Computing power
Top 100 · Single-computer · Other lists
"; show_totals(); include("piecharts/$i.html"); echo ""; } function show_totals() { $fn = "boinc_state.xml"; if (!file_exists($fn) || filemtime($fn) < time()-86400) { $x = file_get_contents(""); if ($x) { $f = fopen($fn, "w"); fwrite($f, $x); } else return; } $x = file_get_contents($fn); $users = parse_element($x, ""); $hosts = parse_element($x, ""); $credit_day = parse_element($x, ""); $users = number_format($users); $hosts = number_format($hosts); $teraflops = number_format($credit_day/100000, 2); echo "Active: $users volunteers, $hosts computers.
Average: $teraflops TeraFLOPS over last 24 hours.
"; } function show_news_items() { require_once("boinc_news.php"); require_once("../html/inc/"); echo "

"; $nnews_items = 6; show_news($project_news, $nnews_items); if (count($project_news) > $nnews_items) { echo "... more\n"; } echo "

News is available as an RSS feed

"; } function show_participate() { echo "
".tr(HOME_DOWNLOAD)." · ".tr(HOME_HELP)." · ".tr(HOME_WEB_SITES)." · ".tr(HOME_ADD_ONS)." · ".tr(HOME_SURVEY)."

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P1), "

  1. ", "", "
  2. ", "", "
  3. ", "")."

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P2), "", "", "", "", "", "")." "; } function show_create() { echo "

Compute with BOINC
Documentation · Updates · Conferences
Scientists: if your group has moderate programming, web, sysadmin, and hardware resources, you can use BOINC to create a volunteer computing project. With a single Linux server you can get the computing power of thousands of CPUs. Organizations such as IBM World Community Grid may be able to host your project (please contact us for information).
Universities: use BOINC to create a Virtual Campus Supercomputing Center.
Companies: use BOINC for desktop Grid computing. "; } function show_other() { echo "
The BOINC project

"; } function show_nsf() { echo " BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards SCI-0221529, SCI-0438443, SCI-0506411, PHY/0555655, and OCI-0721124. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. "; } function language_form() { echo "
"; } html_tag(); if (defined("CHARSET")) { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".tr(CHARSET)); } echo " BOINC
".sprintf(tr(HOME_BOINC_DESC), '', '', '', '')."
"; language_form(); echo ""; search_form(); echo "
"; echo "
"; show_participate(); show_create(); show_other(); show_nsf(); echo "
"; show_participant(); show_news_items(); echo "
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