. // functions to query various entities, and display them, // in admin web pages // TODO: most of this code shouldn't exist; use the standard code instead error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', true); ini_set('display_startup_errors', true); require_once("../inc/util_basic.inc"); require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); require_once("../inc/result.inc"); require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); class BoincAssignment { static function enum($where_clause = null) { $db = BoincDb::get(); return $db->enum('assignment', 'BoincAssignment', $where_clause); } } define("NVALIDATE_STATES", 6); // Converts a mysql-Timestamp to a user readable format // @return String A user readable DateTime-String in UTC // @param Integer $x The mysql-Timestamp to convert function mysqltime_str($x) { if(strpos($x,"-")==4) { // Syntax of supplied mysql-timestamp is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS $year = substr($x,0,4); $month = substr($x,5,2); $day = substr($x,8,2); $hour = substr($x,11,2); $minute = substr($x,14,2); $second = substr($x,17,2); } else { // Syntax of supplied mysql-timestamp is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS $year = substr($x,0,4); $month = substr($x,4,2); $day = substr($x,6,2); $hour = substr($x,8,2); $minute = substr($x,10,2); $second = substr($x,12,2); } //make a Unix-Timestamp // echo "Time string is " . "$x"; $time = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year); return time_str($time); } // translate type_id into humand readable text // http://php.net/manual/de/mysqli-result.fetch-field-direct.php // function mysql_fieldtype_str($type_id) { static $types; // maps php constants to well known mysql definitions static $mysql_data_type_hash = array( MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY=>'tinyint', MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT=>'smallint', MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG=>'int', MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT=>'float', MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE=>'double', MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP=>'timestamp', MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG=>'bigint', MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24=>'mediumint', MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE=>'date', MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME=>'time', MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME=>'datetime', MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR=>'year', MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT=>'bit', MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB=>'blob', MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING=>'varchar', MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING=>'char', MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL=>'decimal' ); if (array_key_exists($type_id, $mysql_data_type_hash)) { return $mysql_data_type_hash[$type_id]; } // $type_id is not well known or new so get the constant name and return that if (!isset($types)) { $types = array(); $constants = get_defined_constants(true); foreach ($constants['mysqli'] as $c => $n) if (preg_match('/^MYSQLI_TYPE_(.*)/', $c, $m)) $types[$n] = $m[1]; } return array_key_exists($type_id, $types)? strtolower($types[$type_id]) : "unknown"; } // Function prints a description of $table // function print_describe_table_onecol($table, $which, $columns) { $db = BoincDb::get(true); $result = $db->do_query("SELECT * from $table LIMIT 1"); $fields = $result->field_count; $avgnum=(int)($fields/$columns); if ($avgnum*$columns<$fields) { $avgnum++; } $actualcolumns=0; while ($avgnum*$actualcolumns<$fields) { $actualcolumns++; } if ($which>$actualcolumns) { return 0; } $bot=($which-1)*$avgnum; $top=$which*$avgnum; $width=100.0/$actualcolumns; echo ""; start_table('table-striped'); echo "NAMETypeBytes\n"; for ($count=$bot; $count<$top; $count++) { if ($count<$fields) { $x = $result->fetch_field_direct($count); $name = $x->name; $type = mysql_fieldtype_str($x->type); $length = $x->length; } else { $name="
"; $type="
"; $length="
"; } echo "\t$name$type$length\n"; } end_table(); echo ""; $result->free(); return 0; } function print_describe_table($table, $how_many_columns) { // Number of columns for showing table description echo "

Description of $table table fields:

