dbhandler = $mainFactory->getDatabaseHandler(); // Not all referenced posts are actually displayed. To optimize things a bit // let's wait with populating the dbObj untill it is actually required. // Instead just store what our ID is. $this->id = $id; // If, by chance, we got our dbobj from the calling function (batch queries) just set it using that instead: if ($optional_dbobj){ $this->dbObj = $optional_dbobj; } } /** * The following functions return various fields of the post in question **/ function getID(){ return $this->id; } function getTimestamp(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->timestamp; } function getModificationTimestamp(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->modified; } function getOwner(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return newUser($this->dbObj->user); } /** In case someone want to do external loading for optimization: **/ function getOwnerID(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->user; } function getParentPostID(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->parent_post; } function getContent(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->content; } /** * Update the content of the post **/ function setContent($text){ $this->dbhandler->updatePost($this, "content", $text); $this->dbhandler->updatePost($this, "modified", time()); $this->ensureLoaded(); } /** * Return the post's rating **/ function getRating(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return round($this->dbObj->score*$this->dbObj->votes); } /** * Determine if a particular user has rated this post **/ function hasRated($user){ return ($this->dbhandler->getPostRatingByUser($this, $user)!=0); } /** * Has this user reported this post before? */ function hasReported($user){ //This function is a STUB implementation - please make it if you get the time return false; } /** * Rate the post **/ function rate($user, $rating){ $this->ensureLoaded(); $rating = intval($rating); $success = $this->dbhandler->setPostRatingByUser($this, $user, $rating); $success = $success && $this->dbhandler->updatePost($this, "votes", $this->dbObj->votes+1); if ($this->dbObj->votes!=0){ $score = (($this->dbObj->score*$this->dbObj->votes) + $rating) / ($this->dbObj->votes+1);} else {$score=$rating;} $success = $success && $this->dbhandler->updatePost($this, "score", $score); return $success; } /** * Return the parent thread (object) **/ function getThread(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return new Thread($this->dbObj->thread); } /** * Is this post hidden? **/ function isHidden(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->hidden; } /** * Hide or unhide the post. **/ function setHidden($bool){ $thread = $this->getThread(); $result = $this->dbhandler->updatePost($this, "hidden", $bool?1:0); if ($result){ if ($bool){ $thread->decPostCount(); } else { $thread->incPostCount(); } } return $result; } function hide(){ return $this->setHidden(true);} function unhide(){ return $this->setHidden(false);} /** * Return a bool, true if there's a signature on this post, false otherwise. **/ function hasSignature(){ $this->ensureLoaded(); return $this->dbObj->signature; } /** * When any attribute that actually needs database access is used * make sure that the dbObj is loaded **/ function ensureLoaded(){ if (!$this->dbObj){ $this->dbObj = $this->dbhandler->getPost($this->id); if (!$this->dbObj) error_page("Post with id ".$this->id." requested but DB layer returned nothing."); } } /** * Move this post to another thread by * - decrementing the postcount in this thread by 1 * - Moving the post * - incrementing the destination thread postcount by 1 */ function move($thread){ $thread = $this->getThread(); return ($thread->decPostCount() && $this->dbhandler->updatePost($this, "thread", $thread->getID()) && $thread->incPostCount()); } /** * Use this function to create a new post in the given thread * Since the post does not exist simply call as a class function: Post::createNewPost(...) **/ function createNewPost($content, $parent, $user, $thread, $signature){ $content = substr($content,0,64000); //Avoid cut-off html tags when posting LARGE texts $this->dbhandler->createPost($content, $parent, $user, $thread, $signature); $user->incPostCount(); $thread->incPostCount(); } } ?>