. require_once("../inc/forum_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/pm.inc"); require_once("../inc/team.inc"); require_once("../inc/user.inc"); require_once("../inc/news.inc"); require_once("../inc/text_transform.inc"); define('THREADS_PER_PAGE', 50); $forum_error = ""; // for functions that return null on error, // look here for an explanation // sorting styles (for both threads and posts) // define('MODIFIED_NEW', 1); define('MODIFIED_OLD', 2); define('VIEWS_MOST', 3); define('REPLIES_MOST', 4); define('CREATE_TIME_NEW', 5); define('CREATE_TIME_OLD', 6); define('POST_SCORE', 7); // names for the above // $thread_sort_styles[CREATE_TIME_OLD] = tra("Oldest first"); $thread_sort_styles[CREATE_TIME_NEW] = tra("Newest first"); $thread_sort_styles[POST_SCORE] = tra("Highest rated posts first"); $forum_sort_styles[MODIFIED_NEW] = tra("Newest post first"); $forum_sort_styles[VIEWS_MOST] = tra("Most views first"); $forum_sort_styles[REPLIES_MOST] = tra("Most posts first"); $forum_sort_styles[CREATE_TIME_NEW] = tra("Newest first"); // values for thread.status define('THREAD_SOLVED', 1); define('AVATAR_WIDTH', 100); define('AVATAR_HEIGHT',100); define('ST_NEW_TIME', 1209600); //3600*24*14 - 14 days define('ST_NEW', 'New member'); define('MAXIMUM_EDIT_TIME',3600); // allow edits of forums posts up till one hour after posting. define('MAX_FORUM_LOGGING_TIME', 2419200); //3600*24*28 - 28 days define('NO_CONTROLS', 0); define('FORUM_CONTROLS', 1); define('HELPDESK_CONTROLS', 2); define("EXCERPT_LENGTH", "120"); define('NEW_IMAGE', 'img/unread_post.png'); define('NEW_IMAGE_STICKY', 'img/unread_sticky.png'); define('NEW_IMAGE_LOCKED', 'img/unread_locked.png'); define('NEW_IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED', 'img/unread_sticky_locked.png'); define('IMAGE_STICKY', 'img/sticky_post.png'); define('IMAGE_LOCKED', 'img/locked_post.png'); define('IMAGE_HIDDEN', 'img/hidden.png'); define('IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED', 'img/sticky_locked_post.png'); define('IMAGE_POST', 'img/post.png'); define('NEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT','15'); define('EMPHASIZE_IMAGE', 'img/emphasized_post.png'); define('EMPHASIZE_IMAGE_HEIGHT','15'); define('FILTER_IMAGE', 'img/filtered_post.png'); define('FILTER_IMAGE_HEIGHT','15'); define('RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE', 'img/rate_positive.png'); define('RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT','9'); define('RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE', 'img/rate_negative.png'); define('RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT','9'); define('REPORT_POST_IMAGE', 'img/report_post.png'); define('REPORT_POST_IMAGE_HEIGHT','9'); define('SOLUTION', tra('This answered my question')); define('SUFFERER', tra('I also have this question')); define('OFF_TOPIC', tra('Off-topic')); define ('DEFAULT_LOW_RATING_THRESHOLD', -25); define ('DEFAULT_HIGH_RATING_THRESHOLD', 5); // special user attributes // define('S_MODERATOR', 0); define('S_ADMIN', 1); define('S_DEV', 2); define('S_TESTER', 3); define('S_VOLUNTEER', 4); define('S_VOLUNTEER_TESTER', 5); define('S_SCIENTIST', 6); define('S_HELP_DESK_EXPERT', 7); define('S_NFLAGS', 8); $special_user_bitfield[S_MODERATOR] = tra("Volunteer moderator"); $special_user_bitfield[S_ADMIN] = tra("Project administrator"); $special_user_bitfield[S_DEV] = tra("Project developer"); $special_user_bitfield[S_TESTER] = tra("Project tester"); $special_user_bitfield[S_VOLUNTEER] = tra("Volunteer developer"); $special_user_bitfield[S_VOLUNTEER_TESTER] = tra("Volunteer tester"); $special_user_bitfield[S_SCIENTIST] = tra("Project scientist"); $special_user_bitfield[S_HELP_DESK_EXPERT] = tra("Help desk expert"); function link_count($x) { $n = 0; while (1) { $x = strstr($x, "[url"); if (!$x) break; $n++; $x = substr($x, 4); } return $n; } // show a banner with search form on left and PM info on right // function show_forum_header($user) { echo '
'; start_table(); echo ' '; // Search echo '
'.tra("Advanced search").' '; if ($user) { echo "\n"; echo "

".tra("Private messages").": ", pm_notification($user); echo "\n"; } echo " "; end_table(); echo "

