#! /usr/bin/env php <?php // FIRST WHACK AT A REMOTE JOB SUBMISSION TOOL; NOT FINISHED require_once("submit.inc"); define("PROJECT", "http://casathome.ihep.ac.cn/"); define("APP_NAME", "uppercase"); define("LOCAL_DIR", ""); function usage() { global $argv; echo " Usage: $argv[0] submit sequence_file (submit 1 job, print batch ID) $argv[0] query batch_id (get the status of a specific batch) $argv[0] query app_name (get the status of batches for given app ) $argv[0] query all (get the status of all batches) $argv[0] get_output batch_id (show URL of output file) $argv[0] abort batch_id (abort a batch) $argv[0] retire batch_id (retire a batch) "; exit(1); } function get_auth() { return trim(file_get_contents(LOCAL_DIR."auth")); } function handle_submit() { global $argc, $argv; if ($argc != 3) usage(); //if (!is_file($argv[2])) die("seq file missing"); $req->project = PROJECT; $req->authenticator = get_auth(); $req->app_name = APP_NAME; $req->batch_name = "foobar"; $f->source = $argv[2]; $job->input_files = array($f); $job->rsc_fpops_est = 1e12; $job->command_line = ""; $req->jobs[] = $job; list($id, $errmsg) = boinc_submit_batch($req); if ($errmsg) { echo "Error: $errmsg\n"; exit(1); } else { echo "batch ID: $id\n"; } } date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Chongqing'); function local_time_str($x) { if ($x == 0) return "---"; return date('j M Y, H:i T', $x); } function print_batch($batch) { echo "ID: $batch->id creation time: ".local_time_str($batch->create_time)." # jobs: $batch->njobs fraction done: $batch->fraction_done # error jobs: $batch->nerror_jobs state: "; switch ($batch->state) { case 1: echo "In progress\n"; break; case 2: echo "Completed\n"; break; case 3: echo "Aborted\n"; break; case 4: echo "Retired\n"; break; } echo " completion time: ".local_time_str($batch->completion_time)." credit estimate: $batch->credit_estimate granted credit: $batch->credit_canonical name: $batch->name app: $batch->app_name "; } function print_state($batch) { $status="none"; switch ($batch->state) { case 1: $status = "In progress";break; case 2: $status = "Completed";break; case 3: $status = "Aborted";break; case 4: $status = "Retired";break; } echo "ID: $batch->id $status\n"; } function handle_query() { global $argc, $argv; if ($argc != 3) usage(); $req->project = PROJECT; $req->authenticator = get_auth(); list($batches, $errmsg) = boinc_query_batches($req); if ($errmsg) { echo "Error: $errmsg\n"; exit(1); } if ($argv[2] == 'all') { foreach ($batches as $batch) { //print_batch($batch); print_state($batch); } } else if (is_numeric($argv[2])) { $batch_id = $argv[2]; foreach ($batches as $batch) { if ($batch->id == $batch_id) { //print_batch($batch); print_state($batch); } } } else { $app_name = $argv[2]; foreach ($batches as $batch) { if ($batch->app_name == $app_name) { //print_batch($batch); print_state($batch); } } } } function handle_get_output() { global $argc, $argv; if ($argc != 3) usage(); $req->project = PROJECT; $req->authenticator = get_auth(); $req->batch_id = $argv[2]; $url = boinc_get_output_files($req); echo "Zipped output files are at $url\n"; } function handle_abort() { global $argc, $argv; if ($argc != 3) usage(); $req->project = PROJECT; $req->authenticator = get_auth(); $req->batch_id = $argv[2]; $errmsg = boinc_abort_batch($req); if ($errmsg) { echo "Error: $errmsg\n"; exit(1); } else { echo "Batch aborted\n"; } } function handle_retire() { global $argc, $argv; if ($argc != 3) usage(); $req->project = PROJECT; $req->authenticator = get_auth(); $req->batch_id = $argv[2]; $errmsg = boinc_retire_batch($req); if ($errmsg) { echo "Error: $errmsg\n"; exit(1); } else { echo "Batch retired\n"; } } if ($argc < 3) usage(); switch ($argv[1]) { case "submit": handle_submit(); break; case "query": handle_query(); break; case "get_output": handle_get_output(); break; case "abort": handle_abort(); break; case "retire": handle_retire(); break; default: usage(); } ?>