#! /usr/bin/env php "); $download_dir = parse_element($config, ""); $fanout = parse_element($config, ""); function lookup_app($name) { global $apps; foreach ($apps as $app) { if ($app->name == $name) return $app; } return null; } function lookup_platform($p) { global $platforms; foreach ($platforms as $platform) { if ($platform->name == $p) return $platform; } return null; } function readdir_aux($d) { while ($f = readdir($d)) { if ($f == ".") continue; if ($f == "..") continue; return $f; } return false; } // Data structures: // Files are described by objects with fields // physical_name // logical_name // main_program // url // etc. // This are parsed from version.xml, or created by us // // Variables named $fd refer to such objects // // return a element for the file // function file_info_xml($fd) { $xml = "\n". " ".$fd->physical_name."\n" ; if (is_array($fd->url)) { foreach ($fd->url as $url) { $xml .= " $url\n"; } } else { $xml .= " $fd->url\n"; } if ($fd->executable) { $xml .= " \n"; } $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= $fd->signature; $xml .= " \n". " ".$fd->nbytes."\n". "\n" ; return $xml; } // return a element for the file // function file_ref_xml($fd) { $xml = "\n". " ".$fd->physical_name."\n" ; if (isset($fd->logical_name) && strlen($fd->logical_name)) { $xml .= " $fd->logical_name\n"; } if ($fd->main_program) { $xml .= " \n"; } $xml .= "\n"; return $xml; } function lookup_file($fds, $name) { foreach ($fds as $fd) { if ($fd->physical_name == $name) return $fd; } return null; } // update file in list, or add to list // function update_file($fds, $fd) { for ($i=0; $iphysical_name == $fd->physical_name) { $fds[$i] = $fd; return $fds; } } $fds[] = $fd; return $fds; } // move file to download dir, check immutability, fill in $fd->url // function stage_file($a, $v, $p, $fd) { global $download_url, $download_dir; $name = $fd->physical_name; $path = "apps2/$a/$v/$p/$name"; $dl_path = "$download_dir/$name"; if (is_file($dl_path)) { if (md5_file($path) != md5_file($dl_path)) { die ("Error: files $path and $dl_path differ.\nBOINC files are immutable.\nIf you change a file, you must give it a new name.\n"); } } else { echo("cp $path $dl_path\n"); system("cp $path $dl_path"); } $fd->url = "$download_url/$name"; return $fd; } function get_api_version($a, $v, $p, $fds) { foreach ($fds as $fd) { if ($fd->main_program) { $path = "apps2/$a/$v/$p/$fd->physical_name"; $handle = popen("strings $path | grep API_VERSION", "r"); $x = fread($handle, 8192); pclose($handle); $x = strstr($x, "API_VERSION_"); return trim(substr($x, strlen("API_VERSION_"))); } } return ""; } $sig_gen_confirmed = false; function confirm_sig_gen($name) { global $sig_gen_confirmed; if ($sig_gen_confirmed) return true; echo " NOTICE: You have not provided a signature file for $name, and your project's code-signing private key is on your server. IF YOUR PROJECT IS PUBLICLY ACCESSABLE, THIS IS A SECURITY VULNERABILITY. PLEASE STOP YOUR PROJECT IMMEDIATELY AND READ: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/CodeSigning Continue (y/n)? "; $stdin = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $x = trim(fgets($stdin)); if ($x != "y") { exit; } $sig_gen_confirmed = true; } // process a file // function process_file($a, $v, $p, $name, $fds) { $fd = lookup_file($fds, $name); if (!$fd) { $fd = null; $fd->physical_name = $name; $fd->url = array(); } $path = "apps2/$a/$v/$p/$name"; $stat = stat($path); $fd->nbytes = $stat['size']; $sigpath = "apps2/$a/$v/$p/$name.sig"; if (is_file($sigpath)) { $fd->signature = file_get_contents($sigpath); } else { $keypath = "keys/code_sign_private"; if (is_file($keypath)) { confirm_sig_gen($name); $handle = popen("bin/sign_executable $path $keypath", "r"); $fd->signature = fread($handle, 8192); pclose($handle); } else { die(" Error: no .sig file for $name, and no code signing private key\n"); } } if (!sizeof($fd->url)) { $fd = stage_file($a, $v, $p, $fd); } if (!isset($fd->executable)) { $perms = fileperms($path); $fd->executable = ($perms & 0x0040)?true:false; } if (!isset($fd->main_program)) { $fd->main_program = false; } $fd->present = true; $fds = update_file($fds, $fd); return $fds; } // scan the directory, and process files // function