// The contents of this file are subject to the BOINC Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://boinc.berkeley.edu/license_1.0.txt // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project. // Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002 // University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // #include "cpp.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "stdafx.h" #define SHUT_WR SD_SEND #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #if HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #if HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #endif #include "error_numbers.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "util.h" #include "message.h" #include "http.h" #define HTTP_BLOCKSIZE 16384 // Breaks a HTTP url down into its server and file path components // void parse_url(const char* url, char* host, int &port, char* file) { char* p; char buf[256]; if (strncmp(url, "http://", 7) == 0) { safe_strcpy(buf, url+7); } else { safe_strcpy(buf, url); } p = strchr(buf, '/'); if (p) { strcpy(file, p+1); *p = 0; } else { strcpy(file, ""); } p=strchr(buf,':'); if (p) { port = atol(p+1); *p = 0; } else { port=80; } strcpy(host, buf); } // Prints an HTTP 1.1 GET request header into buf // Hopefully there won't be chunked transfers in a GET // static void http_get_request_header( char* buf, char* host, int port, char* file, double offset ) { char offset_info[256]; if (offset) sprintf( offset_info, "Range: bytes=%.0f-\015\012", offset ); sprintf(buf, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\015\012" "User-Agent: BOINC client\015\012" "Host: %s:%d\015\012" "%s" "Connection: close\015\012" "Accept: */*\015\012" "\015\012", file, host, port, offset?offset_info:"" ); } // Prints an HTTP 1.1 HEAD request header into buf // static void http_head_request_header(char* buf, char* host, int port, char* file) { sprintf(buf, "HEAD %s HTTP/1.0\015\012" "User-Agent: BOINC client\015\012" "Host: %s:%d\015\012" "Connection: close\015\012" "Accept: */*\015\012" "\015\012", file, host, port ); } // Prints an HTTP 1.0 POST request header into buf // Use HTTP 1.0 so we don't have to deal with chunked transfers // static void http_post_request_header( char* buf, char* host, int port, char* file, int size ) { sprintf(buf, "POST %s HTTP/1.0\015\012" "Pragma: no-cache\015\012" "Cache-Control: no-cache\015\012" "Host: %s:%d\015\012" "Connection: close\015\012" "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\015\012" "Content-Length: %d\015\012" "\015\012", file, host, port, size ); } void HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::init() { http_status = 500; content_length = 0; redirect_location.erase(); recv_buf.erase(); } void HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::parse() { ScopeMessages scope_messages(log_messages, ClientMessages::DEBUG_HTTP); istringstream h(recv_buf); string line, w; if (getline(h, line)) { istringstream iline(line); iline >> w; if (!starts_with(w,"HTTP/")) { scope_messages.printf("HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::parse(): not HTTP\n"); return; } iline >> http_status; scope_messages.printf("HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::parse(): status=%d\n", http_status); } while (getline(h, line)) { istringstream iline(line); iline >> w; downcase_string(w); if (w == "content-length:") { iline >> content_length; scope_messages.printf("HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::parse(): content_length=%d\n", content_length); } else if (w == "location:") { iline >> redirect_location; scope_messages.printf("HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::parse(): redirect_location=%s\n", redirect_location.c_str()); } } } const unsigned int MAX_HEADER_SIZE = 1024; // Parse an http reply header into the header struct // // Returns 1 if not done yet, 0 if done (header.http_status indicates success) // int HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::read_reply(int socket) { ScopeMessages scope_messages(log_messages, ClientMessages::DEBUG_HTTP); while (recv_buf.size() < MAX_HEADER_SIZE) { char c; errno = 0; int n = recv(socket, &c, 1, 0); if (n != 1) { scope_messages.printf( "HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::read_reply(): recv() on socket %d returned %d errno %d sockerr %d\n", socket, n, errno, get_socket_error(socket) ); } if (n == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { return 1; } // if n is zero, we've reached EOF (and that's an error) // if (n != 1) { break; } if (c == '\r') continue; recv_buf += c; if (ends_with(recv_buf, "\n\n")) { scope_messages.printf_multiline(recv_buf.c_str(), "HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::read_reply(): header: " ); parse(); return 0; } } // error occurred; status will be 500 (from constructor) // scope_messages.printf( "HTTP_REPLY_HEADER::read_reply(): returning error (recv_buf=%s)\n", recv_buf.c_str() ); return 0; } // Read the contents of the socket into buf // static int read_reply(int socket, char* buf, int len) { int i, n; for (i=0; iinsert(ho); if (retval) return retval; http_ops.push_back(ho); return 0; } bool HTTP_OP_SET::poll() { unsigned int i; HTTP_OP* htp; int n, retval; bool action = false; ScopeMessages scope_messages(log_messages, ClientMessages::DEBUG_HTTP); for (i=0; ihttp_op_state) { case HTTP_STATE_CONNECTING: if (htp->error) { htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = ERR_CONNECT; break; } if (htp->is_connected) { htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_SOCKS_CONNECT; htp->want_upload = true; action = true; } break; case HTTP_STATE_SOCKS_CONNECT: // Since the HTTP layer is synchronous with the proxy layer, we // call proxy_poll() here instead of in do_something() htp->proxy_poll(); // After negotiation with the proxy is complete, advance to // the next step of the HTTP layer if (htp->proxy_negotiated()) { if (htp->proxy_retval) { htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = htp->proxy_retval; switch (htp->proxy_retval) { case ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_FAILURE: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "An unknown SOCKS server error occurred\n"); break; case ERR_SOCKS_REQUEST_FAILED: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "The SOCKS server denied access for this computer\n"); break; case ERR_SOCKS_BAD_USER_PASS: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "Incorrect SOCKS user name and/or password\n"); break; case ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "The SOCKS server is using an unknown version\n"); break; case ERR_SOCKS_UNSUPPORTED: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "The SOCKS server is using unsupported features unknown to BOINC\n"); break; case ERR_SOCKS_CANT_REACH_HOST: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "The SOCKS server is unable to contact the host\n"); break; case ERR_SOCKS_CONN_REFUSED: msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "The connection from the SOCKS server to the host was refused\n"); break; } } else { htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_HEADER; } } break; case HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_HEADER: if (htp->io_ready) { action = true; n = send( htp->socket, htp->request_header, strlen(htp->request_header), 0 ); scope_messages.printf( "HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): wrote HTTP header to socket %d: %d bytes\n", htp->socket, n ); scope_messages.printf_multiline(htp->request_header, "HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): request header: "); htp->io_ready = false; switch(htp->http_op_type) { case HTTP_OP_POST: htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_BODY; htp->file = fopen(htp->infile, "rb"); if (!htp->file) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): no input file %s\n", htp->infile); htp->io_done = true; htp->http_op_retval = ERR_FOPEN; htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; break; } htp->do_file_io = true; break; case HTTP_OP_GET: case HTTP_OP_HEAD: htp->hrh.init(); htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REPLY_HEADER; htp->want_upload = false; htp->want_download = true; // We don't need to write to the socket anymore. // Close the read fd on the receiving side. // This is needed by the scheduler "use_file" mechanism // NOTE: this is commented out because // - it seems to cause problems on all platforms // in Windows it exercises a problem with Norton Firewall #ifndef _WIN32 //shutdown(htp->socket, SHUT_WR); #endif break; case HTTP_OP_POST2: htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_BODY1; break; } } break; case HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_BODY1: if (htp->io_ready) { action = true; n = send(htp->socket, htp->req1, strlen(htp->req1), 0); htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_BODY; if (htp->infile && strlen(htp->infile) > 0) { htp->file = fopen(htp->infile, "rb"); if (!htp->file) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): no input2 file %s\n", htp->infile); htp->io_done = true; htp->http_op_retval = ERR_FOPEN; htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; break; } fseek(htp->file, (long)htp->file_offset, SEEK_SET); htp->do_file_io = true; } else { htp->io_done = true; htp->do_file_io = false; } htp->io_ready = false; } break; case HTTP_STATE_REQUEST_BODY: if (htp->io_done) { action = true; scope_messages.printf("HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): finished sending request body\n"); htp->hrh.init(); htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REPLY_HEADER; if (htp->file) { fclose(htp->file); htp->file = 0; } htp->do_file_io = false; htp->want_upload = false; htp->want_download = true; htp->io_ready = false; htp->io_done = false; // We don't need to write to the socket anymore. // Close the read fd on the receiving side. // This is needed by the scheduler "use_file" mechanism // NOTE: this is commented out because // - it seems to cause problems on all platforms // in Windows it exercises a problem with Norton Firewall #ifndef _WIN32 //shutdown(htp->socket, SHUT_WR); #endif } break; case HTTP_STATE_REPLY_HEADER: if (htp->io_ready) { action = true; scope_messages.printf( "HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): reading reply header; io_ready %d io_done %d\n", htp->io_ready, htp->io_done ); if (htp->hrh.read_reply(htp->socket)) { // not done yet htp->io_ready = false; break; } // TODO: handle all kinds of redirects here if (htp->hrh.http_status == HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERM || htp->hrh.http_status == HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_TEMP) { htp->close_socket(); switch (htp->http_op_type) { case HTTP_OP_HEAD: htp->init_head(htp->hrh.redirect_location.c_str()); break; case HTTP_OP_GET: htp->init_get(htp->hrh.redirect_location.c_str(), htp->outfile, false); break; case HTTP_OP_POST: htp->init_post(htp->hrh.redirect_location.c_str(), htp->infile, htp->outfile); break; case HTTP_OP_POST2: htp->init_post2(htp->hrh.redirect_location.c_str(), htp->req1, htp->infile, htp->file_offset); break; } // Open connection to the redirected server // retval = htp->open_server(); if (retval) { htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = retval; } break; } if ((htp->hrh.http_status/100)*100 != HTTP_STATUS_OK) { htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = htp->hrh.http_status; break; } switch (htp->http_op_type) { case HTTP_OP_HEAD: htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = 0; break; case HTTP_OP_POST: retval = unlink(htp->outfile); // no error check here because file need not already exist // // fall through case HTTP_OP_GET: htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REPLY_BODY; htp->file = boinc_fopen(htp->outfile, "ab"); if (!htp->file) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): can't open output file %s\n", htp->outfile ); htp->io_done = true; htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = ERR_FOPEN; break; } htp->do_file_io = true; break; case HTTP_OP_POST2: htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_REPLY_BODY; htp->io_ready = false; htp->io_done = true; break; } } break; case HTTP_STATE_REPLY_BODY: if (htp->error) { action = true; scope_messages.printf("HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): net_xfer returned error %d\n", htp->error); htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = htp->error; } else if (htp->io_done) { action = true; switch(htp->http_op_type) { case HTTP_OP_POST2: read_reply(htp->socket, htp->req1, 256); // parse reply here? break; default: fclose(htp->file); htp->file = 0; break; } scope_messages.printf("HTTP_OP_SET::poll(): got reply body\n"); htp->http_op_state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; htp->http_op_retval = 0; } break; } } return action; } // Remove an HTTP_OP from the set // int HTTP_OP_SET::remove(HTTP_OP* p) { vector::iterator iter; net_xfers->remove(p); iter = http_ops.begin(); while (iter != http_ops.end()) { if (*iter == p) { http_ops.erase(iter); return 0; } iter++; } msg_printf(NULL, MSG_ERROR, "HTTP_OP_SET::remove(): not found\n"); return ERR_NOT_FOUND; }