"; } // Output the forum/thread title. // function show_forum_title($category, $forum, $thread, $link_thread=false) { if ($category) { $is_helpdesk = $category->is_helpdesk; } else { $is_helpdesk = false; } $where = $is_helpdesk?tra("Questions and Answers"):tra("Message boards"); $top_url = $is_helpdesk?"forum_help_desk.php":"forum_index.php"; if (!$forum && !$thread) { echo "$where\n"; } else if ($forum && !$thread) { echo ""; echo "$where : "; echo $forum->title; echo ""; } else if ($forum && $thread) { echo " $where : id."\">", $forum->title, " : "; if ($link_thread) { echo "id>"; } echo cleanup_title($thread->title); if ($link_thread) { echo ""; } echo ""; } else { echo "Invalid thread ID"; } } function show_team_forum_title($forum, $thread=null, $link_thread=false) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($forum->category); echo " ".tra("Message boards")." : "; if ($thread) { echo " id>".tra("%1 message board", $team->name)." "; if ($link_thread) { echo " : id>$thread->title"; } else { echo " : $thread->title"; } } else { echo tra("%1 message board", $team->name); } echo ""; } // start a table of forum posts // function start_forum_table($headings) { $a = array(); foreach ($headings as $h) { $a[] = null; } $a[1] = 'style="width: 100%"'; start_table('table-striped'); row_heading_array($headings, $a); } function page_link($url, $page_num, $items_per_page, $text) { return " $text "; } // return a string for navigating pages // function page_links($url, $nitems, $items_per_page, $start){ // How many pages to potentially show before and after this one: $preshow = 3; $postshow = 3; $x = ""; if ($nitems <= $items_per_page) return ""; $npages = ceil($nitems / $items_per_page); $curpage = ceil($start / $items_per_page); // If this is not the first page, display "previous" // if ($curpage > 0){ $x .= page_link( $url, $curpage-1, $items_per_page, tra("Previous")." · " ); } if ($curpage - $preshow > 0) { $x .= page_link($url, 0, $items_per_page, "1"); if ($curpage - $preshow > 1) { $x .= " . . . "; } else { $x .= " · "; } } // Display a list of pages surrounding this one // for ($i=$curpage-$preshow; $i<=$curpage+$postshow; $i++){ $page_str = (string)($i+1); if ($i < 0) continue; if ($i >= $npages) break; if ($i == $curpage) { $x .= "$page_str"; } else { $x .= page_link($url, $i, $items_per_page, $page_str); } if ($i == $npages-1) break; if ($i == $curpage+$postshow) break; $x .= " · "; } if ($curpage + $postshow < $npages-1) { $x .= " . . . "; $x .= page_link($url, $npages-1, $items_per_page, $npages); } // If there is a next page // if ($curpage < $npages-1){ $x .= page_link( $url, $curpage+1, $items_per_page, " · ".tra("Next") ); } $x .= "\n"; return $x; } function thread_is_unread($user, $thread) { if (!$user) return false; if ($thread->timestamp <= $user->prefs->mark_as_read_timestamp) return false; $log = BoincForumLogging::lookup($user->id, $thread->id); if ($log && ($thread->timestamp <= $log->timestamp)) return false; return true; } // Process a user-supplied title to remove HTML stuff // function cleanup_title($title) { $x = sanitize_tags(bb2html($title)); $x = trim($x); if (strlen($x)==0) return "(no title)"; else return $x; } function can_reply($thread, $forum, $user) { if ($thread->locked) { if (!is_moderator($user, $forum)) return false; } return true; } // Show the posts in a thread for a user. // If $start is null, enforce jump-to-first-unread // function show_posts( $thread, $forum, $start, $postid, $sort_style, $filter, $logged_in_user ) { $num_to_show = 20; if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->prefs->display_wrap_postcount > 0) { $num_to_show = $logged_in_user->prefs->display_wrap_postcount; } // let moderators see all posts, including hidden ones // if (is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { $show_hidden = true; } else { $show_hidden = false; } $posts = get_thread_posts($thread->id, $sort_style, $show_hidden); $latest_viewed = 0; $forum_log = null; if ($logged_in_user) { $forum_log = BoincForumLogging::lookup($logged_in_user->id, $thread->id); if ($forum_log) { $latest_viewed = $forum_log->timestamp; } } if ($sort_style == CREATE_TIME_OLD) { // show the last page // $nposts = sizeof($posts); if ($nposts) $nposts -= 1; $page = (int)($nposts/$num_to_show); $default_start = $page*$num_to_show; } else { $default_start = 0; } // jump to a specific post if needed // $jump_to_post = null; if ($start === null) { if ($postid) { // jump to a specific post // $i = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->id == $postid) { $start = $i - ($i % $num_to_show); $jump_to_post = $post; break; } $i++; } if ($start === null) { echo "Post $postid not found."; return; } } else if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->prefs->jump_to_unread) { // jump to the first unread post // $i = 0; $ibest = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->timestamp > $latest_viewed) { if (!