## $Id$ # module for setting up a new project (either a real project or a test project # see tools/makeproject, test/testbase.py). # TODO: make sure things work if build_dir != src_dir import boinc_path_config from Boinc import database, db_mid, configxml, tools from Boinc.boinc_db import * import os, sys, glob, time, shutil, re, random, socket class Options: pass options = Options() errors = Options() errors.count = 0 options.have_init = False options.install_method = None options.echo_verbose = 1 options.is_test = False options.drop_db_first = False def init(): if options.have_init: return options.have_init = True options.tty = os.isatty(1) options.echo_overwrite = options.tty and options.echo_verbose==1 # VERBOSE: 0 = print nothing # 1 = print some (default # if output is a tty, overwrite lines. # 2 = print all if options.install_method == 'copy': options.install_function = shutil.copy elif options.install_method == 'link' or options.install_method == 'hardlink': options.install_function = my_link elif options.install_method == 'symlink' or options.install_method == 'softlink': options.install_function = my_symlink else: fatal_error("Invalid install method: %s"%options.install_method) prev_overwrite = False def verbose_echo(level, line): global prev_overwrite if level == 0: if prev_overwrite: print print line prev_overwrite = False elif options.echo_verbose >= level: if options.echo_overwrite: print "\r ", print "\r", line, sys.stdout.flush() prev_overwrite = True else: print line def fatal_error(msg): errors.count += 1 verbose_echo(0, "FATAL ERROR: "+msg) sys.exit(1) def error(msg, fatal=0): if fatal: fatal_error(msg) errors.count += 1 verbose_echo(0, "ERROR: "+msg) def verbose_sleep(msg, wait): front = msg + ' [sleep ' back = ']' for i in range(1,wait+1): verbose_echo(1, msg + ' [sleep ' + ('.'*i).ljust(wait) + ']') time.sleep(1) def get_env_var(name, default = None): value = os.environ.get(name, default) if value == None: print "Environment variable %s not defined" % name sys.exit(1) return value def shell_call(cmd, doexec=False, failok=False): if doexec: os.execl('/bin/sh', 'sh', '-c', cmd) error("Command failed: "+cmd, fatal=(not failok)) os._exit(1) if os.system(cmd): error("Command failed: "+cmd, fatal=(not failok)) return 1 return 0 def verbose_shell_call(cmd, doexec=False, failok=False): verbose_echo(2, " "+cmd) return shell_call(cmd, doexec, failok) def destpath(src,dest): if dest.endswith('/'): return dest + os.path.basename(src) else: return dest # my_symlink and my_link just add the filename to the exception object if one # is raised - don't know why it's not already there def my_symlink(src,dest): dest = destpath(src,dest) try: os.symlink(src,dest) except OSError, e: e.filename = src + ' -> ' + dest raise def my_link(src,dest): dest = destpath(src,dest) try: os.link(src,dest) except OSError, e: e.filename = src + ' -> ' + dest raise # install = options.install_function def install(src, dest): options.install_function(src, dest) def install_glob(glob_source, dest, failok=False): dest = os.path.join(dest, '') # append '/' if necessary for src in glob.glob(glob_source): if not os.path.isdir(src): install(src, dest) def macro_substitute(macro, replacement, infile, outfile): open(outfile, 'w').write(open(infile).read().replace(macro, replacement)) def macro_substitute_inplace(macro, replacement, inoutfile): old = inoutfile + '.old' os.rename(inoutfile, old) macro_substitute(macro, replacement, old, inoutfile) def check_program_exists(prog): if not os.path.isfile(prog): fatal_error(""" Executable not found: %s Did you `make' yet? """ % prog) def check_core_client_executable(): check_program_exists(builddir('client', version.CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME)) def check_app_executable(app): check_program_exists(builddir('apps', app)) def make_executable(name): os.chmod(name, 755) def force_symlink(src, dest): if os.path.exists(dest): os.unlink(dest) my_symlink(src, dest) def rmtree(dir): # if os.path.exists(dir): # shutil.rmtree(dir) if not dir or dir == '/' or dir == '.' or ' ' in dir: raise Exception os.system("rm -rf %s"%dir) def _remove_trail(s, suffix): if