. // Utility functions for BOINC web pages error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', true); ini_set('display_startup_errors', true); require_once("../inc/util_basic.inc"); require_once("../project/project.inc"); require_once("../inc/countries.inc"); require_once("../inc/db.inc"); require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/translation.inc"); require_once("../inc/profile.inc"); // don't allow /... at the end of URL if (array_key_exists("PATH_INFO", $_SERVER)) { die("bad URL"); } // define TIMEZONE in project.inc // if (defined('TIMEZONE')) { date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); } else { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); } if (!defined('DISABLE_PROFILES')) { define('DISABLE_PROFILES', false); } if (!defined('DISABLE_FORUMS')) { define('DISABLE_FORUMS', false); } if (!defined('DISABLE_TEAMS')) { define('DISABLE_TEAMS', false); } if (!defined('DISABLE_BADGES')) { define('DISABLE_BADGES', false); } if (!defined('BADGE_HEIGHT_SMALL')) { define('BADGE_HEIGHT_SMALL', 20); } if (!defined('BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM')) { define('BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM', 24); } if (!defined('BADGE_HEIGHT_LARGE')) { define('BADGE_HEIGHT_LARGE', 56); } if (!defined('LDAP_HOST')) { define('LDAP_HOST', null); } $caching = false; // if set, we're writing to a file rather than to client $did_page_head = false; define('KILO', 1024); define('MEGA', 1024*KILO); define('GIGA', 1024*MEGA); // return true if this page is HTTPS // function is_https() { return isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']; } function secure_url_base() { if (defined('SECURE_URL_BASE')) return SECURE_URL_BASE; return URL_BASE; } function url_base() { return is_https()?secure_url_base():URL_BASE; } function send_cookie($name, $value, $permanent, $ops=false) { // the following allows independent login for projects on the same server // $master_url = parse_config(get_config(), ""); $url = parse_url($master_url); $path = $url['path']; if ($ops) { $path = substr($path, 0, -1); $path .= "_ops/"; } $expire = $permanent?time()+3600*24*365:0; setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path); } function clear_cookie($name, $ops=false) { $master_url = parse_config(get_config(), ""); $url = parse_url($master_url); $path = $url['path']; if ($ops) { $path = substr($path, 0, -1); $path .= "_ops/"; } setcookie($name, '', time()-3600, $path); } $g_logged_in_user = null; $got_logged_in_user = false; function get_logged_in_user($must_be_logged_in=true) { global $g_logged_in_user, $got_logged_in_user; if ($got_logged_in_user) return $g_logged_in_user; check_web_stopped(); $authenticator = null; if (isset($_COOKIE['auth'])) $authenticator = $_COOKIE['auth']; $authenticator = BoincDb::escape_string($authenticator); if ($authenticator) { $g_logged_in_user = BoincUser::lookup("authenticator='$authenticator'"); } if ($must_be_logged_in && !$g_logged_in_user) { $next_url = ''; if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) { $next_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $n = strrpos($next_url, "/"); if ($n) { $next_url = substr($next_url, $n+1); } } $next_url = urlencode($next_url); Header("Location: login_form.php?next_url=$next_url"); exit; } $got_logged_in_user = true; return $g_logged_in_user; } function show_login_info($prefix="") { $user = get_logged_in_user(false); echo "
"; if ($user) { $url_tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); echo "$user->name · ".tra("log out").""; } else { echo "".tra("log in").""; } echo "
"; } $cache_control_extra=""; // Page_head() is overridable so that projects that want to integrate BOINC // with an existing web framework can more easily do so. // To do so, define page_head() in the project include file. // if (!function_exists("page_head")){ function page_head( $title, $java_onload=null, $title_plain=null, $prefix="", $head_extra=null ) { global $caching, $cache_control_extra, $did_page_head; $did_page_head = true; $url_base = url_base(); $stylesheet = $url_base.STYLESHEET; $rssname = PROJECT . " RSS 2.0"; $rsslink = $url_base."rss_main.php"; if (defined('STYLESHEET2')) { $stylesheet2 = $url_base.STYLESHEET2; } else { $stylesheet2 = null; } if (!$caching) { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 UTC"); // Date in the past header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " UTC"); // always modified header ("Cache-Control: $cache_control_extra no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // HTTP/1.1 header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 } echo ""; echo "\n"; if ($head_extra) { echo "\n$head_extra\n"; } if (!$title_plain) { echo "".sanitize_tags($title)."\n"; } else { echo "".sanitize_tags($title_plain)."