$jump_to_post || ($post->timestamp < $jump_to_post->timestamp)) { $jump_to_post = $post; $ibest = $i; } } $i++; } // if jump to post, figure out what page to show // if ($jump_to_post) { $start = $ibest - ($ibest % $num_to_show); } else { $start = $default_start; } } else { $start = $default_start; } } $page_nav = page_links( "forum_thread.php?id=$thread->id&sort_style=$sort_style", sizeof($posts), $num_to_show, $start ); echo $page_nav; $num_shown = 0; $num_skipped = 0; $headings = array(tra("Author"), tra("Message")); start_forum_table($headings); $latest_shown_timestamp = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($num_skipped < $start) { $num_skipped++; continue; } if ($num_shown == $num_to_show) { break; } show_post( $post, $thread, $forum, $logged_in_user, $start, $latest_viewed, FORUM_CONTROLS, $filter ); if ($post->timestamp > $latest_shown_timestamp) { $latest_shown_timestamp = $post->timestamp; } $num_shown++; } end_table(); echo $page_nav; if ($jump_to_post) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if ($logged_in_user) { if (!$forum_log || $latest_shown_timestamp > $forum_log->timestamp) { BoincForumLogging::replace( $logged_in_user->id, $thread->id, $latest_shown_timestamp ); } } } function get_ignored_list($user) { return explode("|", $user->prefs->ignorelist); } function add_ignored_user($user, $other_user) { $list = explode("|", $user->prefs->ignorelist); foreach ($list as $key=>$userid) { if ($userid == $other_user->id) { return true; } } $list[] = $other_user->id; $x = implode("|", array_values($list)); return $user->prefs->update("ignorelist='$x'"); } function remove_ignored_user($user, $other_user) { $list = explode("|", $user->prefs->ignorelist); foreach ($list as $key=>$userid) { if ($userid == $other_user->id) { unset($list[$key]); } } $x = implode("|", array_values($list)); return $user->prefs->update("ignorelist='$x'"); } function is_ignoring($user, $other_user) { $list = explode("|", $user->prefs->ignorelist); return in_array($other_user->id, $list); } // if avatar is from gravatar, make it HTTPS // function avatar_url($url) { return str_replace('http:', 'https:', $url); } // Display an individual post. // Generates a table row with two cells: author and message // function show_post( $post, $thread, $forum, $logged_in_user, $start=0, $latest_viewed=0, $controls=FORUM_CONTROLS, $filter=true ) { global $country_to_iso3166_2; $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($post->user); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); if (is_banished($user) && !is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { return; } // If the user no longer exists, skip the post // if (!$user){ return; } $config = get_config(); $no_forum_rating = parse_bool($config, "no_forum_rating"); $tokens = ""; $options = get_output_options($logged_in_user); if (is_admin($user)) { $options->htmlitems = false; } // check whether the poster is on the list of people to ignore // $ignore_poster = false; if ($logged_in_user){ $tokens = url_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); if (is_ignoring($logged_in_user, $user)){ $ignore_poster = true; } } // The creator can edit the post, but only in a specified amount of time // (exception: a moderator can edit his/her posts at any time) // $can_edit = false; if ($logged_in_user) { if ($user->id == $logged_in_user->id) { if (is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { $can_edit = true; } else if (can_reply($thread, $forum, $logged_in_user)) { $time_limit = $post->timestamp+MAXIMUM_EDIT_TIME; $can_edit = time()<$time_limit; } else { $can_edit = false; } } } // Print the special user lines, if any // global $special_user_bitfield; $fstatus=""; $keys = array_keys($special_user_bitfield); $is_posted_by_special = false; for ($i=0; $iprefs && $user->prefs->privilege($keys[$i])) { $fstatus.="".$special_user_bitfield[$keys[$i]]."
