// This file contains a PHP binding of a web-service interface
// for submitting jobs to a BOINC server.
// Functions:
// boinc_abort_batch(): abort a batch
// boinc_estimate_batch(); estimate completion time of a batch
// boinc_get_output_file(): get the URL for an output file
// boinc_get_output_files(): get the URL for zipped batch output
// boinc_query_batch(): get details of a batch
// boinc_query_batches(): get list of batches
// boinc_query_job(): get details of a job
// boinc_retire_batch(): retire a batch; delete output files
// boinc_submit_batch(): submit a batch
//// Implementation stuff follows
function req_to_xml($req, $op) {
if (!isset($req->batch_name)) {
$req->batch_name = "batch_".time();
$x = "<$op>
if ((isset($req->result_template_file)) && ($req->result_template_file)) {
$x .= " $req->result_template_file
if ((isset($req->workunit_template_file)) && ($req->workunit_template_file)) {
$x .= " $req->workunit_template_file
foreach ($req->jobs as $job) {
$x .= "
if ((isset($job->target_team)) && ($job->target_team)) {
$x .= " $job->target_team
} elseif ((isset($job->target_user)) && ($job->target_user)) {
$x .= " $job->target_user
} elseif ((isset($job->target_host)) && ($job->target_host)) {
$x .= " $job->target_host
foreach ($job->input_files as $file) {
$x .= " \n";
$x .= " $file->mode\n";
if ($file->mode == "remote") {
$x .= " $file->url\n";
$x .= " $file->nbytes\n";
$x .= " $file->md5\n";
} else {
$x .= " $file->source\n";
$x .= " \n";
// send templates for both estimate and submit ops
if (isset($job->wu_template)) {
$x .= " \n$job->wu_template\n \n";
if (isset($job->result_template)) {
$x .= " \n$job->result_template\n \n";
$x .= "
$x .= "
return $x;
function validate_request($req) {
if (!is_object($req)) return "req is not an object";
if (!array_key_exists('project', $req)) return "missing req->project";
if (!array_key_exists('authenticator', $req)) return "missing req->authenticator";
if (!array_key_exists('app_name', $req)) return "missing req->app_name";
if (!array_key_exists('jobs', $req)) return "missing req->jobs";
if (!is_array($req->jobs)) return "req->jobs is not an array";
foreach ($req->jobs as $job) {
// other checks
return null;
function do_http_op($req, $xml, $op) {
$ch = curl_init("$req->project/submit_rpc_handler.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// see if we need to send any files
$nfiles = 0;
$post = array();
$post["request"] = $xml;
$cwd = getcwd();
if ($op == "submit_batch") {
foreach ($req->jobs as $job) {
foreach ($job->input_files as $file) {
if ($file->mode == "inline") {
$path = realpath("$cwd/$file->path");
$post["file$nfiles"] = $path;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$reply = curl_exec($ch);
if (!$reply) return array(null, "HTTP error");
$r = @simplexml_load_string($reply);
if (!$r) {
return array(null, "Can't parse reply XML:\n$reply");
$e = (string)$r->error_msg;
if ($e) {
return array(null, $e);
} else {
return array($r, null);
function do_batch_op($req, $op) {
$retval = validate_request($req);
if ($retval) return array(null, $retval);
$xml = req_to_xml($req, $op);
return do_http_op($req, $xml, $op);
function batch_xml_to_object($batch) {
$b = new StdClass;
$b->id = (int)($batch->id);
$b->create_time = (double)($batch->create_time);
$b->est_completion_time = (double)($batch->est_completion_time);
$b->njobs = (int)($batch->njobs);
$b->fraction_done = (double) $batch->fraction_done;
$b->nerror_jobs = (int)($batch->nerror_jobs);
$b->state = (int)($batch->state);
$b->completion_time = (double)($batch->completion_time);
$b->credit_estimate = (double)($batch->credit_estimate);
$b->credit_canonical = (double)($batch->credit_canonical);
$b->name = (string)($batch->name);
$b->app_name = (string)($batch->app_name);
$b->total_cpu_time = (double)($batch->total_cpu_time);
return $b;
// if RPC had a fatal error, return the message
function get_error($reply, $outer_tag) {
$name = $reply->getName();
if ($name != $outer_tag) {
return "Bad reply outer tag";
foreach ($reply->error as $error) {
if (isset($error->error_num)) {
return (string)$error->error_msg;
return null;
//// API functions follow
function boinc_estimate_batch($req) {
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_batch_op($req, "estimate_batch");
if ($errmsg) return array(0, $errmsg);
if ($x = get_error($reply, "estimate_batch")) {
return array(null, $x);