\n"; } echo " "; if ($stylesheet2) { echo "\n"; } echo " "; if ($java_onload){ echo ""; } else { echo ""; } display_cvs_versions(); project_banner($title, $prefix); switch($title) { //kludge case tra("Log in"): case tra("Create an account"): case tra("Server status page"): break; default: show_login_info($prefix); } } } // the following must be included in header // for Recaptcha to work with some IE browsers // define('IE_COMPAT_MODE', ''); function page_tail_aux($show_return, $show_date, $prefix="") { project_footer($show_return, $show_date, $prefix); echo " "; } function page_tail_main($show_date=false) { page_tail_aux(false, $show_date); } // See the comments for page_head() // if (!function_exists("page_tail")){ function page_tail($show_date=false, $prefix="") { page_tail_aux(true, $show_date, $prefix); } } function display_cvs_versions(){ global $cvs_version_tracker; echo "\n\n"; for ($i=0;$i\n"; } } function db_error_page() { page_head("Database error"); echo tra("A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again later."); page_tail(); } function error_page($msg) { global $generating_xml; if ($generating_xml) { xml_error(-1, $msg); } page_head(tra("Unable to handle request")); echo $msg; page_tail(); exit(); } // takes argument in second and returns a human formatted time string // in the form D days + h Hours + m Min + s sec. function time_diff($x) { $days = (int)($x/86400); $hours = (int)(($x-$days*86400)/3600); $minutes = (int)(($x-$days*86400-$hours*3600)/60); $seconds = (int)($x % 60); $datestring = ""; if ($days) { $datestring .= "$days ".tra("days")." "; } if ($hours || strlen($datestring)) { $datestring .= "$hours ".tra("hours")." "; } if ($minutes || strlen($datestring)) { $datestring .= "$minutes ".tra("min")." "; } if ($seconds) { $datestring .= "$seconds ".tra("sec")." "; } return $datestring; } function date_str($x) { if ($x == 0) return "---"; return gmdate('j M Y', $x); } function time_str($x) { if ($x == 0) return "---"; return gmdate('j M Y, G:i:s', $x) . " UTC"; } function local_time_str($x) { if ($x == 0) return "---"; return date('j M Y, H:i T', $x); } function pretty_time_str($x) { return time_str($x); } // TODO: currently only a few calls use the arguments, styling should only happen through CSS clases so $extra should be dropped in the future function start_table($extra="width=\"100%\"", $class="table-bordered") { echo ""; } // TODO: currently no call uses the arguments, styling should only happen through CSS clases so $extra could be dropped in the future function start_table_noborder($extra="width=\"100%\"", $class="noborder") { echo "
"; } function end_table() { echo "
\n"; } // Table header row with unlimited number of columns function table_header() { echo "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { if (is_array(func_get_arg($i))) { $col = func_get_arg($i); echo "".$col[0]."\n"; } else { echo "".func_get_arg($i)."\n"; } } echo "\n"; } // Table row with unlimited number of columns function table_row() { echo "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { if (is_array(func_get_arg($i))) { $col = func_get_arg($i); echo "".$col[0]."\n"; } else { echo "".func_get_arg($i)."\n"; } } echo "\n"; } function row1($x, $ncols=2, $class="heading") { if ($class == "heading") { echo "$x\n"; } else { echo "$x\n"; } } function row2($x, $y, $show_error=false) { if ($x=="") $x="
"; if ($y==="") $y="
"; if ($show_error) { $class1 = 'fieldname_error'; $class2 = 'fieldvalue_error'; } else { $class1 = 'fieldname'; $class2 = 'fieldvalue'; } echo "$x$y\n"; } function row2_init($x, $y) { echo "$x$y\n"; } function row2_plain($x, $y) { echo "$x$y\n"; } function rowify($string) { echo "$string"; } function row_array($x, $class=null) { if ($class) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } foreach ($x as $h) { echo "$h"; } echo "\n"; } function row_heading_array($x) { echo ""; foreach ($x as $h) { echo "$h"; } echo "\n"; } function random_string() { return md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); } function url_tokens($auth) { $now = time(); $ttok = md5((string)$now.$auth); return "&tnow=$now&ttok=$ttok"; } function form_tokens($auth) { $now = time(); $ttok = md5((string)$now.$auth); return " "; } function valid_tokens($auth) { $tnow = get_str('tnow', true); $ttok = get_str('ttok', true); if (!$tnow) { $tnow = $_POST['tnow']; } if (!$ttok) { $ttok = $_POST['ttok']; } if (!$tnow) return false; if (!$ttok) return false; $t = md5((string)$tnow.$auth); if ($t != $ttok) return false; if (time() > $tnow + 86400) return false; return true; } function check_tokens($auth) { if (valid_tokens($auth)) return; error_page( tra("Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again.") ); } function no_computing() { return parse_bool(get_config(), "no_computing"); } // Generates a legal filename from a parameter string. function get_legal_filename($name) { return strtr($name, array(','=>'', ' '=>'_')); } // Returns a string containing as many words // (being collections of characters separated by the character $delimiter) // as possible such that the total string length is <= $chars characters long. // If $ellipsis is true, then an ellipsis is added to any sentence which // is cut short. function sub_sentence($sentence, $delimiter, $max_chars, $ellipsis=false) { $words = explode($delimiter, $sentence); $total_chars = 0; $trunc = false; $result = ""; foreach ($words as $word) { if (strlen($result) + strlen($word) > $max_chars) { $trunc = true; break; } if ($result) { $result .= " $word"; } else { $result = $word; } } if ($ellipsis && $trunc) { $result .= "..."; } return $result; } // use this for user RAC and result credit // function format_credit($x) { return number_format($x, 2); } // use this when credit is likely to be large, e.g. team RAC // function format_credit_large($x) { return number_format($x, 0); } function host_link($hostid) { if ($hostid) { return "$hostid"; } else { return "---"; } } function open_output_buffer() { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); } function close_output_buffer($filename) { $fh = fopen($filename, "w"); $page = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); fwrite($fh, $page); fclose($fh); } function html_info() { return "
