' ); echo "

BOINC is used by many volunteer computing projects. Some are based at universities and research labs, others are run by companies and individuals. You can participate in any number of these projects.

In deciding whether to participate in a project, read its web site and consider the following questions:

The following projects are known to us at BOINC, and we believe that their descriptions are accurate. See also a complete list of projects.

Projects have different requirements such as memory size; a partial summary is here.

If your computer is equipped with a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), you may be able to use it to compute faster. "; // Display projects grouped by area. // Randomize order of areas, and of projects within an area // function grouped_display($areas) { list_start("cellpadding=2 width=100%"); list_heading_array(array( "Project
Mouse over for details; click to visit web site", "Home", "Research area", "Supported platforms" ) ); shuffle($areas); foreach ($areas as $area) { $title = $area[0]; if (sizeof($area)==3) $title .= $area[2]; list_bar($title); $projects = $area[1]; shuffle($projects); $n = 0; foreach ($projects as $p) { $img = ""; if (array_key_exists(5, $p) && $p[5]) { $img= ""; } $desc = addslashes($p[4]); $x = "Sponsor: $p[2]

Area: $p[3]
Goal: $desc')\">$p[0]
"; $home = $p[2]; $area = $p[3]; $master_url = $p[1]; if (array_key_exists(6, $p)) { $master_url = $p[6]; } $p = get_platforms_string($master_url); echo " $x $home $area $p "; $n = 1-$n; } } list_end(); } function comp_name($p1, $p2) { return strcasecmp($p1[0], $p2[0]); } function comp_area($p1, $p2) { if ($p1['area'] == $p2['area']) { return strcasecmp($p1[0], $p2[0]); } return $p1['area'] > $p2['area']; } function ordered_display($areas, $sort) { // make a list of projects // $projects = null; foreach ($areas as $area) { $title = $area[0]; $projs = $area[1]; foreach ($projs as $p) { $p['area'] = $title; $projects[] = $p; } } usort($projects, $sort=="area"?'comp_area':'comp_name'); list_start("cellpadding=2 width=100%"); list_heading_array(array( (($sort=="area")?"Name":"Name") ."
Mouse over for details; click to visit web site", ($sort!="area")?"Category":"Category", "Area", "Sponsor", "Supported platforms" ) ); $n = 0; foreach ($projects as $p) { $img = ""; if (array_key_exists(5, $p) && $p[5]) { $img= ""; } $desc = addslashes($p[4]); $x = "Sponsor: $p[2]
Area: $p[3]
Goal: $desc')\">$p[0]
"; $home = $p[2]; $area = $p['area']; $spec_area = $p[3]; $master_url = $p[1]; if (array_key_exists(6, $p)) { $master_url = $p[6]; } $p = get_platform_icons($master_url); if (!$p) { $p = tra("Unknown"); } else { $pd = get_platforms_string($master_url, false); $p .= "
$pd', 240)\">Details"; } echo " $x $area $spec_area $home $p "; $n = 1-$n; } list_end(); } //grouped_display($areas); $sort = @$_GET['sort']; ordered_display($areas, $sort); echo "

If you run a BOINC-based project and would like it to be included on this list, please contact us. "; page_tail(); ?>