process_files($a, $v, $p, $fds) { $d = opendir("apps2/$a/$v/$p"); while ($f = readdir_aux($d)) { if ($f == "version.xml") continue; if (strstr($f, ".sig") == ".sig") continue; $fds = process_file($a, $v, $p, $f, $fds); } return $fds; } function parse_platform_name($p, &$platform, &$plan_class) { $x = explode("__", $p); $platform = $x[0]; if (sizeof($x) > 1) { $plan_class = $x[1]; } else { $plan_class = ""; } } function parse_version($v) { $x = explode(".", $v); if (!is_numeric($x[0])) return -1; if (sizeof($x) > 1) { if (!is_numeric($x[1])) return -1; return $x[0] + 100*$x[1]; } return (int)$x[0]; } function already_exists($a, $v, $platform, $plan_class) { $app = lookup_app($a); $plat = lookup_platform($platform); $vnum = parse_version($v); $av = BoincAppVersion::lookup("appid=$app->id and version_num=$vnum and platformid=$plat->id and plan_class='$plan_class'"); if ($av) return true; return false; } function missing_files($fds) { $missing = false; foreach ($fds as $fd) { if (!$fd->present) { echo " File $fd->physical_name is listed in version.xml but not present\n"; $missing = true; } } return $missing; } // Check whether there's a main program // function check_main_program($fds) { $n = 0; foreach ($fds as $fd) { if ($fd->main_program) $n++; } if ($n == 0) { echo " No file was marked as the main program.\n"; return false; } if ($n > 1) { echo " More than one file was marked as the main program.\n"; return false; } return true; } function confirm($fds) { echo " Files:\n"; foreach ($fds as $fd) { echo " $fd->physical_name"; if ($fd->main_program) { echo " (main program)"; } echo "\n"; } echo " Do you want to add this application version (y/n)? "; $stdin = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $x = trim(fgets($stdin)); return ($x == "y"); } // convert SimpleXMLElement object to a standard object // function convert_simplexml($x) { $fds = array(); $fxs = $x->xpath('file'); foreach ($fxs as $fx) { //echo "fx: "; print_r($fx); $fd = null; $fd->physical_name = (string) $fx->physical_name; $fd->logical_name = (string) $fx->logical_name; $fd->url = array(); foreach($fx->xpath('url') as $url) { $fd->url[] = (string) $url; } $fd->main_program = false; foreach($fx->xpath('main_program') as $x) { $s = (string) $x; if ($s == "" || int($s)>0) $fd->main_program = true; } //echo "fd: "; print_r($fd); $fds[] = $fd; } return $fds; } function process_version($a, $v, $p) { echo "Found application version: $a $v $p\n"; $app = lookup_app($a); parse_platform_name($p, $platform, $plan_class); if (already_exists($a, $v, $platform, $plan_class)) { echo " This app version already exists\n"; return; } $vfile = "apps2/$a/$v/$p/version.xml"; if (is_file($vfile)) { $x = simplexml_load_file($vfile); if (!$x) { die("Can't load XML file apps/$a/$v/$p. Check that it exists and is valid."); } $fds = convert_simplexml($x); } else { $fds = array(); } $fds = process_files($a, $v, $p, $fds); if (missing_files($fds)) return; if (sizeof($fds) == 1) $fds[0]->main_program = true; if (!check_main_program($fds)) return; $api_version = get_api_version($a, $v, $p, $fds); if (!confirm($fds)) { return; } $xml = ""; foreach ($fds as $fd) { $xml .= file_info_xml($fd); } $xml .= "\n". " ".$app->name."\n". " ".parse_version($v)."\n". " $api_version\n" ; foreach ($fds as $fd) { $xml .= file_ref_xml($fd); } $xml .= "\n"; $now = time(); $vnum = parse_version($v); $plat = lookup_platform($platform); $query = "set create_time=$now, appid=$app->id, version_num=$vnum, platformid=$plat->id , xml_doc='$xml', plan_class='$plan_class'"; echo $query; return; $id = BoincAppVersion::insert($query); if ($id) { echo " Application version added successfully; ID=$id\n"; } else { echo " Error; application version not added\n"; } } function scan_version_dir($a, $v) { $d = opendir("apps2/$a/$v"); while ($p = readdir_aux($d)) { process_version($a, $v, $p); } } function scan_app_dir($a) { $d = opendir("apps2/$a"); while ($v = readdir_aux($d)) { if (parse_version($v) < 0) { echo "$v is not a version number; skipping\n"; continue; } scan_version_dir($a, $v); } closedir($d); } function scan_apps() { $d = opendir("apps2"); while ($a = readdir_aux($d)) { if (!lookup_app($a)) { echo "$a is not an app\n"; continue; } scan_app_dir($a); } } scan_apps(); ?>