"; $is_posted_by_special = true; } } // Highlight special users if set in prefs; // if ($logged_in_user && $logged_in_user->prefs){ $highlight = $logged_in_user->prefs->highlight_special && $is_posted_by_special; } else { $highlight = $is_posted_by_special; } $class = $highlight?' style="border-left: 5px solid LightGreen" ':''; // row and start of author col // echo " id\"> "; echo user_links($user, 0, 30); echo "
"; if ($user->create_time > time()-ST_NEW_TIME) $fstatus.=ST_NEW."
"; echo ""; if ($fstatus) echo "$fstatus"; if (!$filter || !$ignore_poster){ if ($user->prefs && $user->prefs->avatar!="" && (!$logged_in_user || ($logged_in_user->prefs->hide_avatars==false))) { echo "prefs->avatar)."\" alt=\"Avatar\">
"; } } echo "

"; $url = "pm.php?action=new&userid=".$user->id; $name = $user->name; show_button_small($url, tra("Send message"), tra("Send %1 a private message",$name)); echo '
'.tra("Joined: %1", gmdate('j M y', $user->create_time)), "
"; if (!isset($user->nposts)) { $user->nposts = BoincPost::count("user=$user->id"); } if (function_exists('project_forum_user_info')){ project_forum_user_info($user); } else { echo tra("Posts: %1", $user->nposts)."
"; // circumvent various forms of identity spoofing // by displaying the user id of the poster. // //echo "ID: ".$user->id."
"; if (!NO_COMPUTING) { echo tra("Credit: %1", number_format($user->total_credit)) ."
"; echo tra("RAC: %1", number_format($user->expavg_credit))."
"; } // to use this feature: // - get flags from http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/famfamfam_flag_icons.zip // - put the .png's in html/user/flags/ // - put define("COUNTRY_FLAGS", 1); in your html/project/project.inc // if (USER_COUNTRY && defined("COUNTRY_FLAGS")) { if (array_key_exists($user->country, $country_to_iso3166_2)) { $code = $country_to_iso3166_2[$user->country]; echo "\"$user-country\" title=\"$user->country\" src=flags/$code.png>\n"; } } echo badges_string(true, $user, BADGE_HEIGHT_SMALL); } // end of author col, start of message col // echo '
'; if ($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) { echo "
id, "\" method=\"post\">"; } if ($logged_in_user && $post->timestamp > $latest_viewed){ show_image(NEW_IMAGE, tra("You haven't read this message yet"), tra("Unread"), NEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT); } echo " id."&postid=$post->id\">".tra("Message %1", $post->id)." - "; if ($post->hidden) echo "[".tra("hidden")."] "; echo tra("Posted: %1", pretty_time_str($post->timestamp)), " "; if ($post->parent_post) { echo tra(" - in response to ")."id."&postid=".$post->parent_post."\">".tra("Message %1", $post->parent_post).".   "; } if ($can_edit && $controls != NO_CONTROLS) { show_button_small("forum_edit.php?id=".$post->id."$tokens", tra("Edit"), tra("Edit this message")); } if (is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { show_post_moderation_links($config, $logged_in_user, $post, $forum, $tokens); } if ($post->modified) { echo "
".tra("Last modified: %1", pretty_time_Str($post->modified)); } if ($ignore_poster && $filter){ echo "
" .tra( "This post is hidden because the sender is on your 'ignore' list. Click %1 here %2 to view hidden posts", "id."&filter=false&start=$start#".$post->id."\">", "" ); } if ($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) { echo "
\n"; } echo "

"; if (!$filter || !$ignore_poster){ $posttext = $post->content; // If the creator of this post has a signature and // wants it to be shown for this post AND the logged in // user has signatures enabled: show it // $posttext = output_transform($posttext, $options); if ($post->signature && (!$logged_in_user || !$logged_in_user->prefs->hide_signatures)){ $sig = output_transform($user->prefs->signature, $options); $posttext .= "

$sig\n"; } // show message in a panel // echo '
' .$posttext .'