\n"; start_table(); echo ""; for ($i=1; $i<=$how_many_columns; $i++) { print_describe_table_onecol($table, $i, $how_many_columns); } echo ""; end_table(); return 0; } function print_detail_field() { echo "Detail level"; echo " "; } function print_query_field() { $currenttime=time(); $hourago=$currenttime-3600; $dayago=$currenttime-24*3600; $weekago=$currenttime-7*24*3600; echo " Additional clauses Unix times Now: $currenttime Hour ago: $hourago Day ago: $dayago Week ago: $weekago "; } function join_query_string($s1, $s2) { if ($s1) { if ($s2) { return "$s1&s2"; } else { return $s1; } } else { return $s2; } } function append_sql_query($original,$addition,$first) { if ($first == 1) { return $original . " where " . $addition; } else { return $original . " and " . $addition; } } // SqlQueryString maps a bunch of form items to a SQL query // // The items are // table (name of table) // id // platformid // appid // workunitid // hostid // userid // teamid // nsecs (modified_time > now - nsecs) // received_time (> x) // server_state (== x if z nonzero) // outcome (== x if z nonzero) // client_state (== x if z nonzero) // exit_status (== x if z nonzero) // clauses (literals added after the above) // sort_by (order by x desc added after all else) // // Once you've parsed the items (using parse_form_items()): // // get_select_query(n, m) returns the SQL query to get items from m to m+n // get_url() returns the URL-encoded version of everything // count() returns the number of records satisfying the query class SqlQueryString { var $table; var $query; var $urlquery; function __construct() { if (isset($_GET['table'])) { $this->table = $_GET['table']; } else { $this->table = ""; } //$this->query = $_GET['query']; $this->query = ""; $this->urlquery = ""; } function add($clause) { //$clause=boinc_real_escape_string($clause); if (!$this->query) { $this->query .= "where $clause"; } else { $this->query .= " and $clause"; } } function addclause($clause) { if ($clause) { $c = urldecode($clause); $this->add("( $c )"); $clause = urlencode($clause); $this->urlquery .= "&clauses=$clause"; } } function addeq($name) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $value = $_GET[$name]; } else { $value = ""; } if (strlen($value)) { $this->add("$name = '$value'"); $this->urlquery .= "&$name=".urlencode($value); } } function addeq_not_CHOOSE_ALL($name) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $value = $_GET[$name]; } else { $value = ""; } // On the selection menu, the ALL selection criteria sets (for example) // outcome=='CHOOSE_ALL' rather than a numeric value. This means that // we enter no condition for this case. if (strlen($value) && strcmp("CHOOSE_ALL", $value)) { $this->add("$name = '$value'"); $this->urlquery .= "&$name=".urlencode($value); } } function addgt($name) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $value = $_GET[$name]; } else { $value = ''; } if (strlen($value) && $value > 0) { $this->add("$name > '$value'"); $this->urlquery .= "&$name=".urlencode($value); } } function addsort($name, $order) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $value = $_GET[$name]; } else { $value=null; } if (isset($_GET[$order])) { $order = $_GET[$order]; } else { $order = null; } if (strlen($value)) { if ($order == 'asc') { $this->query .= " order by $value asc"; $this->urlquery .= "&sort_by_order=".urlencode($order); } else { $this->query .= " order by $value desc"; $this->urlquery .= "&$name=".urlencode($value); } } } function count() { $count_query = "select count(*) as cnt from $this->table $this->query"; $db = BoincDb::get(true); $result = $db->do_query($count_query); if (!