".tra("Use BBCode tags to format your text")."\n"; } // strip slashes if magic quotes in effect function undo_magic_quotes($x) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($x); } return $x; } // check for bogus GET args // function check_get_args($args) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $args)) { Header("Location: extra_arg_$key.html"); die; } } } // returns null if the arg is optional and missing // function get_int($name, $optional=false) { $x=null; if (isset($_GET[$name])) $x = $_GET[$name]; if (!is_numeric($x)) { if ($optional) { if ($x) { Header("Location: non_num_arg.html"); die; } return null; } else { Header("Location: missing_arg_$name.html"); die; } } return (int)$x; } // returns null if the arg is optional and missing // function post_num($name, $optional=false) { $x = null; if (isset($_POST[$name])) $x = $_POST[$name]; if (!is_numeric($x)) { if ($optional) { return null; } else { error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name; supplied: ".htmlspecialchars($x)); } } return (double)$x; } // returns null if the arg is optional and missing // function post_int($name, $optional=false) { $x = post_num($name, $optional); if (is_null($x)) return null; $y = (int)$x; if ($x != $y) { error_page("param $name must be an integer"); } return $y; } function get_str($name, $optional=false) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $x = $_GET[$name]; } else { if (!$optional) { error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name"); } $x = null; } return undo_magic_quotes($x); } function post_str($name, $optional=false) { if (isset($_POST[$name])) { $x = $_POST[$name]; } else { if (!$optional) { error_page("missing or bad parameter: $name"); } $x = null; } return undo_magic_quotes($x); } function is_ascii($str) { // the mb_* functions are not included by default // return (mb_detect_encoding($passwd) -= 'ASCII'); for ($i=0; $i 127) return false; } return true; } // This function replaces some often made mistakes while entering numbers // and gives back an error if there are false characters // It will also be checked if the value is within certain borders // @param string &$value reference to the value that should be verified // @param double $low the lowest number of value if verified // @param double $high the highest number of value if verified // @return bool true if $value is numeric and within the defined borders, // false if $value is not numeric, no changes were made in this case // function verify_numeric(&$value, $low, $high = false) { $number = trim($value); $number = str_replace('o', '0', $number); $number = str_replace('O', '0', $number); $number = str_replace('x', '', $number); //if someone enters '0x100' $number = str_replace(',', '.', $number); // replace the german decimal separator // if no value was entered and this is ok if ($number=='' && $low=='') return true; // the supplied value contains alphabetic characters if (!is_numeric($number)) return false; //if ($number < $low) $number = $low; if ($number < $low) return false; if ($high) { //if ($number > $high) $number = $high; if ($number > $high) return false; } $value = (double)$number; return true; } // Generate a "select" HTML element from an array of values function select_from_array($name, $array, $selection) { $out = ""; return $out; } // Convert to entities, while preserving already-encoded entities. // Do NOT use if $str contains valid HTML tags. // function boinc_htmlentities($str) { $str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); $str = htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); return $str; } function strip_bbcode($string){ return preg_replace("/((\[.+\])+?)(.+?)((\[\/.+\])+?)/","",$string); } function current_url() { $url = "http"; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") { $url .= "s"; } $url .= "://"; $url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $url .= ":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $url .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $url .= "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } return $url; } // Show a single link formatted to look like a button. // @param url The destination URL of the button // @param text The text to display on the button // @param desc The title of the destination - typically used as a popup // @param class The optional CSS class of the button. Defaults to a standard button // function show_button($url, $text, $desc=null, $class="btn btn-default") { if (!$desc) $desc = $text; echo "".$text."\n"; } function button_text($url, $text, $desc=null, $class="btn btn-default") { if (!$desc) $desc = $text; return "".$text."\n"; } // When multiple buttons (or actions) are presented in a list you can // use this convenience method to avoid having to wrap each button in