s.endswith(suffix): return s[:-len(suffix)] else: return s def _url_to_filename(url): s="" for c in url.replace('http://',''): if (c.isalnum()): s += c else: s += '_' return _remove_trail(s,'_') def account_file_name(url): return 'account_' + _url_to_filename(url) + '.xml' def srcdir(*dirs): return apply(os.path.join,(boinc_path_config.TOP_SOURCE_DIR,)+dirs) def builddir(*dirs): return apply(os.path.join,(boinc_path_config.TOP_BUILD_DIR,)+dirs) def run_tool(cmd): verbose_shell_call(builddir('tools', cmd)) def _gen_key_p(private_key, public_key): shell_call("%s/crypt_prog -genkey 1024 %s %s >/dev/null" % ( builddir('lib'), private_key, public_key)) def _gen_key(key): _gen_key_p(key+'_private', key+'_public') def get_int(s): '''Convert a string to an int; return 0 on error.''' try: return int(s) except: return 0 def unique(list): d = {} for i in list: d[i] = 1 return d.keys() def map_xml(dic, keys): if not isinstance(dic,dict): dic = dic.__dict__ s = '' for key in keys: s += "<%s>%s\n" % (key, dic[key], key) return s[:-1] def generate_shmem_key(): return '0x1111%x' % random.randrange(0,2**16) def _check_vars(dict, **names): for key in names: value = names[key] if not key in dict: if value == None: raise SystemExit('error in test script: required parameter "%s" not specified'%key) dict[key] = value for key in dict: if not key in names: raise SystemExit('error in test script: extraneous parameter "%s" unknown'%key) # def db_query(db, query): # db.query(query) # result = db.use_result() # return result and result.fetch_row(0,1) def num_results(): return database.Results.count() def num_results_unsent(): return database.Results.count(server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_UNSENT) def num_results_in_progress(): return database.Results.count(server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_IN_PROGRESS) def num_results_over(): return database.Results.count(server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER) def num_wus(): return database.Workunits.count() def num_wus_assimilated(): return database.Workunits.count(assimilate_state = ASSIMILATE_DONE) def num_wus_to_transition(): return database.Workunits.count(_extra_params = ['transition_time<%d'%(time.time()+30*86400)]) def build_command_line(cmd, **kwargs): for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): cmd += " -%s '%s'" %(key,value) return cmd def install_boinc_files(dest_dir): def dir(*dirs): return apply(os.path.join,(dest_dir,)+dirs) install_glob(srcdir('html/forum/*.php'), dir('html/forum/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/inc/*.inc'), dir('html/inc/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/inc/*.php'), dir('html/inc/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/ops/*.php'), dir('html/ops/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/ops/*.inc'), dir('html/ops/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/user/*.php'), dir('html/user/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/user/*.inc'), dir('html/user/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/user/*.css'), dir('html/user/')) install_glob(srcdir('html/user/*.txt'), dir('html/user/')) # copy all the backend programs map(lambda (s): install(builddir('sched',s), dir('cgi-bin',s)), [ 'cgi', 'file_upload_handler']) map(lambda (s): install(builddir('sched',s), dir('bin',s)), [ 'make_work', 'feeder', 'transitioner', 'validate_test', 'validate_trivial', 'file_deleter', 'assimilator', 'db_dump', 'update_stats' ]) map(lambda (s): install(srcdir('sched',s), dir('bin',s)), [ 'start', 'stop', 'status', 'grep_logs' ]) map(lambda (s): install(srcdir('tools',s), dir('bin',s)), [ 'boinc_path_config.py', 'create_work', 'add', 'xadd', 'dbcheck_files_exist', 'update_versions', 'upgrade' ]) class Project: def __init__(self, short_name, long_name, project_dir=None,key_dir=None, master_url=None, cgi_url=None, db_name=None, production=False ): init() self.short_name = short_name self.long_name = long_name or 'Project ' + self.short_name.replace('_',' ').capitalize() self.project_dir = project_dir or os.path.join(options.projects_dir, self.short_name) self.config = configxml.ConfigFile(self.dir('config.xml')).init_empty() config = self.config.config config.db_user = options.user_name config.db_name = db_name or options.user_name + '_' + self.short_name config.db_passwd = '' config.shmem_key = generate_shmem_key() config.output_level = 3 config.host = socket.gethostname() config.master_url = master_url or os.path.join(options.html_url , self.short_name , '') config.download_url = os.path.join(config.master_url, 'download') config.cgi_url = cgi_url or os.path.join(options.cgi_url, self.short_name) config.upload_url = os.path.join(config.cgi_url , 'file_upload_handler') config.download_dir = os.path.join(self.project_dir , 'download') config.upload_dir = os.path.join(self.project_dir , 'upload') config.key_dir = key_dir or os.path.join(self.project_dir , 'keys') config.app_dir = os.path.join(self.project_dir, 'apps') if production: config.one_result_per_user_per_wu = '1' self.scheduler_url = os.path.join(config.cgi_url , 'cgi') self.project_php_file = srcdir('html/project.sample/project.inc') self.project_specific_prefs_php_file = srcdir('html/project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc') def dir(self, *dirs): return apply(os.path.join,(self.project_dir,)+dirs) def keydir(self, *dirs): return apply(os.path.join,(self.config.config.key_dir,)+dirs) def logdir(self, *dirs): return apply(os.path.join,("log_"+socket.getfqdn(),)+dirs) def create_keys(self): if not os.path.exists(self.keydir()): os.mkdir(self.keydir()) _gen_key(self.keydir('upload')) _gen_key(self.keydir('code_sign')) def create_logdir(self): print "logdir = ", self.logdir(); os.mkdir(self.logdir()); def query_create_keys(self): return query_yesno("Keys don't exist in %s; generate them?"%self.keydir()) def keys_exist(self): keys = ['upload_private', 'upload_public', 'code_sign_private', 'code_sign_public' ] for key in keys: if not os.path.exists(self.keydir(key)): return False return True def install_project(self, scheduler_file = None): if os.path.exists(self.dir()): raise SystemExit('Project directory "%s" already exists; this would clobber it!'%self.dir()) verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server: creating directories"); # make the CGI writeable in case scheduler writes req/reply files # TODO: that is a security risk; don't do this in the future - write # req/reply files somewhere else map(lambda dir: os.mkdir(self.dir(dir)), [ '', 'cgi-bin', 'bin', 'upload', 'download', 'apps', self.logdir(), 'html', 'html/ops', 'html/user', 'html/project', 'html/inc', 'html/stats', 'html/user_profile', 'html/forum', 'html/user_profile/images' ]) map(lambda dir: os.chmod(self.dir(dir), 0777), [ 'cgi-bin', 'upload', self.logdir() ]) if not self.keys_exist(): if self.query_create_keys(): verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: generating keys"); self.create_keys() # copy the user and administrative PHP files to the project dir, verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: copying files") # Create the project log directory # self.create_logdir() install_boinc_files(self.dir()) install(self.project_php_file, self.dir('html', 'project', 'project.inc')) install(self.project_specific_prefs_php_file, self.dir('html', 'project', 'project_specific_prefs.inc')) my_symlink(self.config.config.download_dir, self.dir('html', 'user', 'download')) my_symlink('../forum', self.dir('html/user/forum')) my_symlink('../stats', self.dir('html/user/stats')) my_symlink('../user_profile', self.dir('html/user/user_profile')) my_symlink('../user_profile', self.dir('html/user_profile/user_profile')) my_symlink('../user/login_action.php', self.dir('html/forum/login_action.php')) # Copy the sched server in the cgi directory with the cgi names given # source_dir/html/user/schedulers.txt # if scheduler_file: r = re.compile('([^<]+)', re.IGNORECASE) f = open(self.dir('html/user', scheduler_file)) for line in f: # not sure if this is what the scheduler file is supposed to # mean match = r.search(line) if match: cgi_name = match.group(1) verbose_echo(2, "Setting up server files: copying " + cgi_name); install(builddir('sched/cgi'), self.dir('cgi-bin', cgi_name,'')) f.close() else: scheduler_file = 'schedulers.txt' f = open(self.dir('html/user', scheduler_file), 'w') print >>f, "" + self.scheduler_url.strip(), "" f.close() verbose_echo(1, "Setting up database") database.create_database(config = self.config.config, drop_first = options.drop_db_first) self.project = database.Project(short_name = self.short_name, long_name = self.long_name) self.project.commit() verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: writing config files") self.config.write() # create symbolic links to the CGI and HTML directories verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: linking cgi programs") if options.