'; echo '
ID: '. $post->id ; if ($no_forum_rating) { echo " · id."\">"; show_image(REPORT_POST_IMAGE, tra("Report this post as offensive"), tra("Report as offensive"), REPORT_POST_IMAGE_HEIGHT); echo ""; } else { $rating = $post->rating(); echo " · ".tra("Rating: %1", $rating)." · ".tra("rate: ")." id."&choice=p$tokens\"> "; show_image(RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE, tra("Click if you like this message"), tra("Rate +"), RATE_POSITIVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT); echo " / id."&choice=n$tokens\">"; show_image(RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE, tra("Click if you don't like this message"), tra("Rate -"), RATE_NEGATIVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT); echo " id."\">"; show_image(REPORT_POST_IMAGE, tra("Report this post as offensive"), tra("Report as offensive"), REPORT_POST_IMAGE_HEIGHT); echo ""; } if (($controls == FORUM_CONTROLS) && (can_reply($thread, $forum, $logged_in_user))) { echo "    "; $url = "forum_reply.php?thread=" . $thread->id . "&post=" . $post->id . "&no_quote=1#input"; // "Reply" is used as a verb show_button($url, tra("Reply"), tra("Post a reply to this message")); $url = "forum_reply.php?thread=" . $thread->id . "&post=" . $post->id . "#input"; // "Quote" is used as a verb show_button($url, tra("Quote"), tra("Post a reply by quoting this message")); } echo ""; } // end of message col and row; add separator row // echo " "; } // Show a post and its context (e.g. for search results, user posts) // function show_post_and_context($post, $thread, $forum, $options, $n) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($post->thread); $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($thread->forum); $content = output_transform($post->content, $options); $when = time_diff_str($post->timestamp, time()); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($post->user); $title = cleanup_title($thread->title); if ($post->hidden) { $deleted = "
[".tra("Hidden by a moderator")."]"; } else { $deleted = ""; } echo " $n) "; switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($forum->category); show_forum_title($category, $forum, $thread, true); break; case 1: show_team_forum_title($forum); break; } echo " (id."&postid=".$post->id."\">".tra("Message %1", $post->id).")
".tra("Posted %1 by %2", $when, user_links($user))." $deleted
$content "; } function is_banished($user) { if (isset($user->prefs)) { return ($user->prefs->banished_until > time()); } else { return false; } } function check_banished($user) { if (is_banished($user)) { error_page( tra("You may not post or rate messages until %1", gmdate('M j, Y', $user->prefs->banished_until)) ); } } function post_rules() { if (function_exists("project_forum_post_rules")) { $project_rules=project_forum_post_rules(); } else { $project_rules=""; } return sprintf("
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s
  • %s %s
", tra("Posts must be 'kid friendly': they may not contain content that is obscene, hate-related, sexually explicit or suggestive."), tra("No commercial advertisements."), tra("No links to web sites involving sexual content, gambling, or intolerance of others."), tra("No messages intended to annoy or antagonize other people, or to hijack a thread."), tra("No messages that are deliberately hostile, threatening, or insulting."), tra("No abusive messages involving race, religion, nationality, gender, class or sexuality."), tra("Posts that violate these rules may be deleted."), tra("The posting privileges of violators may be suspended or revoked."), tra("If your account is suspended, don't create a new one."), $project_rules ); } function post_warning($forum=null) { $x = "

"; // let projects add extra instructions in specific forums, // e.g. Questions and Problems // if (function_exists('project_forum_post_info')) { $x .= project_forum_post_info($forum); } $x .= " ".tra("Rules:").post_rules()."
"; return $x; } function notify_subscriber($thread, $user) { BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); if ($user->prefs->pm_notification == 1) { send_reply_notification_email($thread, $user); } $now = time(); $type = NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBED_POST; BoincNotify::replace("userid=$user->id, create_time=$now, type=$type, opaque=$thread->id"); } // notify subscribed users, except for the given user // function notify_subscribers($thread, $user) { $subs = BoincSubscription::enum("threadid=$thread->id"); foreach ($subs as $sub) { if ($user && ($user->id == $sub->userid)) continue; $user2 = BoincUser::lookup_id($sub->userid); if ($user2) { notify_subscriber($thread, $user2); } } } // Various functions for adding/hiding/unhiding stuff. // These take care of counts and timestamps. // Don't do these things directly - use these functions // function create_post($content, $parent_id, $user, $forum, $thread, $signature) { global $forum_error; if (POST_MAX_LINKS && link_count($content) > POST_MAX_LINKS && !is_moderator($user, $forum) ) { $forum_error = "Too many links."; return null; } $content = substr($content, 0, 64000); $content = BoincDb::escape_string($content); $now = time(); $sig = $signature?1:0; $id = BoincPost::insert("(thread, user, timestamp, content, modified, parent_post, score, votes, signature, hidden) values ($thread->id, $user->id, $now, '$content', 0, $parent_id, 0, 0, $sig, 0)"); if (!