return array((string)$reply->seconds, null);
function boinc_submit_batch($req) {
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_batch_op($req, "submit_batch");
if ($errmsg) return array(0, $errmsg);
if ($x = get_error($reply, "submit_batch")) {
return array(null, $x);
return array((int)$reply->batch_id, null);
function boinc_query_batches($req) {
$req_xml = "
if (!empty($req->get_cpu_time)) {
$req_xml .= " 1\n";
$req_xml .= "\n";
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_http_op($req, $req_xml, "");
if ($errmsg) return array(null, $errmsg);
if ($x = get_error($reply, "query_batches")) {
return array(null, $x);
$batches = array();
foreach ($reply->batch as $batch) {
$b = batch_xml_to_object($batch);
$batches[] = $b;
return array($batches, null);
function boinc_query_batch($req) {
$req_xml = "
if (!empty($req->get_cpu_time)) {
$req_xml .= " 1\n";
if (!empty($req->get_job_details)) {
$req_xml .= " 1\n";
echo "\n";
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_http_op($req, $req_xml, "");
if ($errmsg) return array(null, $errmsg);
if ($x = get_error($reply, "query_batch")) {
return array(null, $x);
$jobs = array();
foreach ($reply->job as $job) {
$j = new StdClass;
$j->id = (int)($job->id);
$j->canonical_instance_id = (int)($job->canonical_instance_id);
$jobs[] = $j;
$r = batch_xml_to_object($reply);
$r->jobs = $jobs;
return array($r, null);
function boinc_query_job($req) {
$req_xml = "
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_http_op($req, $req_xml, "");
if ($errmsg) return array(null, $errmsg);
if ($x = get_error($reply, "query_job")) {
return array(null, $x);
$instances = array();
foreach ($reply->instance as $instance) {
$i = new StdClass;
$i->name = (string)($instance->name);
$i->id = (int)($instance->id);
$i->state = (string)($instance->state);
$i->outfiles = array();
foreach ($instance->outfile as $outfile) {
$f = new StdClass;
$f->size = (double)$outfile->size;
$i->outfiles[] = $f;
$instances[] = $i;
$r = new StdClass;
$r->instances = $instances;
return array($r, null);
function boinc_abort_batch($req) {
$req_xml = "
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_http_op($req, $req_xml, "");
if ($errmsg) return $errmsg;
if ($x = get_error($reply, "abort_batch")) {
return array(null, $x);
return array(true, null);
function boinc_get_output_file($req) {
$auth_str = md5($req->authenticator.$req->instance_name);
$name = $req->instance_name;
$file_num = $req->file_num;
return $req->project."/get_output.php?cmd=result_file&result_name=$name&file_num=$file_num&auth_str=$auth_str";
function boinc_get_output_files($req) {
$auth_str = md5($req->authenticator.$req->batch_id);
$batch_id = $req->batch_id;
return $req->project."/get_output.php?cmd=batch_files&batch_id=$batch_id&auth_str=$auth_str";
function boinc_retire_batch($req) {
$req_xml = "
list($reply, $errmsg) = do_http_op($req, $req_xml, "");
if ($errmsg) return $errmsg;
if ($x = get_error($reply, "retire_batch")) {
return array(null, $x);
return array(true, null);
//// example usage follows
if (0) {
$req = new StdClass;
$req->project = "http://isaac.ssl.berkeley.edu/test/";
$req->authenticator = trim(file_get_contents("test_auth"));
$req->app_name = "uppercase";
$req->batch_name = "batch_name3";
$req->jobs = array();
$job = new StdClass;
$job->input_files = array();
$f = new StdClass;
$f->mode = "remote";
$f->url = "http://isaac.ssl.berkeley.edu/validate_logic.txt";
$f->md5 = "eec5a142cea5202c9ab2e4575a8aaaa7";
$f->nbytes = 4250;
$job->input_files[] = $f;
$f = new StdClass;
$f->mode = "local";
$f->source = "foobar";
//$job->input_files[] = $f;
$it = "
$ot = "
for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) {
$job->rsc_fpops_est = $i*1e9;
$job->command_line = "--t $i";
$job->wu_template = $it;
$job->result_template = $ot;
$req->jobs[] = $job;
if (0) {
list($e, $errmsg) = boinc_estimate_batch($req);
if ($errmsg) {
echo "Error from server: $errmsg\n";
} else {
echo "Batch completion estimate: $e seconds\n";
} else {
list($id, $errmsg) = boinc_submit_batch($req);
if ($errmsg) {
echo "Error from server: $errmsg\n";
} else {
echo "Batch ID: $id\n";
if (0) {
list($batches, $errmsg) = boinc_query_batches($req);
if ($errmsg) {
echo "Error: $errmsg\n";
} else {
if (0) {
$req->batch_id = 20;
list($jobs, $errmsg) = boinc_query_batch($req);
if ($errmsg) {
echo "Error: $errmsg\n";
} else {