credit", $j->users_with_credit); item_html("With recent credit", $j->users_with_recent_credit); item_html("Registered in past 24 hours", $j->users_past_24_hours); end_table(); echo "


\n"; start_table('table-striped'); item_html("With credit", $j->hosts_with_credit); item_html("With recent credit", $j->hosts_with_recent_credit); item_html("Registered in past 24 hours", $j->hosts_past_24_hours); item_html("Current GigaFLOPS", round($j->flops, 2)); end_table(); echo "\n"; end_table(); echo "

".tra("Tasks by application")."

\n"; start_table('table-striped'); table_header( tra("Application"), tra("Unsent"), tra("In progress"), tra("Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max"), tra("Users in last 24 hours") ); foreach ($j->apps as $app) { $avg = round($app->info->avg, 2); $min = round($app->info->min, 2); $max = round($app->info->max, 2); $x = $max?"$avg ($min - $max)":"---"; $u = $app->info->users; echo " $app->user_friendly_name $app->unsent $app->in_progress $x $u "; } end_table(); global $server_version; global $git_commit; if ( isset($server_version) && isset($git_commit) ) { echo "Server version: $server_version ($git_commit)
"; } if ($j->db_revision) { echo tra("Database schema version: "), $j->db_revision; } echo "

Task data as of ".time_str($j->cached_time); page_tail(); } function show_status_xml($x) { xml_header(); echo "\n\n"; $daemons = $x->daemons; foreach ($daemons->local_daemons as $d) { daemon_xml($d); } foreach ($daemons->remote_daemons as $d) { daemon_xml($d); } foreach ($daemons->disabled_daemons as $d) { daemon_xml($d); } echo "\n\n"; $j = $x->jobs; item_xml("results_ready_to_send", $j->results_ready_to_send); item_xml("results_in_progress", $j->results_in_progress); item_xml("workunits_waiting_for_validation", $j->wus_need_validate); item_xml("workunits_waiting_for_assimilation", $j->wus_need_assimilate); item_xml("workunits_waiting_for_deletion", $j->wus_need_file_delete); item_xml("results_waiting_for_deletion", $j->results_need_file_delete); item_xml("transitioner_backlog_hours", $j->transitioner_backlog); item_xml("users_with_recent_credit", $j->users_with_recent_credit); item_xml("users_with_credit", $j->users_with_credit); item_xml("users_registered_in_past_24_hours", $j->users_past_24_hours); item_xml("hosts_with_recent_credit", $j->hosts_with_recent_credit); item_xml("hosts_with_credit", $j->hosts_with_credit); item_xml("hosts_registered_in_past_24_hours", $j->hosts_past_24_hours); item_xml("current_floating_point_speed", $j->flops); echo "\n"; foreach ($j->apps as $app) { echo "\n"; item_xml("id", $app->id); item_xml("name", $app->name); item_xml("unsent", $app->unsent); item_xml("in_progress", $app->in_progress); item_xml("avg_runtime", $app->info->avg); item_xml("min_runtime", $app->info->min); item_xml("max_runtime", $app->info->max); item_xml("users", $app->info->users); echo "\n"; } echo " "; } function local_daemon_running($cmd, $pidname, $host) { if (!$pidname) { $cmd = trim($cmd); $x = explode(" ", $cmd); $prog = $x[0]; $pidname = $prog . '.pid'; } $path = "../../pid_$host/$pidname"; if (is_file($path)) { $pid = file_get_contents($path); if ($pid) { $pid = trim($pid); $out = Array(); exec("ps -ww $pid", $out); foreach ($out as $y) { if (strstr($y, (string)$pid)) return 1; } } } return 0; } // returns a data structure of the form // local_daemons: array of // cmd, status // remote_daemons: array of // cmd, host, status // disabled_daemons: array of // cmd, host // function get_daemon_status() { $c = simplexml_load_file("../../config.xml"); if (!