Abstractions -------------------- Client files two main files: prefs.xml user preferences. includes list of projects; for each: master URL authenticator project-specific prefs resource share prefs mod time client_state.xml hostid per-project info list of sched servers for project project name hostid next_request_time rpc_seqno (specific to this host) work info files, WUs, results etc. NOTES - On startup, if there's no prefs.xml, the client prompts for a master URL and authenticator, and creates an initial prefs.xml with a zero mod time (so that any web-created prefs file will override) - We need to safeguard against a buggy scheduling server sending back an incomplete or empty prefs file. Suggestions: 1) verify that at least the responding project is present in the prefs; (or contain at least 1 project) 2) back up the old prefs file (prefs.xml.date) - prefs.xml has priority over client_state.xml If there's a project in prefs with no counterpart in client_state, a new entry in client_state is created. Entries in client_state absent from prefs are deleted. - to "clone" an installation on a new computer, just need to copy the core client (or run the installer) then copy the account.xml file. - a scheduler request can specify that no client_state.xml was found, so a new host record should be created. -------------------- When does client contact scheduling server? Each result has a max notification delay, so when a client completes it there's a deadline for notification. Contact a scheduling server if: - you're below the low-water mark in work for that project, or you have a result past its deadline - AND there's no delay in effect for that project. A delay may be explicitly returned by the scheduling server, or may be because of exponential backoff after failed attempts. -------------------- Given that we can estimate the time it will take to get back a result from a given host, it might be possible to assign deadlines to results, and only send them to hosts that are fast enough -------------------- Client logging write events to log file: start/stop client start/finish file xfer start/finish application execution start/finish scheduling server call error messages logging flag is part of preferences -------------------- file xfer commands implemented as WU/result pairs whose app is "file_xfer". Can have just one input file, one output. Application servers can leaves these in a "message" directory, where the scheduling server can find them and give to client next time they contact. -------------------- result states in client don't have files yet have files, not started have files, started completed, sending output files output files sent output files sent, some sticky files deleted -------------------- result attributes in DB, sched server state: unsent sent, in progress timed out file state all output files are openly available (i.e. have been uploaded) WU attributes in DB, sched server input file state (set by app server) all input files are available not all input files available -------------------- Client logic ["network xfer" object encapsulates a set of file xfers in progress] ["processor" object: one for each CPU] read config file loop check user activity - turn off computations if needed start a computation if possible all necessary files present, and workunit not done or in progress. check processes (fail, done) start new network xfers if possible xfer 16KB if possible (use select) if xfer complete, update state if estimated work below low-water mark while estimated work below high-water mark pick project with work due, OK dont_contact_until contact a control server; request high-current work if can't get connection, update dont_contact_until end end end -------------------- Application logic -------------------- Control RPC protocol -------------------- Web site functions -------------------- Startup scenarios - How a user initially signs up: Visit the project's URL. Create an account: enter email address wait for password to arrive in email. download installer installer installs agent, initial config file run agent; type in password. - How a user adds a project Same as above, but don't download agent. Go to "home" web site and add project. - How a user removes a project Go to "home" web site and remove project ------------------------------ Versions Core client: When and how does a scheduler tell a core agent that a newer version can/should be downloaded? How is compatibility between application agents and core agents represented? -------------------------------------- Distributed storage Projects can use clients for storage using "sticky" files (which are either sent to clients, or generated by the client). The core client is free to delete sticky files any time. Scheduler requests include a list of the sticky files held by the host. This list is stored in a blob in the host record. Scheduler replies can include <file_info> tags instructing the client to download files. These files need not be associated with applications or workunits. Scheduler replies can include <file_info> tags instructing the client to upload -------------------------------- Preferences CPU usage don't run or communicate if on batteries don't run or communicate if user is active confirm before making network connection minimum, maximum work buffer Disk usage use at most X GB leave at least X GB free leave at least X% free Projects For each project: user name project's master URL email address authenticator resource % show email address on web site? accept emails from project? project-specific prefs ------------------------------ retry policies: general issues: when and where to retry? when to declare overall failure? what to do if overall failure? what needs to be saved in state file? file xfer download round-robin through URLs with random exponential backoff after connection failure or HTTP error. 2X from 1 minute up to 256 minutes Overall failure after 1 week since last successful xfer flag result as "file download failed", abort other file xfers, delete other files. write log entry State file: record time of last successful xfer upload same as for download? Use HTTP features to find file size on server scheduler RPC order projects according to hosts's "debt" to them. Attempt to contact them in this order. For each project, try all URLs in sequence with no delay. If still need more work after a given RPC, keep going to next project. If still not enough work after a given "round", do exponential backoff 2X from 1 minute up to 256 minutes If reach 256 minutes, show error message to user and write to log nothing saved in state file ------------------ Core/App connection two unidirectional message streams. files "core_to_app.xml" and "app_to_core.xml". core->app: initially: requested frequency of app->core messages app preferences name of graphics shared-mem segment recommended graphics parameters frame rate size recommended checkpoint period whether to do graphics thereafter: recommended graphics params app->core percent done I just checkpointed CPU time so far ------------------- File upload security Each project has a "file upload key pair" Scheduling server has private key; data servers have public key. The key pair may be changed periodically; data servers have to store old and new during transitions - in DB, result XML has format <result> <file_info> <max_size>123123</max_size> </file_info> ... </result> - RPC reply: result XML info has format <result> <file_info> ... <expiration>...</expiration> (added by server) </result> <result_signature> <name>foo</name> ... (digital signature of <result> element; added by server) </result_signature> - Client stores: for each result (in state file, in memory) exact text of <result> tag signature - On file upload, client sends <result> element (exact text) <result_signature> ... </result_signature> <filename>blah</filename> <offset>123</offset> <total_size>1234</total_size> <data_start/> ... data - file upload handler does: parse header (up to <data_start/>) validate signature of <result> verify that filename is in list of file_infos verify that total size is within limit ---------------------------- Project main URL scheme Each project advertises (and is identified by) a "root URL". This URL returns a browser-visible "root page" describing the project, linking to the registration, etc. It also contains (in elements inside HTML comments) one or more <scheduler_server_url> elements, each containing the URL of a scheduling server When the core client initially runs, it fetches and parses the root page, and records the scheduling server URLs. Whenever it can't contact any scheduling server, it reloads the root page; the scheduling server URLs may have changed.