$result) return 0; $res = $result->fetch_object(); $result->free(); return $res->cnt; } function get_select_query($entries_to_show, $start_at) { if ($entries_to_show) { if ($start_at) { return "select * from $this->table $this->query limit $start_at,$entries_to_show"; } else { return "select * from $this->table $this->query limit $entries_to_show"; } } else { return "select * from $this->table $this->query"; } } function get_url($base = "db_action.php") { $s = $base . "?table=$this->table$this->urlquery"; return $s; } function process_form_items() { $this->addeq('id'); $this->addeq('platformid'); $this->addeq('appid'); $this->addeq('workunitid'); $this->addeq('hostid'); $this->addeq('userid'); $this->addeq('teamid'); $this->addeq('app_version_id'); $this->addeq('exit_status'); if (isset($_GET['nsecs'])) { $_GET['mod_time'] = date("YmdHis",time() - $_GET['nsecs']); } $this->addgt('mod_time'); $this->addeq_not_CHOOSE_ALL('server_state'); $this->addeq_not_CHOOSE_ALL('outcome'); $this->addeq_not_CHOOSE_ALL('client_state'); $this->addeq_not_CHOOSE_ALL('validate_state'); $clauses = get_str("clauses", true); if (strstr($clauses, ";")) error_page("bad clause"); if ($clauses) { $this->addclause($clauses); } $this->addsort('sort_by', 'sort_by_order'); } } function link_results($n, $mq, $query, $clauses) { if ($n == '0') { // intentional compare by string return "0"; } else { if(strlen($clauses)) { return "$n"; } else { return "$n"; } } } // Determines if in stderr_out is an error reported and prints as human readable String // @return String A human readable string if error otherwise FALSE // @param String $stderr_out the stderr_out value to parse function stderr_error_string($stderr_out){ $y = parse_element($stderr_out, ""); $x = 0; if ($y) { $x = (int)$y; } if (0<=$x && $x<=9) { return FALSE; } else { return "$x ".error_code_str($x); } } function admin_show_result_summary() { $ntotal =0; // TODO: how to count $result? $nvalid = 0; // for SUCCESS results $ninvalid = 0; $nfile_deleted = 0; $server_state = array(); $outcome = array(); $client_state = array(); for ($ss=1; $ss<6; $ss++) { $server_state[$ss] = 0; } for ($ro=0; $ro<8; $ro++) { $outcome[$ro] = 0; } for ($cs=1; $cs<7; $cs++) { $client_state[$cs] = 0; } for ($fds=0; $fds<4; $fds++) { $delete_state[$fds] = 0; } for ($vs=0; $vsprocess_form_items(); // Important: these need to be kept consistent with db/boinc_db.h and lib/result_state.h $main_query = " SELECT COUNT(id) AS nTotal, SUM(case when server_state = '1' then 1 else 0 end) AS serverstate_inactive, SUM(case when server_state = '2' then 1 else 0 end) AS serverstate_unset, SUM(case when server_state = '3' then 1 else 0 end) AS serverstate_unset_seq, SUM(case when server_state = '4' then 1 else 0 end) AS serverstate_inprogress, SUM(case when server_state = '5' then 1 else 0 end) AS serverstate_over, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '0' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_init, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_success, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '2' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_couldntsend, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_failure, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '4' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_noreply, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '5' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_didntneed, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '6' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_validateerror, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '7' then 1 else 0 end) AS outcome_clientdetached, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and validate_state = '0' then 1 else 0 end) AS validate_init, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and validate_state = '1' then 1 else 0 end) AS validate_valid, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and validate_state = '2' then 1 else 0 end) AS validate_invalid, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and validate_state = '3' then 1 else 0 