$id) { $forum_error = "Failed to add post to DB."; return null; } notify_subscribers($thread, $user); $user->prefs->update("posts=posts+1"); $thread->update("replies=replies+1, timestamp=$now"); $forum->update("posts=posts+1, timestamp=$now"); return $id; } // call this when hide or delete a post; // it sets timestamp to time of last non-hidden post // function update_thread_timestamp($thread) { $posts = BoincPost::enum("thread=$thread->id and hidden=0 order by timestamp desc limit 1"); if (count($posts)>0) { $post = $posts[0]; $thread->update("timestamp=$post->timestamp"); } } function update_forum_timestamp($forum) { $threads = BoincThread::enum("forum=$forum->id and hidden=0 order by timestamp desc limit 1"); if (count($threads)>0) { $thread = $threads[0]; $forum->update("timestamp=$thread->timestamp"); } } function create_thread($title, $content, $user, $forum, $signature, $export) { global $forum_error; if (POST_MAX_LINKS && link_count($content) > POST_MAX_LINKS && !is_moderator($user, $forum) ) { $forum_error = "Too many links."; return null; } $title = trim($title); $title = sanitize_tags($title); $title = BoincDb::escape_string($title); $now = time(); $status = 0; if (is_news_forum($forum) && !$export) { $status = 1; } $id = BoincThread::insert("(forum, owner, status, title, timestamp, views, replies, activity, sufferers, score, votes, create_time, hidden, sticky, locked) values ($forum->id, $user->id, $status, '$title', $now, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, $now, 0, 0, 0)"); if (!$id) { $forum_error = "Failed to add thread to DB."; return null; } $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($id); create_post($content, 0, $user, $forum, $thread, $signature); $forum->update("threads=threads+1"); return $thread; } function hide_post($post, $thread, $forum) { $ret = $post->update("hidden=1"); if (!$ret) return $ret; $thread->update("replies=if(replies>0, replies-1, 0)"); $forum->update("posts=if(posts>0, posts-1, 0)"); update_thread_timestamp($thread); update_forum_timestamp($forum); return true; } function unhide_post($post, $thread, $forum) { $ret = $post->update("hidden=0"); if (!$ret) return $ret; $thread->update("replies=replies+1"); $forum->update("posts=posts+1"); update_thread_timestamp($thread); update_forum_timestamp($forum); return true; } function delete_post($post, $thread, $forum) { $post->delete(); if (!$post->hidden) { $thread->update("replies=if(replies>0, replies-1, 0)"); $forum->update("posts=if(posts>0, posts-1, 0)"); } $count = BoincPost::count("thread=$thread->id"); if ($count == 0) { if (!$thread->hidden) { $forum->update("threads=if(threads>0, threads-1, 0)"); } $thread->delete(); } else { update_thread_timestamp($thread); } return true; } function delete_thread($thread, $forum) { $nposts = BoincPost::count("thread=$thread->id and hidden=0"); $forum->update("posts=posts-$nposts"); BoincPost::delete_aux("thread=$thread->id"); if (!$thread->hidden) { $forum->update("threads=if(threads>0, threads-1, 0)"); } $thread->delete(); } // delete all forum records related to user // function forum_delete_user($user) { $pp = BoincPost::enum("user=$user->id"); foreach ($pp as $p) { $t = BoincThread::lookup_id($p->thread); $f = BoincForum::lookup_id($t->forum); if ($t && $f) { delete_post($p, $t, $f); } } $ss = BoincSubscription::enum("userid=$user->id"); foreach ($ss as $s) { BoincSubscription::delete($s->userid, $s->threadid); } $p = BoincForumPrefs::lookup_userid($user->id); if ($p) $p->delete(); BoincForumLogging::delete_aux("userid=$user->id"); } function move_post($post, $old_thread, $old_forum, $new_thread, $new_forum) { global $g_logged_in_user; $post->update("thread=$new_thread->id"); $old_thread->update("replies=if(replies>0, replies-1, 0)"); $new_thread->update("replies=replies+1"); $old_forum->update("posts=if(posts>0, posts-1, 0)"); $new_forum->update("posts=posts+1"); update_thread_timestamp($old_thread); update_thread_timestamp($new_thread); update_forum_timestamp($old_forum); update_forum_timestamp($new_forum); notify_subscribers($new_thread, $g_logged_in_user); return true; } function hide_thread($thread, $forum) { $ret = $thread->update("hidden=1"); if (!$ret) return $ret; $forum->update("threads=if(threads>0, threads-1, 0)"); $forum->update("posts=posts-$thread->replies-1"); update_forum_timestamp($forum); return true; } function unhide_thread($thread, $forum) { $ret = $thread->update("hidden=0"); if (!$ret) return $ret; $forum->update("threads=threads+1, posts=posts+$thread->replies+1"); update_forum_timestamp($forum); return true; } function move_thread($thread, $old_forum, $new_forum) { $now = time(); $old_forum->update("threads=if(threads>0, threads-1, 0), posts=posts-$thread->replies-1"); $new_forum->update("threads=threads+1, posts=posts+$thread->replies+1, timestamp=$now"); return $thread->update("forum=$new_forum->id"); } // $show_hidden: 1 if it is a moderator reading // Error page if this function returns NULL. // $forumID - int // $min - int // $nRec - int // $sort_style - string (checked by switch statement) // $show_hidden - bool (not directly passed to SQL) // $sticky - bool (not directly passed to SQL) // function get_forum_threads( $forumID, $start=-1, $nRec=-1, $sort_style=MODIFIED_NEW, $show_hidden = 0, $sticky = 1 ) { //if (! (is_numeric($forumID) && is_numeric($min) && is_numeric($nRec))) { // return NULL; // Something is wrong here. //} $sql = 'forum = ' . $forumID ; $stickysql = ""; if ($sticky){ $stickysql = "sticky DESC, "; } if (!