// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // Handle a scheduling server RPC #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include "boinc_db.h" #include "backend_lib.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #include "parse.h" #include "util.h" #include "server_types.h" #include "sched_util.h" #include "main.h" #include "handle_request.h" #include "sched_msgs.h" #include "sched_send.h" #include "sched_config.h" #include "../lib/filesys.h" #ifdef _USING_FCGI_ #include "fcgi_stdio.h" #endif // If user's email addr is munged (i.e. of the form @X_Y, // where X is email and Y is authenticator) then unmunge it. // This can fail if there's already an account with same email // int unmunge_email_addr(DB_USER& user) { char* p, buf[256], email[256]; int retval; if (user.email_addr[0] != '@') return 0; p = strrchr(user.email_addr, '_'); if (!p) return ERR_NULL; *p = 0; strcpy(email, user.email_addr+1); sprintf(buf, "email_addr='%s'", email); retval = user.update_field(buf); if (retval) return retval; strcpy(user.email_addr, email); return 0; } // Look up the host and its user, and make sure the authenticator matches. // If no host ID is supplied, or if RPC seqno mismatch, // create a new host record and return its ID // // POSTCONDITION: // If this returns zero, then: // - reply.host contains a valid host record (possibly new) // - reply.user contains a valid user record // - if user belongs to a team, reply.team contains team record // int authenticate_user(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply) { int retval; char buf[256]; DB_HOST host; DB_USER user; DB_TEAM team; if (sreq.hostid) { retval = host.lookup_id(sreq.hostid); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um("Can't find host record", "low"); reply.insert_message(um); log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "[HOST#%d?] can't find host\n", sreq.hostid ); sreq.hostid = 0; goto lookup_user_and_make_new_host; } reply.host = host; strlcpy( user.authenticator, sreq.authenticator, sizeof(user.authenticator) ); sprintf(buf, "where authenticator='%s'", user.authenticator); retval = user.lookup(buf); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um("Invalid or missing account key. " "Visit this project's web site to get an account key.", "high" ); reply.insert_message(um); reply.request_delay = 3600; reply.nucleus_only = true; log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] Bad authenticator '%s'\n", host.id, user.id, sreq.authenticator ); return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR; } // if user email address is not already verified, do it // retval = unmunge_email_addr(user); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um("Email address conflict for account key. " "Visit this project's web site to get current account key.", "high" ); reply.insert_message(um); reply.request_delay = 3600; reply.nucleus_only = true; log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] authenticator email conflict '%s'\n", host.id, user.id, sreq.authenticator ); return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR; } reply.user = user; if (host.userid != user.id) { // If the request's host ID isn't consistent with the authenticator, // create a new host record. // log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] inconsistent host ID; creating new host\n", host.id, user.id ); goto make_new_host; } // If the seqno from the host is less than what we expect, // the user must have copied the state file to a different host. // Make a new host record. // if (sreq.rpc_seqno < reply.host.rpc_seqno) { sreq.hostid = 0; log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] RPC seqno %d less than expected %d; creating new host\n", reply.host.id, user.id, sreq.rpc_seqno, reply.host.rpc_seqno ); goto make_new_host; } reply.host.rpc_seqno = sreq.rpc_seqno; } else { // here no hostid was given; we'll have to create a new host record // lookup_user_and_make_new_host: strlcpy( user.authenticator, sreq.authenticator, sizeof(user.authenticator) ); sprintf(buf, "where authenticator='%s'", user.authenticator); retval = user.lookup(buf); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um( "Invalid or missing account key. " "Visit this project's web site to get an account key.", "low" ); reply.insert_message(um); reply.request_delay = 3600; log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#] Bad authenticator '%s'\n", sreq.authenticator ); return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR; } reply.user = user; make_new_host: // reply.user is filled in and valid at this point // host = sreq.host; host.id = 0; host.create_time = time(0); host.userid = reply.user.id; host.rpc_seqno = 0; strcpy(host.venue, reply.user.venue); host.fix_nans(); retval = host.insert(); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um("Couldn't create host record in database", "low"); reply.insert_message(um); boinc_db.print_error("host.insert()"); log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "host.insert() failed\n"); return retval; } host.id = boinc_db.insert_id(); reply.host = host; reply.hostid = reply.host.id; // this tells client to updates its host ID } // have user record in reply.user at this point // if (reply.user.teamid) { retval = team.lookup_id(reply.user.teamid); if (!retval) reply.team = team; } // compute email hash // md5_block( (unsigned char*)reply.user.email_addr, strlen(reply.user.email_addr), reply.email_hash ); // see if new cross-project ID // if (strlen(sreq.cross_project_id)) { if (strcmp(sreq.cross_project_id, reply.user.cross_project_id)) { strcpy(reply.user.cross_project_id, sreq.cross_project_id); reply.update_user_record = true; } } return 0; } // somewhat arbitrary formula for credit as a function of CPU time. // Could also include terms for RAM size, network speed etc. // static void compute_credit_rating(HOST& host, SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq) { double cobblestone_factor = 100; host.credit_per_cpu_sec = (fabs(host.p_fpops)/1e9 + fabs(host.p_iops)/1e9) * cobblestone_factor / (2 * SECONDS_PER_DAY); } // modify host struct based on request. // Copy all fields that are determined by the client. // static int modify_host_struct(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, HOST& host) { host.timezone = sreq.host.timezone; strncpy(host.domain_name, sreq.host.domain_name, sizeof(host.domain_name)); strncpy(host.serialnum, sreq.host.serialnum, sizeof(host.serialnum)); if (strcmp(host.last_ip_addr, sreq.host.last_ip_addr)) { strncpy(host.last_ip_addr, sreq.host.last_ip_addr, sizeof(host.last_ip_addr)); } else { host.nsame_ip_addr++; } host.on_frac = sreq.host.on_frac; host.connected_frac = sreq.host.connected_frac; host.active_frac = sreq.host.active_frac; host.p_ncpus = sreq.host.p_ncpus; strncpy(host.p_vendor, sreq.host.p_vendor, sizeof(host.p_vendor)); // unlikely this will change strncpy(host.p_model, sreq.host.p_model, sizeof(host.p_model)); host.p_fpops = sreq.host.p_fpops; host.p_iops = sreq.host.p_iops; host.p_membw = sreq.host.p_membw; host.p_calculated = sreq.host.p_calculated; strncpy(host.os_name, sreq.host.os_name, sizeof(host.os_name)); strncpy(host.os_version, sreq.host.os_version, sizeof(host.os_version)); host.m_nbytes = sreq.host.m_nbytes; host.m_cache = sreq.host.m_cache; host.m_swap = sreq.host.m_swap; host.d_total = sreq.host.d_total; host.d_free = sreq.host.d_free; host.n_bwup = sreq.host.n_bwup; host.n_bwdown = sreq.host.n_bwdown; host.fix_nans(); compute_credit_rating(host, sreq); return 0; } static int update_host_record(HOST& xhost, USER& user) { DB_HOST host; int retval; char buf[1024]; host = xhost; if (strlen(host.host_cpid)) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s", host.host_cpid, user.email_addr); md5_block((const unsigned char*)buf, strlen(buf), host.host_cpid); } char* p = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); if (p) { strlcpy(host.external_ip_addr, p, sizeof(host.external_ip_addr)); } retval = host.update(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "host.update() failed: %d\n", retval); } return 0; } // Decide which global prefs to use, // (from request msg, or if absent then from user record) // and parse them into the request message global_prefs field. // Decide whether to send global prefs in reply msg // int handle_global_prefs(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply) { reply.send_global_prefs = false; if (strlen(sreq.global_prefs_xml)) { unsigned req_mod_time=0, db_mod_time=0; bool same_account = !strcmp( sreq.global_prefs_source_email_hash, reply.email_hash ); bool update_prefs = false; parse_int(sreq.global_prefs_xml, "", (int&)req_mod_time); if (strlen(reply.user.global_prefs)) { parse_int(reply.user.global_prefs, "", (int&)db_mod_time); // if user record has more recent prefs, // use them and arrange to return in reply msg // if (req_mod_time < db_mod_time) { strcpy(sreq.global_prefs_xml, reply.user.global_prefs); reply.send_global_prefs = true; } else { if (same_account) update_prefs = true; } } else { if (same_account) update_prefs = true; } if (update_prefs) { strcpy(reply.user.global_prefs, sreq.global_prefs_xml); reply.update_user_record = true; } } else { // request message has no global prefs; // copy from user record, and send them in reply // if (strlen(reply.user.global_prefs)) { strcpy(sreq.global_prefs_xml, reply.user.global_prefs); reply.send_global_prefs = true; } } sreq.global_prefs.parse(sreq.global_prefs_xml, reply.host.venue); return 0; } // New handle