end) AS validate_nocheck, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and validate_state = '4' then 1 else 0 end) AS validate_inconclusive, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and validate_state = '5' then 1 else 0 end) AS validate_too_late, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and file_delete_state = '0' then 1 else 0 end) AS filedeletestate_init, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and file_delete_state = '1' then 1 else 0 end) AS filedeletestate_ready, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and file_delete_state = '2' then 1 else 0 end) AS filedeletestate_done, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '1' and file_delete_state = '3' then 1 else 0 end) AS filedeletestate_error, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '0' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_init, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '1' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_downloading, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '2' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_downloaded, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '3' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_computedone, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '4' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_uploading, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '5' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_uploaded, SUM(case when server_state = '5' and outcome = '3' and client_state = '6' then 1 else 0 end) AS clientstate_aborted FROM result WHERE true "; if ($query_appid) { $main_query .= " and appid=$query_appid"; } if ($query_wuid) { $main_query .= " and workunitid=$query_wuid"; } if ($query_mod_time) { $start = time() - $query_mod_time; // If file deletion is delayed by X, // subtract X from mod time of file-deleted results. // Otherwise we'll show lots of irrelevant results // $delay = parse_config(get_config(), ""); if ($delay) { $start2 = $start - $delay*3600;; $main_query .= " and ((file_delete_state>1 and mod_time>FROM_UNIXTIME($start2)) or (mod_time>FROM_UNIXTIME($start)))"; } else { $main_query .= " and mod_time > FROM_UNIXTIME($start)"; } } $urlquery = $q->urlquery; $db = BoincDb::get(true); $result = $db->do_query($main_query); // echo "Main query was $main_query
"; if ($result) { $res = $result->fetch_object(); $ntotal = $res->nTotal; $server_state[1] = $res->serverstate_inactive; $server_state[2] = $res->serverstate_unset; $server_state[3] = $res->serverstate_unset_seq; $server_state[4] = $res->serverstate_inprogress; $server_state[5] = $res->serverstate_over; $outcome[0] = $res->outcome_init; $outcome[1] = $res->outcome_success; $outcome[2] = $res->outcome_couldntsend; $outcome[3] = $res->outcome_failure; $outcome[4] = $res->outcome_noreply; $outcome[5] = $res->outcome_didntneed; $outcome[6] = $res->outcome_validateerror; $outcome[7] = $res->outcome_clientdetached; $client_state[1] = $res->clientstate_downloading; $client_state[2] = $res->clientstate_downloaded; $client_state[3] = $res->clientstate_computedone; $client_state[4] = $res->clientstate_uploading; $client_state[5] = $res->clientstate_uploaded; $client_state[6] = $res->clientstate_aborted; $validate_state[0] = $res->validate_init; $validate_state[1] = $res->validate_valid; $validate_state[2] = $res->validate_invalid; $validate_state[3] = $res->validate_nocheck; $validate_state[4] = $res->validate_inconclusive; $validate_state[5] = $res->validate_too_late; $file_delete[0] = $res->filedeletestate_init; $file_delete[1] = $res->filedeletestate_ready; $file_delete[2] = $res->filedeletestate_done; $file_delete[3] = $res->filedeletestate_error; $nfile_deleted = $res->filedeletestate_ready + $res->filedeletestate_done + $res->filedeletestate_error; $result->free(); } start_table(); echo ""; echo "

