'.$forum->getDescription().' '.$forum->getThreadCount().' '.$forum->getPostCount().' '.time_diff_str($forum->getLastTimestamp(), time()).' '; } page_head(tr(FORUM_TITLE)); echo "

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"; show_forum_title(NULL, NULL, false); start_forum_table(array(tr(FORUM_TOPIC), tr(FORUM_THREADS), tr(FORUM_POSTS), tr(FORUM_LAST_POST))); $categories = $mainFactory->getCategories(); $i=0; while ($categories[$i]){ if (!$categories[$i]->getType()) { echo ' '.$categories[$i]->getName().' '; $forums = $categories[$i]->getForums(); $ii=0; // Show a summary of each of the forums while ($forums[$ii]){ echo forum_summary($forums[$ii]); $ii++; } } $i++; } end_table(); page_tail(); flush(); cleanup_forum_log(); ?>