BOINC provides a few tools for creating and operating projects: Projects can create their own tools, either at a low level (e.g. directly accessing the BOINC DB from PHP or Perl scripts) or by using the BOINC DB C++ API (db/db.h).

The Add utility program

The program add performs various types of initialization:

add app -app_name name
Create a new application (just creates a DB record).
add platform name -platform_name name
Create a platform record (just creates a DB record);
add app_version
-app_name x
-platform_name y
-version a
-download_dir d
-download_url e
-exec_dir b
[ -message x ]
[ -message_priority y ]
[ -code_sign_keyfile x -exec_files file1 file2 ... ]
[ -signed_exec_files file1 sign1 file2 sign2 ... ]

Create an app_version record. Copy the executable file(s) from the compilation directory (-exec_dir) to the download directory. If -exec_files is used, each executable file is signed using the given private key; this should be used only for test/debug purposes. If -signed_exec_files is used, the signatures are passed explicitly; this should be used for production purposes, where the signatures are generated on an offline computer. If -message is used, the version is tagged with the given message and optional priority.
add user -email_addr x -name y -web_password z -authenticator a
Create a user record.
add prefs -email_addr x -prefs_file y
Create a preference set, and make it the default preferences for the given user.
Common options:
-db_name name
-db_passwd password

Web Interfaces

The file show_db.php in the operational web site directory displays the contents of the BOINC DB. "; page_tail(); ?>