" . link_results("$ntotal results", $urlquery, '', '') . "

"; echo "

" . link_results("'Over' results", $urlquery, "server_state=5", '') . "

"; echo "

" . link_results("'Success' results", $urlquery, "outcome=1", '') . "

"; echo "

" . link_results("'Client error' results", $urlquery, "outcome=3", '') . "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; start_table('table-striped'); echo "Server state# results\n"; for ($ss=1; $ss<6; $ss++) { $res = new StdClass; $res->server_state = $ss; row2(result_server_state_string($res), link_results("$server_state[$ss]", $urlquery,"server_state=$ss", '') ); } end_table(); echo ""; echo ""; start_table('table-striped'); echo "Outcome# results\n"; for ($ro=0; $ro<8; $ro++) { $res = new StdClass; $res->outcome = $ro; $res->exit_status = 0; c_row2($outcome[$ro]?outcome_color($ro):'', result_outcome_string($res), link_results("$outcome[$ro]", $urlquery, "outcome=$ro", '') ); } end_table(); echo ""; echo ""; start_table('table-striped'); echo "Validate state# results\n"; for ($vs=0; $vsvalidate_state = $vs; $res->exit_status = 0; c_row2($validate_state[$vs]?validate_color($vs):'', validate_state_str($res), link_results("$validate_state[$vs]", $urlquery, "validate_state=$vs", "outcome=1")); } end_table(); start_table('table-striped'); echo "File Delete state# results\n"; for ($fds=0; $fds<4; $fds++) { row2(file_delete_state_str($fds), link_results("$file_delete[$fds]", $urlquery, "outcome=1", "file_delete_state=$fds")); } row2("Total files deleted", link_results("$nfile_deleted", $urlquery, "outcome=1", "(file_delete_state=1 or file_delete_state=2 or file_delete_state=3)")); end_table(); echo ""; echo ""; start_table('table-striped'); echo "Client state# results\n"; for ($cs=1; $cs<7; $cs++) { $res = new StdClass; $res->client_state = $cs; $res->exit_status = 0; row2(result_client_state_string($res), link_results("$client_state[$cs]", $urlquery, "client_state=$cs", "outcome=3") ); } end_table(); echo ""; end_table(); } function server_state_select() { echo " \n"; } function outcome_select() { echo " \n"; } function validate_state_select() { echo " \n"; } function client_state_select() { echo " \n"; } function result_sort_select() { echo " "; } function sort_order_select() { echo " "; } function table_title($table) { switch($table) { case "platform": return "Platforms"; case "app": return "Applications"; case "app_version": return "Application Versions"; case "host": return "Hosts"; case "workunit": return "Workunits"; case "result": return "Results"; case "team": return "Teams"; case "user": return "Users"; case "profile": return "Profiles"; default: return "????"; } } function admin_show_platform($platform) { start_table(); row("ID", $platform->id); row("Created", time_str($platform->create_time)); row("Name", $platform->name); row("User friendly name", $platform->user_friendly_name); row("","id\">App versions for this platform"); end_table(); } function admin_show_app($app) { start_table(); row("ID", $app->id); row("Created", time_str($app->create_time)); row("Name", $app->name); row("User-friendly name", $app->user_friendly_name); row("Deprecated", $app->deprecated); row("Homogeneous redundancy", $app->homogeneous_redundancy); row("","id\">App Versions for this application"); row("","id&detail=low\">Workunits for this application"); end_table(); } function admin_show_app_version($app_version) { start_table(); row("ID", $app_version->id); row("Created", time_str($app_version->create_time)); row("Application", "appid\">" . app_name_by_id($app_version->appid) . ""); row("Version num", $app_version->version_num); row("Platform", "platformid\">" . platform_name_by_id($app_version->platformid) . "" ); row("Plan Class", $app_version->plan_class); row("XML doc", "
"); row("min_core_version", $app_version->min_core_version); row("max_core_version", $app_version->max_core_version); row("deprecated", $app_version->deprecated); row("plan_class", $app_version->plan_class); end_table(); } function app_version_short_header() { echo " ID Application Version Platform Plan Class "; } function admin_show_app_version_short($app_version) { $x = app_name_by_id($app_version->appid); $y = platform_name_by_id($app_version->platformid); echo " id\">$app_version->id appid\">$x $app_version->version_num platformid\">$y $app_version->plan_class "; } function host_short_header() { echo " host ID IP address name RAC total credit CPU OS "; } function admin_show_host_short($host) { echo " id\">$host->id $host->last_ip_addr $host->domain_name "; printf("%.2f", $host->expavg_credit); printf("%.1f", $host->total_credit); echo "$host->p_vendor $host->p_model $host->os_name $host->os_version "; } function days_string($x) { return number_format($x/86400, 2)." days"; } function resource_name($x) { switch ($x) { case 2: return "CPU"; case 3: return "NVIDIA"; case 4: return "ATI"; } return "Unknown resource: $x"; } function hav_app_version_string($avid) { if ($avid > 1000000) { $appid = (int)($avid/1000000); $platform_name = "Anonymous platform"; $version_info = resource_name($avid%1000000); } else { $av = BoincAppVersion::lookup("id=$avid"); if (!$av) return "Missing app version $avid"; $appid = $av->appid; $platform = BoincPlatform::lookup_id($av->platformid); if (!$platform) return "Missing platform $av->platformid"; $platform_name = $platform->user_friendly_name; $version_info = "$av->version_num $av->plan_class
