//a program for killing a WU in the BOINC //system this is needed for integration with GRID. // // // Author: Christian Soettrup #include "config.h" #include "boinc_db.h" #include #include #include "sched_config.h" #define VERSION 0.3 using namespace std; DB_WORKUNIT wu; DB_RESULT result; void usage(int status){ if (status !=0){ }else{ cout << "killWU v." << VERSION << endl; cout << "usage:" << endl; cout << " killWU [-h] [-c config_dir] wuname\n"; cout << "\t-h\tprints this help\n"; cout << "\t-c config_dir\tread the database configuration from this file\n"; } exit(status); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ int retval,final; string wuname; char buf[256]; string config_dir = "."; //parse the input if (argc<2){ usage(0); return -1; } for (int i=1;i