completed results // int handle_results( SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply ) { DB_SCHED_RESULT_ITEM_SET result_handler; SCHED_RESULT_ITEM* srip; unsigned int i; int retval; RESULT* rp; if (sreq.results.size() == 0) return 0; // read all results the user is reporting // for (i=0; iname, &srip); if (retval) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#? %s] can't find result\n", reply.host.id, rp->name ); // no need to skip when updating DB, since it's not there! continue; } log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] got result\n", reply.host.id, srip->id, srip->name ); // Comment -- In the sanity checks that follow, should we // verify that the results validate_state is consistent with // this being a newly arrived result? // What happens if a workunit was canceled after a result was sent? // When it gets back in, do we want to leave the validate state 'as is'? // Probably yes, which is as the code currently behaves. // if (srip->server_state == RESULT_SERVER_STATE_UNSENT) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] got unexpected result: server state is %d\n", reply.host.id, srip->id, srip->name, srip->server_state ); srip->id=0; // mark to skip when updating DB continue; } if (srip->received_time) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] got result twice\n", reply.host.id, srip->id, srip->name ); srip->id=0; // mark to skip when updating DB continue; } if (srip->hostid != sreq.hostid) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] got result from wrong host; expected [HOST#%d]\n", reply.host.id, srip->id, srip->name, srip->hostid ); DB_HOST result_host; int retval = result_host.lookup_id(srip->hostid); if (retval) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[RESULT#%d %s] Can't lookup [HOST#%d]\n", srip->id, srip->name, srip->hostid ); srip->id=0; // mark to skip when updating DB continue; } else if (result_host.userid != reply.host.userid) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[USER#%d] [HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] Not even the same user; expected [USER#%d]\n", reply.host.userid, reply.host.id, srip->id, srip->name, result_host.userid ); srip->id=0; // mark to skip when updating DB continue; } else { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] Allowing result because same USER#%d\n", reply.host.id, srip->id, srip->name, reply.host.userid ); } } // hostids do not match // modify the result record in the in-memory copy obtained // from the DB earlier. If we found a problem above, we have // continued and skipped this modify // srip->hostid = reply.host.id; srip->teamid = reply.user.teamid; srip->received_time = time(0); srip->client_state = rp->client_state; srip->cpu_time = rp->cpu_time; srip->exit_status = rp->exit_status; srip->app_version_num = rp->app_version_num; srip->claimed_credit = rp->cpu_time * reply.host.credit_per_cpu_sec; #if 1 log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "cpu %f cpcs %f, cc %f\n", srip->cpu_time, reply.host.credit_per_cpu_sec, srip->claimed_credit ); #endif srip->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER; safe_strncpy(srip->stderr_out, rp->stderr_out, sizeof(srip->stderr_out)); safe_strncpy(srip->xml_doc_out, rp->xml_doc_out, sizeof(srip->xml_doc_out)); // look for exit status and app version in stderr_out // (historical - can be deleted at some point) // parse_int(srip->stderr_out, "", srip->exit_status); parse_int(srip->stderr_out, "", srip->app_version_num); if ((srip->client_state == RESULT_FILES_UPLOADED) && (srip->exit_status == 0)) { srip->outcome = RESULT_OUTCOME_SUCCESS; log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "[RESULT#%d %s]: setting outcome SUCCESS\n", srip->id, srip->name ); } else { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "[RESULT#%d %s]: client_state %d exit_status %d; setting outcome ERROR\n", srip->id, srip->name, srip->client_state, srip->exit_status ); srip->outcome = RESULT_OUTCOME_CLIENT_ERROR; srip->validate_state = VALIDATE_STATE_INVALID; } } // end of loop over all incoming results // update all the results we have kept in memory, by storing to database. // if (config.use_transactions) { retval = boinc_db.start_transaction(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] result_handler.start_transaction() == %d\n", reply.host.id, retval ); } } for (i=0; i 0) { retval = result_handler.update_result(result_handler.results[i]); if (retval) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] [RESULT#%d %s] can't update result: %s\n", reply.host.id, result_handler.results[i].id, result_handler.results[i].name, boinc_db.error_string() ); } } } // trigger the transition handle for the results' WUs // retval = result_handler.update_workunits(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] can't update WUs: %d\n", reply.host.id, retval ); } if (config.use_transactions) { retval = boinc_db.commit_transaction(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] result_handler.commit_transaction() == %d\n", reply.host.id, retval ); } } return 0; } // if the client has an old code sign public key, // send it the new one, with a signature based on the old one. // If they don't have a code sign key, send them one // void send_code_sign_key( SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply, char* code_sign_key ) { char* oldkey, *signature; int i, retval; char path[256]; if (strlen(sreq.code_sign_key)) { if (strcmp(sreq.code_sign_key, code_sign_key)) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "received old code sign key\n"); // look for a signature file // for (i=0; ; i++) { sprintf(path, "%s/old_key_%d", config.key_dir, i); retval = read_file_malloc(path, oldkey); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um( "You may have an outdated code verification key. " "This may prevent you from accepting new executables. " "If the problem persists, detach/attach the project. ", "high" ); reply.insert_message(um); return; } if (!strcmp(oldkey, sreq.code_sign_key)) { sprintf(path, "%s/signature_%d", config.key_dir, i); retval = read_file_malloc(path, signature); if (retval) { USER_MESSAGE um( "You may have an outdated code verification key. " "This may prevent you from accepting new executables. " "If the problem persists, detach/attach the project. ", "high" ); reply.insert_message(um); } else { safe_strcpy(reply.code_sign_key, code_sign_key); safe_strcpy(reply.code_sign_key_signature, signature); free(signature); } } free(oldkey); return; } } } else { safe_strcpy(reply.code_sign_key, code_sign_key); } } // This routine examines the value // from config.xml. If set, and the core client version is less than // this version, send a warning to users to upgrade before deadline // given in in Unix time(2) format // expires. // void warn_user_if_core_client_upgrade_scheduled( SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply ) { int core_ver; core_ver = sreq.core_client_major_version*100; core_ver += sreq.core_client_minor_version; if (core_ver < config.min_core_client_version_announced) { // time remaining in hours, before upgrade required int remaining = config.min_core_client_upgrade_deadline-time(0); remaining /= 3600; if (0 < remaining) { char msg[512]; int days = remaining / 24; int hours = remaining % 24; sprintf(msg, "Starting in %d days and %d hours, project will require a minimum " "BOINC core client version of %d.%02d. You are currently using " "version %d.%02d; please upgrade before this time.", days, hours, config.min_core_client_version_announced / 100, config.min_core_client_version_announced % 100, sreq.core_client_major_version, sreq.core_client_minor_version ); // make this low priority until three days are left. Then // bump to high. // if (days<3) { USER_MESSAGE um(msg, "high"); reply.insert_message(um); } else { USER_MESSAGE um(msg, "low"); reply.insert_message(um); } log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "Sending warning: upgrade client %d.%02d within %d days %d hours\n", sreq.core_client_major_version, sreq.core_client_minor_version, days, hours ); } } return; } bool wrong_core_client_version( SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply ) { char msg[256]; bool wrong_version = false; if (sreq.core_client_major_version != BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION) { // TODO: check for user-agent not empty and not BOINC wrong_version = true; sprintf(msg, "To participate in this project, " "you must use major version %d of the BOINC core client. " "Your core client is major version %d.", BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION, sreq.core_client_major_version ); log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "[HOST#%d] [auth %s] Wrong major version from user: wanted %d, got %d\n", sreq.hostid, sreq.authenticator, BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION, sreq.core_client_major_version ); } else if (config.min_core_client_version) { int major = config.min_core_client_version/100; int minor = config.min_core_client_version % 100; if (sreq.core_client_minor_version < minor) { wrong_version = true; sprintf(msg, "To participate in this project, " "you must use version %d.%02d or higher of the BOINC core client. " "Your core client is version %d.