// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #include "stdafx.h" #include "boinccas.h" #include "CACreateBOINCAccounts.h" #include "lsaprivs.h" #include "password.h" #define CUSTOMACTION_NAME _T("CACreateBOINCAccounts") #define CUSTOMACTION_PROGRESSTITLE _T("Validating user accounts used by BOINC for secure sandboxes") ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CACreateBOINCAccounts::CACreateBOINCAccounts(MSIHANDLE hMSIHandle) : BOINCCABase(hMSIHandle, CUSTOMACTION_NAME, CUSTOMACTION_PROGRESSTITLE) {} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CACreateBOINCAccounts::~CACreateBOINCAccounts() { BOINCCABase::~BOINCCABase(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT CACreateBOINCAccounts::OnExecution() { tstring strBOINCMasterAccountUsername; tstring strBOINCMasterAccountPassword; tstring strBOINCProjectAccountUsername; tstring strBOINCProjectAccountPassword; tstring strComputerName; tstring strProductType; tstring strDataDirectory; tstring strEnableProtectedApplicationExecution; PSID pSid; NET_API_STATUS nasReturnValue; BOOL bCreateBOINCMasterAccount = FALSE; BOOL bCreateBOINCProjectAccount = FALSE; BOOL bBOINCMasterAccountCreated = FALSE; BOOL bBOINCProjectAccountCreated = FALSE; BOOL bBOINCMasterAccountModified = FALSE; BOOL bBOINCProjectAccountModified = FALSE; UINT uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("BOINC_MASTER_USERNAME"), strBOINCMasterAccountUsername ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("BOINC_MASTER_PASSWORD"), strBOINCMasterAccountPassword ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_USERNAME"), strBOINCProjectAccountUsername ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_PASSWORD"), strBOINCProjectAccountPassword ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("ComputerName"), strComputerName ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("MsiNTProductType"), strProductType ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("ENABLEPROTECTEDAPPLICATIONEXECUTION3"), strEnableProtectedApplicationExecution ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; // Only create a new account or change the password on an existing account // if the user hasn't explicitly defined an account if (strBOINCMasterAccountUsername.empty() && strBOINCMasterAccountPassword.empty()) bCreateBOINCMasterAccount = true; if (strBOINCMasterAccountUsername == _T("boinc_master")) bCreateBOINCMasterAccount = true; if (strProductType == tstring(_T("2")) && (strBOINCMasterAccountUsername == (tstring(_T("boinc_master_")) + strComputerName))) bCreateBOINCMasterAccount = true; if (bCreateBOINCMasterAccount) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Using automatic account creation and management of 'boinc_master' account") ); // Determine what the real values of the usernames should be based off // of the inputs // if (strBOINCMasterAccountUsername.empty()) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Generating 'boinc_master' account name") ); if (strProductType == tstring(_T("2"))) { // Domain Controller strBOINCMasterAccountUsername = _T("boinc_master_") + strComputerName; } else { strBOINCMasterAccountUsername = _T("boinc_master"); } } // Generate random passwords if needed // if (strBOINCMasterAccountPassword.empty()) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Generating 'boinc_master' password") ); GenerateRandomPassword(strBOINCMasterAccountPassword, 12); strBOINCMasterAccountPassword = _T("!") + strBOINCMasterAccountPassword; } // Create the 'boinc_master' account if needed, otherwise just update the password. // if(GetAccountSid(NULL, strBOINCMasterAccountUsername.c_str(), &pSid)) { // Check if user exists LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Resetting 'boinc_master' password") ); // Account already exists, just change the password // USER_INFO_1003 ui; DWORD dwParameterError; ui.usri1003_password = (LPWSTR)strBOINCMasterAccountPassword.c_str(); nasReturnValue = NetUserSetInfo( NULL, strBOINCMasterAccountUsername.c_str(), 1003, (LPBYTE)&ui, &dwParameterError ); if (NERR_Success != nasReturnValue) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, nasReturnValue, _T("Failed to reset password on the 'boinc_master' account.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } } else { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Creating 'boinc_master' account") ); // Account does not exist, create it // USER_INFO_1 ui; DWORD dwParameterError; ui.usri1_name = (LPWSTR)strBOINCMasterAccountUsername.c_str(); ui.usri1_password = (LPWSTR)strBOINCMasterAccountPassword.c_str(); ui.usri1_comment = _T("Account used to execute BOINC as a system service"); ui.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER; ui.usri1_home_dir = NULL; ui.usri1_comment = NULL; ui.usri1_flags = UF_SCRIPT | UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD; ui.usri1_script_path = NULL; nasReturnValue = NetUserAdd( NULL, 1, (LPBYTE)&ui, &dwParameterError ); if (NERR_Success != nasReturnValue) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, nasReturnValue, _T("NetUserAdd retval") ); LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, dwParameterError, _T("NetUserAdd dwParameterError") ); LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, nasReturnValue, _T("Failed to create the 'boinc_master' account.