Single-mode Windows installer"; case "win_new": return "Windows installer"; case "bare_core": return "Core client only (command-line)"; case "sea": return "Self-extracting archive"; case "mac_advanced": return "Standard GUI"; } } } $features_510 = "
  • Grid based views.
  • Advanced preferences dialog.
  • Project list in the attach to project wizard.
  • Improved Windows Vista compatibility.
  • An Uninstaller is now included with the Macintosh BOINC Manager distribution.
  • NOTE: BOINC may NOT start at startup if you are running Windows Defender (WinXP, WinXPx64, WinVista, WinVistax64). This issue should be resolved in a future version of BOINC. In order to have BOINC start automatically you'll need to install as a service. On Vista the user account will need to have administrative access to the system.
  • NOTE: Linux: The manager uses GTK1 which does not support recent distro's clipboard functionality. "; $features_57 = "
  • BOINC Simple GUI.
  • Added memory usage limits for BOINC applications. (Check preferences for new settings) "; $features_55 = "
  • New CPU Scheduler.
  • New Work Fetch Policy.
  • CPU Capability detection.
  • Revamped logging solution.
  • Improved security for POSIX compliant systems (only implemented for the Mac)
  • Add support for file compression on upload. "; $features_54 = "
  • BOINC now lets you use 'Account managers' - special web sites that let you browse BOINC projects, attach/detach, change resource share and settings, all with point-and-click simplicity. Account managers are also great if you have several computers - you just have to make changes once. A couple of excellent account managers are nearly ready for use; stay tuned to the BOINC web site for details.
  • Fixes a bug where a personal firewall prevents the BOINC screensaver from running, causing your computer to lock up.
  • General preferences can be overridden by a local file details are here.
  • BOINC now alerts you whenever it needs you to create a network connection.
  • SOCKS5 proxies are now supported. "; $features_53 = "
  • Customized clients can now be created.
  • Account manager support has been enhanced.
  • Farm manager support has been added. "; $features_52 = "
  • You attach to projects using your own email address and password. Long, random 'account keys' are no longer used.
  • BOINC checks for proxy configuration problems when you first attach to a project.
  • The file gui_rpc_auth.cfg contains a password that protects the BOINC client from control by other users on the same host. BOINC automatically generates a password if none is found. If you use tools like BOINCView you may need to look it up or change it. If you need to revert from 5.2.x to an earlier version, you must delete gui_rpc_auth.cfg from your BOINC directory.
  • Alert boxes now provide feedback when certain errors occur.
  • BOINC supports 'Account Management Systems' (to be announced). "; $changes_510 = " "; $changes_57 = " "; $changes_55 = "
  • Changes since 5.5.6 "; $changes_54 = "
  • Changes since 5.4.8
  • Changes since 5.4.7
  • Changes since 5.4.6
  • Changes since 5.4.5
  • Changes since 5.4.4
  • Changes since 5.4.3
  • Changes since 5.4.2
  • Changes since 5.4.1
  • Changes since 5.4.0 "; $changes_53 = "
  • Changes since 5.3.30
  • Changes since 5.3.29
  • Changes since 5.3.28
  • Changes since 5.3.27
  • Changes since 5.3.26
  • Changes since 5.3.24
  • Changes since 5.3.23
  • Changes since 5.3.22
  • Changes since 5.3.21
  • Changes since 5.3.20
  • Changes since 5.3.16
  • Changes since 5.3.15 "; $changes_52 = "
  • Changes since 5.2.12
  • Changes since 5.2.11
  • Changes since 5.2.10
  • Changes since 5.2.9
  • Changes since 5.2.8
  • Changes since 5.2.7
  • Changes since 5.2.6 "; $mac_changes_57= "
  • Macintosh only: "; $mac_changes_55= "
  • Macintosh only: "; $mac_changes_54= "
  • Macintosh only: "; $linux_libs_58= "