%02d.", major, minor, sreq.core_client_major_version, sreq.core_client_minor_version ); log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "[HOST#%d] [auth %s] Wrong minor version from user: wanted %d, got %d\n", sreq.hostid, sreq.authenticator, minor, sreq.core_client_minor_version ); } } if (wrong_version) { USER_MESSAGE um(msg, "low"); reply.insert_message(um); reply.probable_user_browser = true; reply.request_delay = 3600*24; return true; } return false; } inline static const char* get_remote_addr() { const char * r = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); return r ? r : "?.?.?.?"; } void handle_msgs_from_host(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply) { unsigned int i; DB_MSG_FROM_HOST mfh; int retval; for (i=0; iversion_num > req_version) { sprintf(reply.message, "A new version (%d.%02d) of the BOINC core client is available from this project's web site.", cvp->version_num/100, cvp->version_num%100 ); strcpy(reply.message_priority, "low"); } } #endif void process_request( SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& reply, SCHED_SHMEM& ss, char* code_sign_key ) { PLATFORM* platform; int retval; double last_rpc_time; struct tm *rpc_time_tm; int last_rpc_dayofyear; int current_rpc_dayofyear; bool ok_to_send_work = true; bool have_no_work; char buf[256]; // if different major version of BOINC, just send a message // if (wrong_core_client_version(sreq, reply)) { ok_to_send_work = false; // if no results, return without accessing DB // if (sreq.results.size() == 0) { return; } } else { warn_user_if_core_client_upgrade_scheduled(sreq, reply); } // if there's no work, and client isn't returning results, // this isn't an initial RPC, // and client is requesting work, return without accessing DB // lock_sema(); have_no_work = ss.no_work(g_pid); unlock_sema(); if ((sreq.work_req_seconds > 0) && have_no_work && (sreq.results.size() == 0) && (sreq.hostid != 0) ) { USER_MESSAGE um("No work available", "low"); reply.insert_message(um); reply.request_delay = 3600; if (!config.msg_to_host) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "No work - skipping DB access\n" ); return; } } // FROM HERE ON DON'T RETURN; goto leave instead // because we've tagged an entry in the work array with our process ID // now open the database // retval = open_database(); if (retval) { send_message("Server can't open database", 3600); goto leave; } retval = authenticate_user(sreq, reply); if (retval) goto leave; if (reply.user.id == 0) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "No user ID!\n"); } log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "Processing request from [USER#%d] [HOST#%d] [IP %s] [RPC#%d] core client version %d.%02d\n", reply.user.id, reply.host.id, get_remote_addr(), sreq.rpc_seqno, sreq.core_client_major_version, sreq.core_client_minor_version ); ++log_messages; last_rpc_time = reply.host.rpc_time; rpc_time_tm = localtime((const time_t*)&reply.host.rpc_time); last_rpc_dayofyear = rpc_time_tm->tm_yday; reply.host.rpc_time = time(0); rpc_time_tm = localtime((const time_t*)&reply.host.rpc_time); current_rpc_dayofyear = rpc_time_tm->tm_yday; if (last_rpc_dayofyear != current_rpc_dayofyear) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "[HOST#%d] Resetting nresults_today\n", reply.host.id); reply.host.nresults_today = 0; } retval = modify_host_struct(sreq, reply.host); // look up the client's platform in the DB // platform = ss.lookup_platform(sreq.platform_name); if (!platform) { sprintf(buf, "platform '%s' not found", sreq.platform_name); USER_MESSAGE um(buf, "low"); reply.insert_message(um); log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] platform '%s' not found\n", reply.host.id, sreq.platform_name ); reply.request_delay = 3600*24; goto leave; } #if 0 notify_if_newer_core_version(sreq, reply, *platform, ss); #endif handle_global_prefs(sreq, reply); #if 0 reply.deletion_policy_priority = config.deletion_policy_priority; reply.deletion_policy_expire = config.deletion_policy_expire; #endif if (reply.update_user_record) { DB_USER user; user = reply.user; user.update(); } handle_results(sreq, reply); // if last RPC was within config.min_sendwork_interval, don't send work // if (!have_no_work && ok_to_send_work && sreq.work_req_seconds > 0) { if (config.min_sendwork_interval) { double diff = dtime() - last_rpc_time; if (diff < config.min_sendwork_interval) { ok_to_send_work = false; log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "Not sending work - last RPC too recent: %f\n", diff ); sprintf(buf, "Not sending work - last RPC too recent: %d sec", (int)diff ); USER_MESSAGE um(buf, "low"); reply.insert_message(um); reply.request_delay = config.min_sendwork_interval; } } if (ok_to_send_work) { send_work(sreq, reply, *platform, ss); } } send_code_sign_key(sreq, reply, code_sign_key); handle_msgs_from_host(sreq, reply); if (config.msg_to_host) { handle_msgs_to_host(sreq, reply); } update_host_record(reply.host, reply.user); leave: if (!have_no_work) { ss.restore_work(g_pid); } } extern double max_allowable_disk(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& req); extern double watch_diskspace[3]; // returns zero if there is a file we can delete. // int delete_file_from_host(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& sreply) { int nfiles = (int)sreq.file_infos.size(); char buf[256]; if (!nfiles) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d]: no disk space but no files we can delete!