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } bBOINCMasterAccountCreated = TRUE; } if(pSid != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSid); pSid = NULL; } bBOINCMasterAccountModified = TRUE; } // Only create a new account or change the password on an existing account // if the user hasn't explicitly defined an account if (strBOINCProjectAccountUsername.empty() && strBOINCProjectAccountPassword.empty()) bCreateBOINCProjectAccount = true; if (strBOINCProjectAccountUsername == _T("boinc_project")) bCreateBOINCProjectAccount = true; if (strProductType == tstring(_T("2")) && (strBOINCProjectAccountUsername == (tstring(_T("boinc_project_")) + strComputerName))) bCreateBOINCProjectAccount = true; if (bCreateBOINCProjectAccount) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Using automatic account creation and management of 'boinc_project' account") ); // Determine what the real values of the usernames should be based off // of the inputs // if (strBOINCProjectAccountUsername.empty()) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Generating 'boinc_project' account name") ); if (strProductType == tstring(_T("2"))) { // Domain Controller strBOINCProjectAccountUsername = _T("boinc_project_") + strComputerName; } else { strBOINCProjectAccountUsername = _T("boinc_project"); } } // Generate random passwords if needed // if (strBOINCProjectAccountPassword.empty()) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Generating 'boinc_project' password") ); GenerateRandomPassword(strBOINCProjectAccountPassword, 12); strBOINCProjectAccountPassword = _T("!") + strBOINCProjectAccountPassword; } // Create the 'boinc_project' account if needed, otherwise just update the password. // if(GetAccountSid(NULL, strBOINCProjectAccountUsername.c_str(), &pSid)) { // Check if user exists LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Resetting 'boinc_project' password") ); // Account already exists, just change the password // USER_INFO_1003 ui; DWORD dwParameterError; ui.usri1003_password = (LPWSTR)strBOINCProjectAccountPassword.c_str(); nasReturnValue = NetUserSetInfo( NULL, strBOINCProjectAccountUsername.c_str(), 1003, (LPBYTE)&ui, &dwParameterError ); if (NERR_Success != nasReturnValue) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, nasReturnValue, _T("Failed to reset password on the 'boinc_project' account.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } } else { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Creating 'boinc_project' account") ); // Account does not exist, create it // USER_INFO_1 ui; DWORD dwParameterError; ui.usri1_name = (LPWSTR)strBOINCProjectAccountUsername.c_str(); ui.usri1_password = (LPWSTR)strBOINCProjectAccountPassword.c_str(); ui.usri1_comment = _T("Account used to execute BOINC applications"); ui.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER; ui.usri1_home_dir = NULL; ui.usri1_comment = NULL; ui.usri1_flags = UF_SCRIPT | UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD; ui.usri1_script_path = NULL; nasReturnValue = NetUserAdd( NULL, 1, (LPBYTE)&ui, &dwParameterError ); if (NERR_Success != nasReturnValue) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, nasReturnValue, _T("NetUserAdd retval") ); LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, dwParameterError, _T("NetUserAdd dwParameterError") ); LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, nasReturnValue, _T("Failed to create the 'boinc_project' account.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } bBOINCProjectAccountCreated = TRUE; } if(pSid != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pSid); pSid = NULL; } bBOINCProjectAccountModified = TRUE; } SetProperty( _T("BOINC_MASTER_USERNAME"), strBOINCMasterAccountUsername ); if (bBOINCMasterAccountModified) { SetProperty( _T("BOINC_MASTER_ISUSERNAME"), tstring(_T(".\\") + strBOINCMasterAccountUsername) ); } else { SetProperty( _T("BOINC_MASTER_ISUSERNAME"), strBOINCMasterAccountUsername ); } SetProperty( _T("BOINC_MASTER_PASSWORD"), strBOINCMasterAccountPassword, false ); SetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_USERNAME"), strBOINCProjectAccountUsername ); if (bBOINCProjectAccountModified) { SetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_ISUSERNAME"), tstring(_T(".\\") + strBOINCProjectAccountUsername) ); } else { SetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_ISUSERNAME"), strBOINCProjectAccountUsername ); } SetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_PASSWORD"), strBOINCProjectAccountPassword, false ); if (bBOINCMasterAccountCreated || bBOINCProjectAccountCreated) { RebootWhenFinished(); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: CreateBOINCAccounts // // Description: This custom action creates the two user accounts that'll // be used to enfore the account based sandboxing scheme // on Windows. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT __stdcall CreateBOINCAccounts(MSIHANDLE hInstall) { UINT uiReturnValue = 0; CACreateBOINCAccounts* pCA = new CACreateBOINCAccounts(hInstall); uiReturnValue = pCA->Execute(); delete pCA; return uiReturnValue; }