Featured volunteer
"; include("piecharts/$i.html"); echo "
Top 100 | Single-computer | Other lists
"; } function show_news_items() { global $light_blue; require_once("boinc_news.php"); require_once("../html/inc/news.inc"); echo "
"; $nnews_items = 8; show_news($project_news, $nnews_items); if (count($project_news) > $nnews_items) { echo "... more\n"; } echo "

News is available as an RSS feed

"; } function show_participate() { global $light_blue; echo "  ".tr(HOME_HEADING1)."

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P1), "

  1. ", "", "
  2. ", "", "
  3. ", "")."

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P2), "", "", "", "", "", "")."

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P3), "", "")."

".tr(HOME_DOWNLOAD)." | ".tr(HOME_MORE_INFO)." | ".tr(HOME_WEB_SITES)." | ".tr(HOME_ADD_ONS)." | ".tr(HOME_SURVEY)."
"; } function show_create() { global $light_blue; echo " Compute with BOINC A BOINC project with a single Linux server can provide computing power equivalent to a cluster with tens of thousands of CPUs. Learn how to create and operate a BOINC project. "; } function show_other() { global $light_blue; echo " Other info
"; } function show_nsf() { echo " BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards SCI/0221529, SCI/0438443 and SCI/0506411. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. "; } echo " BOINC

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

Open-source software for volunteer computing and desktop grid computing.

"; search_form(); echo "
"; echo "
"; show_participate(); show_participant(); show_create(); show_other(); show_nsf(); echo "
"; show_news_items(); echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; copyright(); echo " "; ?>