See the section on Python in the Software Prerequisites.


The directory boinc/py/Boinc contains the Boinc module. This means if you have boinc/py/ in your python path you can write for example:
from Boinc.setup_project import *
To ensure boinc/py/ is in your python path:
import boinc_path_config
This is a special kludge module that configure places in relevant directories which then modifies sys.path appropriately.

Project-specific settings

The module boinc_project_path is imported to get the paths for config.xml and run_state.xml. The default paths for these are the parent directory of the invocation script. You can override these defaults
  1. modify this file directly (if you have only one project on your server or have separate copies for each)
  2. create a new and place it earlier in PYTHONPATH than the default one
  3. define environment variables
  config_xml_filename = '/etc/boinc/yetiathome/config.xml'
  run_state_xml_filename = '/var/lib/boinc/yetiathome/run_state.xml'
See the source of file boinc/py/Boinc/ for details.

Directories containing python scripts

boinc/py/ Boinc/*.py Main BOINC python modules
boinc/sched/ start BOINC start / Super Cron program
boinc/tools/ add Adds objects to the database
boinc/test/ test*.py
Test scripts: see the testing framework.