BOINC operational tools
BOINC provides various tools for creating and operating projects.
These tools are accessed in several ways:
- Via a web interface.
These scripts are in the html_ops directory.
They are accessable only by users with the "manager" rights.
- Application programs.
These can be invoked from scripting languages.
- C++ functions.
The C++ library (backend_lib.C,h) provides the following function:
int create_work(
int appid,
char* wu_name,
char* wu_template,
char* result_template,
int nresults,
char* infile_dir,
char** infiles,
int ninfiles
This creates a workunit and one or more results.
"appid" is the database ID of the application.
"wu_name" is the name of the workunit.
"wu_name" is the filename of a template for the
workunit XML document.
This template is macro-substituted as follows:
- INFILE_n is replaced with the name of the nth input file.
- MD5_n is replaced with the MD5 checksum of the nth input file.
- WU_NAME is replaced with the workunit name.
"result_template" is the filename of a template for the
result XML document.
This template is macro-substituted as follows:
- OUTFILE_n is replaced with a string of the form
"wuname_resultnum_n" where wuname is the workunit name and
resultnum is the ordinal number of the result (0, 1, ...).
- WU_NAME is replaced with the workunit name.
- RESULT_NAME is replaced with a string of the form "wuname_resultnum".
"nresults" is the number of results to be created.
"infile_dir" is the path of the directory where the input files are.
"infiles" is an array of names of the input files,
of length "ninfiles".
The program
create_work -appname file -wu_name file -wu_template file -result_template file -nresults n infile1 infile2 ...
is a command-line equivalent of the create_work() function.
The program "add" performs various types of initialization:
add app name
Create an application record.
add platform name
Create a platform record
add app_version app-name platform-name version-num exec-dir exec-filename
Create an app_version record.
add user email_addr name web_password authenticator
Create a user record.
add prefs email_addr file
Create a preference set, and make it the default
preferences for the given user.