PFC: $av->pfc_avg ($av->pfc_n)
scale: $av->pfc_scale "; } $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($appid); if (!$app) return "Missing app $appid"; return "$app->user_friendly_name
$version_info "; } function admin_show_host_app_versions($hostid) { start_table(); table_header("app version", "PFC", "Elapsed", "Turnaround"); $havs = BoincHostAppVersion::enum("host_id=$hostid"); foreach ($havs as $hav) { table_row( hav_app_version_string($hav->app_version_id), "$hav->pfc_avg ($hav->pfc_n)", "$hav->et_avg ($hav->et_n)", days_string($hav->turnaround_avg)." ($hav->turnaround_n)" ); } end_table(); } function admin_show_host($host) { start_table(); row("ID", $host->id); row("Created", time_str($host->create_time)); row("User", "userid\">".user_name_by_id($host->userid)."($host->userid)" ); row("Venue", $host->venue); row("Info", $host->serialnum); row("Total credit", $host->total_credit); row("Average credit", $host->expavg_credit); row("Average update time", time_str($host->expavg_time)); row("IP address", "$host->last_ip_addr
(same the last $host->nsame_ip_addr times)"); row("External IP address", "$host->external_ip_addr
"); row("Domain name", $host->domain_name); $x = $host->timezone/3600; if ($x >= 0) $x="+$x"; row("Local Standard Time", "UTC $x hours"); row("Number of CPUs", $host->p_ncpus); row("CPU", "$host->p_vendor $host->p_model"); row("GFLOPS", number_format($host->p_fpops/1e9, 2)); row("GIOPS", number_format($host->p_iops/1e9, 2)); $x = $host->p_membw/(1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Memory bandwidth", "$y MB/sec"); row("Operating System", "$host->os_name $host->os_version"); $x = $host->m_nbytes/(1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Memory", "$y MB"); $x = $host->m_cache/1024; $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Cache", "$y KB"); $x = $host->m_swap/(1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Swap Space", "$y MB"); $x = $host->d_total/(1024*1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Total Disk Space", "$y GB"); $x = $host->d_free/(1024*1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Free Disk Space", "$y GB"); $x = number_format($host->n_bwup/1024); row("Avg network bandwidth (upstream)", "$x kB/sec"); $x = number_format($host->n_bwdown/1024); row("Avg network bandwidth (downstream)", "$x kB/sec"); row("Average turnaround", days_string($host->avg_turnaround)); row("Number of RPCs", $host->rpc_seqno); row("Last RPC", time_str($host->rpc_time)); row("% of time client on", 100*$host->on_frac." %"); row("% of time host connected", 100*$host->connected_frac." %"); row("% of time user active", 100*$host->active_frac." %"); row("# of results today", $host->nresults_today); row("Results", "id&sort_by=sent_time\">click here"); end_table(); admin_show_host_app_versions($host->id); } function admin_show_workunit($wu) { $_GET = array('workunitid' => $wu->id); admin_show_result_summary(); start_table(); row("Created", time_str($wu->create_time)); row("Transition Time", time_str($wu->transition_time)); row("Last time modified",mysqltime_str($wu->mod_time)); row("Name", $wu->name); row("XML doc", "
"); row("Application", "appid\">" . app_name_by_id($wu->appid) . " [".$wu->appid."]"); row("Batch", $wu->batch); $x = number_format($wu->rsc_fpops_est/1e9, 2); row("Estimated FP Operations", "$x GFLOPS"); $x = number_format($wu->rsc_fpops_bound/1e9, 2); row("Max FP Operations", "$x GFLOPS"); $x = $wu->rsc_memory_bound/(1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Max Memory Usage", "$y MB"); $x = $wu->rsc_disk_bound/(1024*1024); $y = number_format($x, 2); row("Max Disk Usage", "$y MB"); row("Need validate?", ($wu->need_validate?"yes [":"no [").$wu->need_validate."]"); row("Canonical resultid", "canonical_resultid\">".$wu->canonical_resultid.""); row("Canonical credit", $wu->canonical_credit); //row("Timeout check time", time_str($wu->timeout_check_time)); row("Delay bound", "$wu->delay_bound" . " = " . time_diff($wu->delay_bound) ); row("Error mask", wu_error_mask_str($wu->error_mask)); row("File delete state", file_delete_state_str($wu->file_delete_state)." [".$wu->file_delete_state."]"); row("Assimilation state", assimilate_state_str($wu->assimilate_state)." [".$wu->assimilate_state."]"); // row("","id&detail=low>Show associated results"); row("min quorum", $wu->min_quorum); row("target results", $wu->target_nresults); row("max error results", $wu->max_error_results); row("max total results", $wu->max_total_results); row("max success results", $wu->max_success_results); row("result template file",$wu->result_template_file); row("hr_class", $wu->hr_class); row("opaque", $wu->opaque); row("Priority", $wu->priority); end_table(); echo "
"; echo "name\">GREP LOGS FOR THIS WORKUNIT"; echo "
"; echo "