$c) { die("can't parse config file\n"); } $daemons = $c->daemons; $config = $c->config; $main_host = trim((string)$config->host); $master_url = trim((string)$config->master_url); $u = parse_url($master_url); if (!array_key_exists("host", $u)) { print_r($u); die("can't parse URL $master_url"); } $master_host = $u["host"]; if ($config->www_host) { $web_host = trim((string) $config->www_host); } else { $web_host = $main_host; } if ($config->sched_host) { $sched_host = trim((string) $config->sched_host); } else { $sched_host = $main_host; } $have_remote = false; $local_daemons = array(); $disabled_daemons = array(); // the upload and download servers are sort of daemons too // $url = trim((string) $config->download_url); $u = parse_url($url); $h = $u["host"]; if ($h == $master_host) { $y = new StdClass; $y->cmd = "Download server"; $y->host = $h; $y->status = 1; $local_daemons[] = $y; } else { $have_remote = true; } $url = trim((string) $config->upload_url); $u = parse_url($url); $h = $u["host"]; if ($h == $master_host) { $y = new StdClass; $y->cmd = "Upload server"; $y->host = $h; $y->status = !file_exists("../../stop_upload");; $local_daemons[] = $y; } else { $have_remote = true; } // Scheduler is a daemon too // if ($sched_host == $main_host) { $y = new StdClass; $y->cmd = "Scheduler"; $y->host = $sched_host; $y->status = !file_exists("../../stop_sched");; $local_daemons[] = $y; } else { $have_remote = true; } foreach ($daemons->daemon as $d) { if ((int)$d->disabled != 0) { $x = new StdClass; $x->cmd = (string)$d->cmd; $x->host = (string)$d->host; if (!$x->host) $x->host = $main_host; $x->status = -1; $disabled_daemons[] = $x; continue; } $host = $d->host?(string)$d->host:$main_host; if ($host != $web_host) { $have_remote = true; continue; } $x = new StdClass; $x->cmd = (string)$d->cmd; $x->status = local_daemon_running($x->cmd, trim($d->pid_file), $web_host); $x->host = $web_host; $local_daemons[] = $x; } $x = new StdClass; $x->local_daemons = $local_daemons; $x->disabled_daemons = $disabled_daemons; $x->missing_remote_status = false; $x->cached_time = 0; $x->remote_daemons = array(); if ($have_remote) { $f = @file_get_contents("../cache/remote_server_status"); if ($f) { $x->remote_daemons = unserialize($f); $x->cached_time = filemtime("../cache/remote_server_status"); } else { $x->missing_remote_status = true; } } return $x; } function get_job_status() { $s = unserialize(get_cached_data(STATUS_PAGE_TTL, "job_status")); if ($s) { return $s; } $s = new StdClass; $apps = BoincApp::enum("deprecated=0"); foreach ($apps as $app) { $info = BoincDB::get()->lookup_fields("result", "stdClass", "ceil(avg(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as avg, ceil(min(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as min, ceil(max(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as max, count(distinct userid) as users", "appid = $app->id AND validate_state=1 AND received_time > (unix_timestamp()-86400) " ); $app->info = $info; $app->unsent = BoincResult::count("appid=$app->id and server_state=2"); $app->in_progress = BoincResult::count("appid=$app->id and server_state=4"); } $s->apps = $apps; $s->results_ready_to_send = BoincResult::count("server_state=2"); $s->results_in_progress = BoincResult::count("server_state=4"); $s->results_need_file_delete = BoincResult::count("file_delete_state=1"); $s->wus_need_validate = BoincWorkunit::count("need_validate=1"); $s->wus_need_assimilate = BoincWorkunit::count("assimilate_state=1"); $s->wus_need_file_delete = BoincWorkunit::count("file_delete_state=1"); $x = BoincDB::get()->lookup_fields("workunit", "stdClass", "MIN(transition_time) as min", "TRUE"); $gap = (time() - $x->min)/3600; if (($gap < 0) || ($x->min == 0)) { $gap = 0; } $s->transitioner_backlog = $gap; $s->users_with_recent_credit = BoincUser::count("expavg_credit>1"); $s->users_with_credit = BoincUser::count("total_credit>1"); $s->users_past_24_hours = BoincUser::count("create_time > (unix_timestamp() - 86400)"); $s->hosts_with_recent_credit = BoincHost::count("expavg_credit>1"); $s->hosts_with_credit = BoincHost::count("total_credit>1"); $s->hosts_past_24_hours = BoincHost::count("create_time > (unix_timestamp() - 86400)"); $s->flops = BoincUser::sum("expavg_credit")/200; $s->db_revision = null; if (file_exists("../../db_revision")) { $s->db_revision = trim(file_get_contents("../../db_revision")); } $s->cached_time = time(); $e = set_cached_data(STATUS_PAGE_TTL, serialize($s), "job_status"); if ($e) echo "set_cached_data(): $e\n"; return $s; } function main() { $x = new StdClass; $x->daemons = get_daemon_status(); $x->jobs = get_job_status(); if (get_int('xml', true)) { show_status_xml($x); } else { show_status_html($x); } } main(); ?>