__dict__.get('cgi_dir'): force_symlink(self.dir('cgi-bin'), os.path.join(options.cgi_dir, self.short_name)) if options.__dict__.get('html_dir'): force_symlink(self.dir('html/user'), os.path.join(options.html_dir, self.short_name)) force_symlink(self.dir('html/ops'), os.path.join(options.html_dir, self.short_name+'_admin')) def http_password(self, user, password): 'Adds http password protection to the html/ops directory' passwd_file = self.dir('html/ops', '.htpassword') f = open(self.dir('html/ops', '.htaccess'), 'w') print >>f, "AuthName '%s Administration'" % self.long_name print >>f, "AuthType Basic" print >>f, "AuthUserFile %s" % passwd_file print >>f, "require valid-user" f.close() shell_call("htpassword -bc %s %s %s" % (passwd_file, user, password)) def _run_sched_prog(self, prog, args='', logfile=None): verbose_shell_call("cd %s && ./%s %s >> %s.log 2>&1" % (self.dir('bin'), prog, args, (logfile or prog))) def start_servers(self): self.started = True self._run_sched_prog('start', '-v --enable') verbose_sleep("Starting servers for project '%s'" % self.short_name, 1) def _build_sched_commandlines(self, progname, kwargs): '''Given a KWARGS dictionary build a list of command lines string depending on the program.''' each_app = False if progname == 'feeder': _check_vars(kwargs) elif progname == 'transitioner': _check_vars(kwargs) elif progname == 'make_work': work = kwargs.get('work', self.work) _check_vars(kwargs, cushion=30, max_wus=0, min_quorum=None, result_template=os.path.realpath(work.result_template), wu_name=work.wu_template) elif progname == 'validate_test': _check_vars(kwargs) each_app = True elif progname == 'file_deleter': _check_vars(kwargs) elif progname == 'assimilator': _check_vars(kwargs) each_app = True else: raise SystemExit("test script error: invalid progname '%s'"%progname) cmdline = apply(build_command_line, [''], kwargs) if each_app: return map(lambda av: '-app %s %s'%(av.app.name,cmdline), self.app_versions) else: return [cmdline] def sched_run(self, prog, **kwargs): for cmdline in self._build_sched_commandlines(prog, kwargs): self._run_sched_prog(prog, '-d 3 -one_pass '+cmdline) def sched_install(self, prog, **kwargs): for cmdline in self._build_sched_commandlines(prog, kwargs): self.config.daemons.make_node_and_append("daemon").cmd = "%s -d 3 %s" %(prog, cmdline) self.config.write() # def sched_uninstall(self, prog): # self.config_daemons = XXX filter(lambda l: l.find(prog)==-1, self.config_daemons) # self.config.write() def start_stripcharts(self): map(lambda l: self.copy(os.path.join('stripchart', l), 'cgi-bin/'), [ 'stripchart.cgi', 'stripchart', 'stripchart.cnf', 'looper', 'db_looper', 'datafiles', 'get_load', 'dir_size' ]) macro_substitute('BOINC_DB_NAME', self.db_name, srcdir('stripchart/samples/db_count'), self.dir('bin/db_count')) make_executable(self.dir('bin/db_count')) self._run_sched_prog('looper' , 'get_load 1' , 'get_load') self._run_sched_prog('db_looper' , '"result" 1' , 'count_results') self._run_sched_prog('db_looper' , '"workunit where assimilate_state=2" 1' , 'assimilated_wus') self._run_sched_prog('looper' , '"dir_size ../download" 1' , 'download_size') self._run_sched_prog('looper' , '"dir_size ../upload" 1' , 'upload_size') def stop(self): verbose_echo(1,"Stopping server(s) for project '%s'"%self.short_name) self._run_sched_prog('start', '-v --disable') self.started = False def maybe_stop(self): if self.started: self.stop() def query_noyes(str): verbose_echo(0,'') return tools.query_noyes(str) def query_yesno(str): verbose_echo(0,'') return tools.query_yesno(str)