"; } function workunit_short_header() { echo " ID name canonical result error_mask file delete assimilate "; } function admin_show_workunit_short($wu) { if ($wu->canonical_resultid) { $cr = sprintf('%d', $wu->canonical_resultid, $wu->canonical_resultid ); } else { $cr = "none"; } $cr .= sprintf( ' all', $wu->id ); $wu_link = sprintf( '%d', $wu->id, $wu->id ); $e = wu_error_mask_str($wu->error_mask); $f = file_delete_state_str($wu->file_delete_state); $a = assimilate_state_str($wu->assimilate_state); echo " $wu_link $wu->name $cr $e $f $a "; } function host_user_link($hostid) { if (!$hostid) return '---'; $h = "$hostid"; $host = BoincHost::enum_fields("userid", "id=".$hostid, "limit 1"); if (!$host) return $h; $user = BoincUser::enum_fields("id, name", "id=".$host[0]->userid, "limit 1"); if (!$user) return $h; return "$h
(id."\">".$user[0]->name.")"; } function validate_color($validate_state) { switch ($validate_state) { case 1: return '33cc33'; // valid, green case 2: return 'ffa500'; // invalid result, orange } return ''; } function outcome_color($outcome) { switch($outcome) { case 0: return '9900cc'; // "Init", purple case 1: return '33cc33'; // "Success", green case 3: return 'ff3333'; // "Client error", red case 4: return 'ff6699'; // "No reply", pink case 6: return 'ffff33'; // "Validate error", yellow } return ''; } function credit_str($c) { if ($c) { return sprintf("%.3f", $c); } else { return '---'; } } function admin_show_result($result) { $wu_name = wu_name_by_id($result->workunitid); start_table(); row("Created", time_str($result->create_time)); row("Sent", time_str($result->sent_time)); row("Report deadline", time_str($result->report_deadline)); row("Received", time_str($result->received_time)); row("Last time modified",mysqltime_str($result->mod_time)); row("Name", $result->name); row("Workunit", "workunitid\">" . wu_name_by_id($result->workunitid) . " [$result->workunitid]" ); row("Server state", result_server_state_string($result)." [$result->server_state]"); row("Outcome", result_outcome_string($result)." [$result->outcome]"); row("Client state", result_client_state_string($result)." [$result->client_state]"); row("Exit status", exit_status_string($result->exit_status)); row("Host ID", "hostid\">" . host_name_by_id($result->hostid) . " [$result->hostid]"); row("User ID", "userid\">" . user_name_by_id($result->userid) . " [$result->userid]"); row("CPU time", $result->cpu_time); row("Elapsed time", $result->elapsed_time); if($error=stderr_error_string($result->stderr_out)) { row("error in stderr out", $error); } row("Batch", $result->batch); row("File delete state", file_delete_state_str($result->file_delete_state)." [$result->file_delete_state]"); row("Validate state", validate_state_str($result)." [$result->validate_state]"); row("Granted credit", $result->granted_credit); row("Application", "appid\">".app_name_by_id($result->appid).""); if ($result->app_version_id > 0) { $x1 = "app_version_id\">"; $x2 = ""; } else { $x1 = $x2 = ""; } row("App version", $x1.app_version_string($result).$x2); row("App version ID", $result->app_version_id); row("Estimated GFLOPS", number_format($result->flops_estimate/1e9, 2)); row("Random",$result->random); row("Opaque",$result->opaque); row("Teamid",$result->teamid); row("Priority",$result->priority); row("XML doc in", "