$show_hidden) { $sql .= ' AND hidden = 0'; } switch($sort_style) { case MODIFIED_NEW: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'timestamp DESC'; break; case MODIFIED_OLD: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'timestamp ASC'; break; case VIEWS_MOST: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'views DESC'; break; case REPLIES_MOST: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'replies DESC'; break; case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'create_time desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'create_time asc'; break; case 'sufferers': $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'sufferers desc'; break; case 'activity': $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'activity desc'; break; case 'score': $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'score desc'; break; default: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'timestamp DESC'; break; } if ($start > -1) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$start; if ($nRec > -1) { $sql .= ', '.$nRec; } } else if ($nRec > -1) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$nRec; } return BoincThread::enum($sql); } // $show_hidden = true when it is a moderator reading // error_page if this function returns NULL. // $sort_style - string (checked by switch statement) // $show_hidden - bool (not directly passed to SQL) // function get_thread_posts($threadid, $sort_style, $show_hidden) { $sql = "thread=$threadid"; if (!$show_hidden) { $sql .= ' AND hidden = 0'; } switch($sort_style) { case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp asc'; break; case POST_SCORE: $sql .= ' ORDER BY score DESC'; break; default: $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp asc'; break; } return BoincPost::enum($sql); } // Show links for post moderation actions; // logged in user has moderation rights. // function show_post_moderation_links( $config, $logged_in_user, $post, $forum, $tokens ){ $moderators_allowed_to_ban = parse_bool($config, "moderators_allowed_to_ban"); $moderators_vote_to_ban = parse_bool($config, "moderators_vote_to_ban"); if ($post->hidden) { show_button_small("forum_moderate_post_action.php?action=unhide&id=".$post->id."$tokens", tra("Unhide"), tra("Unhide this post")); } else { show_button_small("forum_moderate_post.php?action=hide&id=".$post->id."$tokens", tra("Hide"), tra("Hide this post")); } show_button_small( "forum_moderate_post.php?action=move&id=".$post->id."$tokens", tra("Move"), tra("Move post to a different thread") ); if ($forum->parent_type == 0) { if (is_admin($logged_in_user) || $moderators_allowed_to_ban) { show_button_small("forum_moderate_post.php?action=banish_user&id=".$post->id."&userid=".$post->user."$tokens", tra("Banish author")); } if ($moderators_vote_to_ban) { require_once("../inc/forum_banishment_vote.inc"); if (vote_is_in_progress($post->user)) { show_button_small( "forum_banishment_vote.php?action=yes&userid=".$post->user, tra("Vote to banish author") ); show_button_small( "forum_banishment_vote.php?action=no&userid=".$post->user, tra("Vote not to banish author") ); } else { show_button_small( "forum_banishment_vote.php?action=start&userid=".$post->user, tra("Start vote to banish author") ); } } if (is_admin($logged_in_user)) { show_button_small("forum_moderate_post.php?action=delete&id=".$post->id."$tokens", tra("Delete"), tra("Delete this post")); } } } // is the given user allowed to // - add threads to News forum // - use HTML in posts // - delete threads and posts // function is_admin($user) { if (!$user) return false; if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_SCIENTIST)) return true; if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_DEV)) return true; if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_ADMIN)) return true; return false; } function user_can_create_thread($user, $forum) { if (!