. // script for studying NVIDIA GPUs on hosts $cli_only = true; require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); ini_set ("memory_limit", "8000M"); set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', true); ini_set('display_startup_errors', true); $hosts_total = 0; // number of hosts 6.2 or better $hosts_gpu = 0; // number with an nvidia gpu $rac_total =0; $rac_gpu = 0; $linux_total = 0; $linux_gpus = 0; $windows_total = 0; $windows_gpus = 0; $model = array(); // name -> count $ram = array(); // size -> count $driver = array(); // vers -> count $ngpus = array(); // ngpus -> count function inc(&$ar, $ind) { if (array_key_exists($ind, $ar)) { $ar[$ind]++; } else { $ar[$ind] = 1; } } function parse_vers($x) { $y = strstr($x, 'BOINC'); if (!$y) return ''; $y = substr($y, 6); $z = explode("]", $y, 2); $y = explode(".", $z[0]); $v->major = $y[0]; $v->minor = $y[1]; return $v; } function parse_cuda($x) { $y = strstr($x, 'CUDA'); if (!$y) return ''; $y = substr($y, 5); $z = explode("]", $y, 2); $y = explode("|", $z[0]); $g->model = $y[0]; $g->ngpus = $y[1]; $ram = (int)$y[2]; $ram += 63; $ram /= 64; $ram = (int)$ram; $ram *= 64; $g->ram = (int)($ram); $d = $y[3]; $d /= 100; $g->driver = (int)$d; return $g; } $hosts = BoincHost::enum("expavg_credit > 10 and serialnum<>''"); foreach($hosts as $host) { $boinc_vers = parse_vers($host->serialnum); if (!$boinc_vers) continue; if ($boinc_vers->major < 6) continue; $is_linux = false; if (strstr($host->os_name, "Linux")) { $linux_total++; $is_linux = true; } else if (strstr($host->os_name, "Windows")) { $windows_total++; } else { continue; } $hosts_total++; $rac_total += $host->expavg_credit; $gpu = parse_cuda($host->serialnum); if (!$gpu) { continue; } $hosts_gpu++; $rac_gpu += $host->expavg_credit; if ($is_linux) { $linux_gpus++; } else { $windows_gpus++; } inc($model, $gpu->model); inc($ram, $gpu->ram); inc($driver, $gpu->driver); inc($ngpus, $gpu->ngpus); } $pct = 100*($hosts_gpu/$hosts_total); echo "ntotal: $hosts_total ngpus: $hosts_gpu ($pct %)\n"; $pct = 100*($windows_gpus/$windows_total); echo "Windows: total $windows_total gpus $windows_gpus ($pct %)\n"; $pct = 100*($linux_gpus/$linux_total); echo "Linux: total $linux_total gpus $linux_gpus ($pct %)\n"; $rac_non_gpu = $rac_total - $rac_gpu; $hosts_non_gpu = $hosts_total - $hosts_gpu; $a = $rac_gpu/$hosts_gpu; $b = $rac_non_gpu/$hosts_non_gpu; echo "Avg RAC: GPU: $a non-GPU: $b\n"; arsort($model); foreach($model as $m=>$c) { echo "$m $c\n"; } print_r($ram); print_r($driver); print_r($ngpus); ?>