  • elements // @param url The destination URL of the button // @param text The text to display on the button // @param desc The title of the destination - typically used as a popup // @param class The optional CSS class of the button. Defaults to a standard button // function show_actionlist_button($url, $text, $desc, $class="btn btn-default"){ echo "
  • "; echo show_button($url, $text, $desc, $class); echo "
  • "; } function show_image($src, $title, $alt, $height=null) { $h = ""; if ($height) { $h = "height=\"$height\""; } echo "\"$alt\""; } function check_web_stopped() { global $generating_xml, $did_page_head; if (web_stopped()) { if ($generating_xml) { xml_error(-183); } else { if (!$did_page_head) { page_head(tra("Project down for maintenance")); } echo tra( "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance. Please try again later.", PROJECT ); page_tail(); exit(); } } } // Connects to database server and selects database as noted in config.xml // If only read-only access is necessary, // tries instead to connect to if tag exists. // DEPRECATED - use boinc_db.inc // function db_init($try_replica=false) { check_web_stopped(); $retval = db_init_aux($try_replica); if ($retval == 1) { echo tra("Unable to connect to database - please try again later"); exit(); } if ($retval == 2) { echo tra("Unable to select database - please try again later"); exit(); } return 0; } // return a structure indicating whether project has non-deprecated // apps versions for various resource types, // and with a count of app versions // function get_app_types() { $t = new StdClass; $t->cpu = false; $t->cuda = false; $t->ati = false; $t->intel_gpu = false; $t->count = 0; $avs = BoincAppVersion::enum("deprecated=0"); foreach ($avs as $av) { if (strstr($av->plan_class, "ati")) { $t->ati = true; $t->count++; } else if (strstr($av->plan_class, "cuda")) { $t->cuda = true; $t->count++; } else if (strstr($av->plan_class, "nvidia")) { $t->cuda = true; $t->count++; } else if (strstr($av->plan_class, "intel_gpu")) { $t->intel_gpu = true; $t->count++; } else { $t->cpu = true; $t->count++; } } return $t; } // Functions to sanitize GET and POST args // "next_url" arguments (must be local, not full URLs) // function sanitize_local_url($x) { $x = trim($x, "/"); if (strstr($x, "/")) return ""; if (strstr($x, "<")) return ""; if (strstr($x, "\"")) return ""; return $x; } // strip HTML tags // function sanitize_tags($x) { return strip_tags($x); } function sanitize_numeric($x) { if (is_numeric($x)) { return $x; } else { return "not numeric"; } } function sanitize_email($x) { if (function_exists('filter_var')) { return filter_var($x, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); } else { return strip_tags($x); } } function flops_to_credit($f) { return $f*(200/86400e9); } function credit_to_gflop_hours($c) { return $c/(200/24); } function do_download($path,$name="") { if (strcmp($name,"") == 0) { $name=basename($path); } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$name); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path)); flush(); readfile($path); } function redirect_to_secure_url($url) { if (defined('SECURE_URL_BASE') && strstr(SECURE_URL_BASE, "https://") && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || !$_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) { Header("Location: ".SECURE_URL_BASE."/$url"); exit; } } function badges_string($is_user, $item, $height) { if (DISABLE_BADGES) return null; if ($is_user) { $bus = BoincBadgeUser::enum("user_id=$item->id"); } else { $bus = BoincBadgeTeam::enum("team_id=$item->id"); } if (!$bus) return null; $x = ""; foreach ($bus as $bu) { $badge = BoincBadge::lookup_id($bu->badge_id); $x .= "title\" valign=top height=$height src=$badge->image_url> "; } return $x; } function show_badges_row($is_user, $item) { if (BADGE_HEIGHT_LARGE == 0) return; $x = badges_string($is_user, $item, BADGE_HEIGHT_LARGE); if ($x) { row2("Badges", $x); } } function dtime() { return microtime(true); } // If this request is from a BOINC client, return its version as MMmmRR. // Otherwise return 0. // Format of user agent string is "BOINC client (windows_x86_64 7.3.17)" // function boinc_client_version(){ if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER)) return 0; $x = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $e = "/BOINC client [^ ]* (\d+).(\d+).(\d+)\)/"; if (preg_match($e, $x, $matches)) { return $matches[1]*10000 + $matches[2]*100 + $matches[3]; } return 0; } // output a script for counting chars left in text field // function text_counter_script() { echo " "; } // return HTML for a textarea with chars-remaining counter. // Call text_counter_script() before using this. // function textarea_with_counter($name, $maxlen, $text) { $rem_name = $name."_remaining"; return "
    ".tra("characters remaining") ; } // convert number MMmmrr to string MM.mm.rr // function version_string_maj_min_rel($v) { $maj = (int)($v/10000); $v -= $maj*10000; $min = (int)($v/100); $v -= $min*100; return sprintf("%d.%d.%d", $maj, $min, $v); } $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>