  • Boincmgr requires GTK++2.0 or higher, which is included in most Linux distributions. Its been tested on: "; $w51012= array( "num"=>"5.10.12", "status"=>"Development version (Win98+, Win2000+)", "file"=>"boinc_5.10.12_windows_intelx86.exe", "date"=>"2 July 2007", "type"=>"win_new", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>"" ); $w51012x64= array( "num"=>"5.10.12", "status"=>"Development version (WinXP64+)", "file"=>"boinc_5.10.12_windows_x86_64.exe", "date"=>"2 July 2007", "type"=>"win_new", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>"" ); $w5816= array( "num"=>"5.8.16", "status"=>"Recommended version (Win95+, WinNT40+)", "file"=>"boinc_5.8.16_windows_intelx86.exe", "date"=>"1 Mar 2007", "type"=>"win_new", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>"" ); $w5411= array( "num"=>"5.4.11", "status"=>"Older version", "file"=>"boinc_5.4.11_windows_intelx86.exe", "date"=>"2 Aug 2006", "type"=>"win_new", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m51010 = array( "num"=>"5.10.10", "status"=>"Development version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"29 June 2007", "type"=>"mac_advanced", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m5107 = array( "num"=>"5.10.7", "status"=>"Recommended version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"20 June 2007", "type"=>"mac_advanced", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m5817 = array( "num"=>"5.8.17", "status"=>"Recommended version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"3 Apr 2007", "type"=>"mac_advanced", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m549 = array( "num"=>"5.4.9", "status"=>"Older version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"5 May 2006", "type"=>"mac_advanced", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m51010c = array( "num"=>"5.10.10", "status"=>"Development version (Unix command-line version)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"29 June 2007", "type"=>"bare_core", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m5107c = array( "num"=>"5.10.7", "status"=>"Recommended version (Unix command-line version)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"16 June 2007", "type"=>"bare_core", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m5817c = array( "num"=>"5.8.17", "status"=>"Recommended version (Unix command-line version)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"3 Apr 2007", "type"=>"bare_core", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $m549c = array( "num"=>"5.4.9", "status"=>"Older version (Unix command-line version)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"5 May 2006", "type"=>"bare_core", "features"=>" ", "bugs"=>" " ); $l5108 = array( "num"=>"5.10.8", "status"=>"Development version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"24 June 2007", "type"=>"sea", "features"=>" " ); $l5108x64 = array( "num"=>"5.10.8", "status"=>"Development version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"24 June 2007", "type"=>"sea", "features"=>" " ); $l5816 = array( "num"=>"5.8.16", "status"=>"Recommended version (standard GUI)", "file"=>"", "date"=>"7 March 2007", "type"=>"sea", "features"=>" " ); $l5411 = array( "num"=>"5.4.11", "status"=>"Recommended version", "file"=>"", "date"=>"12 December 2006", "type"=>"sea", "features"=>" " ); $windows = array( "name"=>"Windows", "dbname" => "windows_intelx86", "versions"=>array( $w51012, $w5816, $w5411, ) ); $windowsx64 = array( "name"=>"Windows x64", "dbname" => "windows_x86_64", "versions"=>array( $w51012x64, ) ); $mac = array( "name"=>"Mac OS X", "dbname" => "powerpc-apple-darwin", "versions"=>array( $m51010, $m51010c, $m5107, $m5107c, $m5817, $m5817c, $m549, $m549c, ) ); $linux = array( "name"=>"Linux/x86", "dbname" => "i686-pc-linux-gnu", "url"=>"linux.php", "versions"=>array( $l5108, $l5816, $l5411, ) ); $linuxx64 = array( "name"=>"Linux/x64", "dbname" => "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu", "url"=>"linuxx64.php", "versions"=>array( $l5108x64, ) ); $platforms = array( "win"=>$windows, "winx64"=>$windowsx64, "mac"=>$mac, "linux"=>$linux, "linuxx64"=>$linuxx64, ); function is_dev($v) { return (strstr($v["status"], "Development") != null); } switch(rand(0,5)) { case 0: $url_base = ""; break; case 1: $url_base = ""; break; case 2: $url_base = ""; break; case 3: $url_base = ""; break; case 4: $url_base = ""; break; case 5: $url_base = ""; break; //case 6: $url_base = ""; break; } ?>