. // DEPRECATED: this was used to clean user names from html that was allowed at this time die("This file is DEPRECATED, see source for more information."); $cli_only = true; require_once("../inc/db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); set_time_limit(0); db_init(); function clean_user($user) { if ($user->name != sanitize_tags($user->name)) { $x = sanitize_tags($user->name); echo "ID: $user->id name: $user->name stripped name: $x email: $user->email_addr ----- "; $x = boinc_real_escape_string($x); $x = trim($x); $query = "update user set name='$x' where id=$user->id"; $retval = mysql_query($query); echo $query; } } $result = mysql_query("select id, name, email_addr from user"); while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { clean_user($user); } ?>