. // search for posts or a thread. // Takes input from forum_search.php require_once('../inc/time.inc'); require_once('../inc/text_transform.inc'); require_once('../inc/forum.inc'); // Searches for the keywords in the $keyword_list array in thread titles. // Optionally filters by forum, user, time, or hidden if specified. // function search_thread_titles( $keyword_list, $forum="", $user="", $time="", $limit=200, $sort_style=CREATE_TIME_NEW, $show_hidden = false ){ $search_string="%"; foreach ($keyword_list as $key => $word) { $search_string.=mysql_escape_string($word)."%"; } $query = "title like '".$search_string."'"; if ($forum && $forum != "all") { $query .= " and forum = $forum->id"; } if ($user && $user != "all") { $query .= " and owner = $user->id"; } if ($time && $user != "all") { $query .= " and timestamp > $time"; } if (!$show_hidden) { $query .= " and thread.hidden = 0"; } switch($sort_style) { case MODIFIED_NEW: $query .= ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC'; break; case VIEWS_MOST: $query .= ' ORDER BY views DESC'; break; case REPLIES_MOST: $query .= ' ORDER BY replies DESC'; break; case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $query .= ' ORDER by create_time desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $query .= ' ORDER by create_time asc'; break; case 'score': $query .= ' ORDER by score desc'; break; default: $query .= ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC'; break; } $query .= " limit $limit"; return BoincThread::enum($query); } // Searches for the keywords in the $keyword_list array in post bodies. // optionally filters by forum, time, hidden, or user if specified. // function search_post_content( $keyword_list, $forum, $user, $time, $limit, $sort_style, $show_hidden ){ $db = BoincDb::get(); $search_string="%"; foreach ($keyword_list as $key => $word){ $search_string.=mysql_escape_string($word)."%"; } $optional_join = ""; // if looking in a single forum, need to join w/ thread table // because that's where the link to forum is // if ($forum) { $optional_join = " LEFT JOIN ".$db->db_name.".thread ON post.thread = thread.id"; } $query = "select post.* from ".$db->db_name.".post".$optional_join." where content like '".$search_string."'"; if ($forum) { $query.=" and forum = $forum->id"; } if ($user) { $query.=" and post.user = $user->id "; } if ($time) { $query.=" and post.timestamp > $time"; } if (!$show_hidden) { $query .= " AND post.hidden = 0"; } switch($sort_style) { case VIEWS_MOST: $query.= ' ORDER BY views DESC'; break; case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $query .= ' ORDER by post.timestamp desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $query .= ' ORDER by post.timestamp asc'; break; case POST_SCORE: $query .= ' ORDER by post.score desc'; break; default: $query .= ' ORDER BY post.timestamp DESC'; break; } $query.= " limit $limit"; return BoincPost::enum_general($query); } $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($logged_in_user); if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->prefs->privilege(S_MODERATOR)){ $show_hidden_posts = true; } else { $show_hidden_posts = false; } page_head(tra("Forum search results")); $search_keywords = post_str("search_keywords", true); $search_author = post_int("search_author", true); $search_max_time = post_int("search_max_time"); $search_forum = post_int("search_forum"); $search_sort = post_int("search_sort"); $search_list = explode(" ",$search_keywords); $min_timestamp = time() - ($search_max_time*3600*24); $limit = 100; if ($search_forum==-1){ $forum = null; } else if ($search_forum) { $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($search_forum); } $user = null; if ($search_author) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($search_author); } // First search thread titles; if we get a hit there it's probably relevant // $threads = search_thread_titles($search_list, $forum, $user, $min_timestamp, round($limit/7), $search_sort, $show_hidden_posts); // Display the threads while we search for posts if (count($threads)){ echo "" . tra("Thread titles matching your query:") . ""; show_thread_and_context_header(); $i = 0; foreach ($threads as $thread){ if ($thread->hidden) continue; show_thread_and_context($thread, $logged_in_user, $i++); } end_table(); echo "

"; } // Look in a post content as well // $posts = search_post_content( $search_list, $forum, $user, $min_timestamp, $limit, $search_sort, $show_hidden_posts ); if (count($posts)){ echo "" . tra("Messages matching your query:") . ""; start_table(); $n = 1; $options = get_output_options($logged_in_user); $options->setHighlightTerms($search_list); foreach ($posts as $post) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($post->thread); if (!$thread) continue; $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($thread->forum); if (!$forum) continue; if (!is_forum_visible_to_user($forum, $logged_in_user)) continue; if (!$show_hidden_posts) { if ($thread->hidden) continue; if ($post->hidden) continue; } show_post_and_context($post, $thread, $forum, $options, $n); $n++; } end_table(); } if (!count($thread) && !count($posts)){ echo "

Sorry, couldn't find anything matching your search query. You can try to broaden your search by using less words (or less specific words).

You can also try the same search on Google.

"; } echo "

Perform another search

"; page_tail(); exit; $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>