"); row("XML doc out", "
"); row("stderr out", "
            ENT_QUOTES | (defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')?ENT_SUBSTITUTE:0),
" ); end_table(); echo "

"; } function result_short_header() { echo " result ID WU ID server
state outcome client
state validate
state delete
state exit
status host
(user) app
ver received
or deadline
or created CPU
hours granted
credit "; } function admin_show_result_short($result) { $ss = result_server_state_string($result)." [$result->server_state]"; $oc = result_outcome_string($result)." [$result->outcome]"; $vs = validate_state_str($result)." [$result->validate_state]"; $cs2 = result_client_state_string($result)." [$result->client_state]"; if ($result->outcome == 3) { $cs = result_client_state_string($result); $oc = "$oc ($cs)"; } if ($result->received_time) { $received = time_str($result->received_time); } else { // result has not been received yet, so show report deadline either // in green if in the future or in red if in the past. $timenow=time(); if ($result->report_deadline==0) { // not sent -- show create time in purple $received = "". time_str($result->create_time) . ""; } else if ($result->report_deadline>=$timenow) { // overdue -- show deadline in red $received = "". time_str($result->report_deadline) . ""; } else { // in progress and not overdue -- show deadline in green $received = "". time_str($result->report_deadline) . ""; } } $version = app_version_string($result)." (app_version_id\">$result->app_version_id)"; $outcome_color = outcome_color($result->outcome); $validate_color = validate_color($result->validate_state); $host_user = host_user_link($result->hostid); $cpu_hours = sprintf("%.1f",$result->cpu_time / 3600); $granted_credit = "workunitid>".credit_str($result->granted_credit).""; $delete_state = file_delete_state_str($result->file_delete_state); echo " id\">$result->id workunitid\">$result->workunitid $ss $oc $cs2 $vs $delete_state ", exit_status_string($result->exit_status), " $host_user $version $received $cpu_hours $granted_credit "; } function admin_show_user($user) { start_table(); row("ID", $user->id); row("Created", time_str($user->create_time)); row("Name", $user->name); if(!in_rops()) { row("Authenticator", $user->authenticator); } row("Email address", $user->email_addr); row("OK to send Email?", $user->send_email); row("Country", $user->country); row("Postal code", $user->postal_code); row("Total credit", $user->total_credit); row("Average credit", $user->expavg_credit); row("Last average time", time_str($user->expavg_time)); row("Default venue", $user->venue); row("Hosts", "id&detail=low\">click"); row("Cross project ID", $user->cross_project_id); if(!in_rops()) { row("Password Hash", $user->passwd_hash); } row("Donated", $user->donated); end_table(); } function admin_show_user_summary($maxuser) { $top_country = array(); $top_language = array(); $db = BoincDb::get(true); $stats_res = $db->do_query("select max(id) as maxuser, SUM(case when has_profile = '1' then 1 else 0 end) as profuser, SUM(case when teamid != '0' then 1 else 0 end) as teamuser from user" ); $stats = $stats_res->fetch_assoc(); if ($maxuser > $stats['maxuser']) { $maxuser = $stats['maxuser']; } // TODO: what is in profile.posts? A user can post in the forums without a profile. $users = BoincUser::enum(null, "order by posts desc limit ".$maxuser); $profiles = BoincProfile::enum(null, "order by posts desc limit ".$maxuser); foreach ($users as $user) { $top10poster[$i] = $user; $top_country[$user->country] += 1; } foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if ($profile->language != '') { $top_language[$profile->language] += 1; } } $stats_res->free(); echo " "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "


top10 Poster

top$maxuser Countries

top$maxuser Languages

"; row2_plain("Users:", $stats['maxuser']); row2_plain("Profiles:", $stats['profuser']); row2_plain("Team members:", $stats['teamuser']); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; for ($p=1; $p<=10; $p++) { row2_plain(user_links_ops($top10poster[$p]), $top10poster[$p]->posts); } echo "
User# posts
\n"; echo "\n"; arsort($top_country); foreach ($top_country as $key => $value) { row2_plain($key, $value); } echo "
Country# users
\n"; echo "\n"; arsort($top_language); foreach ($top_language as $key => $value) { row2_plain($key, $value); } echo "
Language# users
"; } function team_type_string($s) { switch ($s) { case 1: return "Unclassified"; case 2: return "Company"; case 3: return "Primary school"; case 4: return "Secondary school"; case 5: return "Junior college"; case 6: return "University or department"; case 7: return "Government agency"; default: return "Unknown"; } } function admin_show_team($team) { start_table(); row("ID", $team->id); row("Team Founder", "userid\">" . user_name_by_id($team->userid) . ""); row("Name", $team->name); row("Name (HTML Formatted)", "

" . htmlspecialchars($team->name_html) . "
" ); row("Url", "url\">" . $team->url . ""); row("Type", team_type_string($team->type)); row("Description", $team->description); row("", "id\">List All Members"); end_table(); } function team_name_by_id($teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); if (!$team) return "No team"; return $team->name; } function user_name_by_id($user_id) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($user_id); if (!$user) return "No user"; return $user->name; } function app_name_by_id($appid) { $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($appid); if (!$app) return "No app"; return $app->name; } function wu_name_by_id($workunitid) { $wu = BoincWorkunit::lookup_id($workunitid); if (!$wu) return "Missing workunit"; return $wu->name; } function platform_name_by_id($platformid) { $plat = BoincPlatform::lookup_id($platformid); if (!$plat) return "Missing platform"; return $plat->name; } function host_name_by_id($hostid) { $host = BoincHost::lookup_id($hostid); if (!$host) return "No host"; if (!strlen($host->domain_name) && !strlen($host->last_ip_addr)) { return "(blank)"; } else { return $host->domain_name . " (" . $host->last_ip_addr . ")"; } } ?>