$user) return false; if ($forum->is_dev_blog && !is_admin($user)) { return false; } return true; } function check_post_access($user, $forum) { if (is_admin($user)) return; switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_MODERATOR)) return; break; case 1: $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($forum->category); if (is_team_admin($user, $team)) return; // non-team-members can't post // if ($user->teamid != $team->id) { error_page(tra("Only team members can post to the team message board")); } break; } // If user haven't got enough credit (according to forum regulations) // We do not tell the (ab)user how much this is - // no need to make it easy for them to break the system. // if ($user->total_credit<$forum->post_min_total_credit || $user->expavg_credit<$forum->post_min_expavg_credit) { error_page(tra("To create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain level of average credit. This is to protect against abuse of the system.", $forum->title)); } // If the user is posting faster than forum regulations allow // Tell the user to wait a while before creating any more posts // if (time()-$user->prefs->last_post <$forum->post_min_interval) { error_page(tra("You cannot create threads right now. Please wait before trying again. This is to protect against abuse of the system.")); } } function check_reply_access($user, $forum, $thread) { if ($thread->locked && !is_moderator($user, $forum)) { error_page( tra("This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed to post there.") ); } if ($thread->hidden) { error_page( tra("Can't post to a hidden thread.") ); } check_post_access($user, $forum); } // is the given user allowed to moderate the given forum? this includes // - post to locked threads // - see hidden threads and posts // - edit their posts at any time // - hide/unhide/move threads and posts function is_moderator($user, $forum) { if (!$user) return false; $type = $forum?$forum->parent_type:0; switch ($type) { case 0: if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_MODERATOR)) return true; if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_ADMIN)) return true; if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_DEV)) return true; if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_SCIENTIST)) return true; break; case 1: if ($user->prefs->privilege(S_ADMIN)) return true; $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($forum->category); return is_team_admin($user, $team); break; } return false; } function show_thread_and_context_header() { start_table('table-striped'); row_heading_array(array( tra("Thread"), tra("Posts"), tra("Author"), tra("Views"), "
".tra("Last post")."" )); } // show a 1-line summary of thread and its forum. // Used for search results and subscription list // function show_thread_and_context($thread, $user) { $thread_forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($thread->forum); if (!$thread_forum) return; if (!is_forum_visible_to_user($thread_forum, $user)) return; $owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($thread->owner); echo "\n"; switch($thread_forum->parent_type) { case 0: $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($thread_forum->category); show_forum_title($category, $thread_forum, $thread, true); break; case 1: show_team_forum_title($thread_forum, $thread); break; } echo ' '.($thread->replies+1).' '.user_links($owner).' '.$thread->views.' '.time_diff_str($thread->timestamp, time()).' '; } // see if thread is in subscription list // function is_subscribed($thread, $subs) { foreach ($subs as $sub) { if ($sub->threadid == $thread->id) return true; } return false; } function is_forum_visible_to_user($forum, $user) { if ($forum->parent_type == 1) { if (parse_config(get_config(), "")) { if (!$user) return false; if ($user->teamid != $forum->category) return false; } } return true; } function subscribed_post_email_line($notify) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($notify->opaque); return "There are new posts in the thread '$thread->title'"; } function subscribed_post_web_line($notify) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($notify->opaque); return tra("New posts in the thread %1","id>$thread->title"); } function subscribe_rss($notify, &$title, &$msg, &$url) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($notify->opaque); $title = tra("New posts in subscribed thread"); $msg = tra("There are new posts in the thread '%1'",$thread->title); $url = secure_url_base()."forum_thread.php?id=$thread->id"; } function show_mark_as_read_button($user) { if ($user) { $return = urlencode(current_url()); $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); $url = "forum_index.php?read=1$tokens&return=$return"; show_button($url, tra("Mark all threads as read"), tra("Mark all threads in all message boards as read.") ); } } function remove_subscriptions_forum($userid, $forumid) { $subs = BoincSubscription::enum("userid=$userid"); foreach ($subs as $sub) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($sub->threadid); if ($thread && $thread->forum == $forumid) { BoincSubscription::delete($userid, $thread->id); } } $notices = BoincNotify::enum("userid=$userid and type=".NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBED_POST); foreach ($notices as $n) { $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($n->opaque); if ($thread && $thread->forum == $forumid) { $n->delete(); } } } function remove_subscriptions_thread($userid, $threadid) { BoincSubscription::delete($userid, $threadid); BoincNotify::delete_aux("userid=$userid and type=".NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBED_POST." and opaque=$threadid"); } function parse_forum_cookie() { $x = array("", ""); if (isset($_COOKIE['sorting'])) { $a = explode("|", $_COOKIE['sorting']); if (array_key_exists(0, $a)) { $x[0] = $a[0]; } if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) { $x[1] = $a[1]; } } return $x; } ?>