\n", sreply.host.id ); sprintf(buf, "No disk space (you must free %.1f MB before BOINC gets space). ", fabs(max_allowable_disk(sreq))/1.e6 ); if (watch_diskspace[0] != 0.0) { strcat(buf, "Review preferences for maximum disk space used."); } else if (watch_diskspace[1] != 0.0) { strcat(buf, "Review preferences for maximum disk percentage used."); } else if (watch_diskspace[2] != 0.0) { strcat(buf, "Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed."); } USER_MESSAGE um(buf, "high"); sreply.insert_message(um); sreply.request_delay = 24*3600; return 1; } // pick a data file to delete. // Do this deterministically so that we always tell host to delete the same file. // But to prevent all hosts from removing 'the same' file, // choose a file which depends upon the hostid. // // Assumption is that if nothing has changed on the host, // the order in which it reports files is fixed. // If this is false, we need to sort files into order by name! // int j = sreply.host.id % nfiles; FILE_INFO& fi = sreq.file_infos[j]; sreply.file_deletes.push_back(fi); log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "[HOST#%d]: delete file %s (make space)\n", sreply.host.id, fi.name ); // give host 4 hours to nuke the file and come back. // This might in general be too soon, since host needs to complete any work // that depends upon this file, before it will be removed by core client. // sprintf(buf, "Removing file %s to free up disk space", fi.name); USER_MESSAGE um(buf, "low"); sreply.insert_message(um); sreply.request_delay = 4*3600; return 0; } void debug_sched(SCHEDULER_REQUEST& sreq, SCHEDULER_REPLY& sreply, const char *trigger) { char tmpfilename[256]; FILE *fp; if (!boinc_file_exists(trigger)) { return; } sprintf(tmpfilename, "sched_reply_%06d_%06d", sreq.hostid, sreq.rpc_seqno); // use _XXXXXX if you want random filenames rather than // deterministic mkstemp(tmpfilename); fp=fopen(tmpfilename, "w"); if (!fp) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "Found %s, but can't open %s\n", trigger, tmpfilename ); return; } log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "Found %s, so writing %s\n", trigger, tmpfilename ); sreply.write(fp); fclose(fp); sprintf(tmpfilename, "sched_request_%06d_%06d", sreq.hostid, sreq.rpc_seqno); fp=fopen(tmpfilename, "w"); if (!fp) { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "Found %s, but can't open %s\n", trigger, tmpfilename ); return; } log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "Found %s, so writing %s\n", trigger, tmpfilename ); sreq.write(fp); fclose(fp); return; } void handle_request( FILE* fin, FILE* fout, SCHED_SHMEM& ss, char* code_sign_key ) { SCHEDULER_REQUEST sreq; SCHEDULER_REPLY sreply; memset(&sreq, 0, sizeof(sreq)); if (sreq.parse(fin) == 0){ log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "Handling request: IP %s, auth %s, host %d, platform %s, version %d.%02d\n", get_remote_addr(), sreq.authenticator, sreq.hostid, sreq.platform_name, sreq.core_client_major_version, sreq.core_client_minor_version ); process_request(sreq, sreply, ss, code_sign_key); } else { log_messages.printf( SCHED_MSG_LOG::NORMAL, "Incomplete request received from IP %s, auth %s, platform %s, version %d.%02d\n", get_remote_addr(), sreq.authenticator, sreq.platform_name, sreq.core_client_major_version, sreq.core_client_minor_version ); USER_MESSAGE um("Incomplete request received.", "low"); sreply.insert_message(um); sreply.nucleus_only = true; } // if we got no work, and we have no file space, delete some files // if (sreply.results.size()==0 && (sreply.wreq.insufficient_disk || sreply.wreq.disk_available<0)) { // try to delete a file to make more space. // Also give some hints to the user about what's going wrong // (lack of disk space). // delete_file_from_host(sreq, sreply); } #if 1 // You can call debug_sched() for whatever situation is of // interest to you. It won't do anything unless you create // (touch) the file 'debug_sched' in the project root directory. // if (sreply.results.size()==0 && sreply.hostid && sreq.work_req_seconds>1.0) { debug_sched(sreq, sreply, "../debug_sched"); } else if (max_allowable_disk(sreq)<0 || (sreply.wreq.insufficient_disk || sreply.wreq.disk_available<0)) { debug_sched(sreq, sreply, "../debug_sched"); } #endif sreply.write(fout); } const char *BOINC_RCSID_2ac231f9de = "$Id$";