// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // #include "stdafx.h" #include "boinccas.h" #include "CACreateClientAuthFile.h" #define CUSTOMACTION_NAME _T("CACreateClientAuthFile") #define CUSTOMACTION_PROGRESSTITLE _T("Store client authorization data") ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CACreateClientAuthFile::CACreateClientAuthFile(MSIHANDLE hMSIHandle) : BOINCCABase(hMSIHandle, CUSTOMACTION_NAME, CUSTOMACTION_PROGRESSTITLE) {} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CACreateClientAuthFile::~CACreateClientAuthFile() { BOINCCABase::~BOINCCABase(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT CACreateClientAuthFile::OnExecution() { tstring strDataDirectory; tstring strEnableProtectedApplicationExecution; tstring strBOINCProjectAccountUsername; tstring strBOINCProjectAccountPassword; tstring strClientAuthFile; tstring strVersionNT; struct _stat buf; TCHAR szMessage[2048]; UINT uiReturnValue = -1; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("DATADIR"), strDataDirectory ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("ENABLEPROTECTEDAPPLICATIONEXECUTION3"), strEnableProtectedApplicationExecution ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_ISUSERNAME"), strBOINCProjectAccountUsername ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("BOINC_PROJECT_PASSWORD"), strBOINCProjectAccountPassword ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; uiReturnValue = GetProperty( _T("VersionNT"), strVersionNT ); if ( uiReturnValue ) return uiReturnValue; // The client_auth.xml file is stored in the data directory. // strClientAuthFile = strDataDirectory + _T("\\client_auth.xml"); // If we are not installing in protected mode, there may not // be a valid 'boinc_project' account, so delete the // client_auth.xml file if it exists. // // NOTE: Windows 2000 or older requires the SeTcbPrivilege // user right, which makes the account the equiv of an // administrator on the system. Disable the use of // 'boinc_project' on Windows 2000 or older // if ((_T("1") != strEnableProtectedApplicationExecution) || _T("500") >= strVersionNT) { if (0 == _tstat(strClientAuthFile.c_str(), &buf)) { if (DeleteFile(strClientAuthFile.c_str())) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("The client_auth.xml file was successfully deleted.") ); } else { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_FATALEXIT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("The client_auth.xml could not be deleted from the data direvtory. ") _T("Please delete the file and rerun setup.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } } } else { // We are installing in protected mode, which means the 'boinc_project' // account password has been changed, so we need to write out the new // username and password to the client_auth.xml file. DWORD dwSize = Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength((int)strBOINCProjectAccountPassword.length()); LPSTR szBuffer = (LPSTR)malloc(dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!szBuffer) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_FATALEXIT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("Not enough memory could be allocated to complete the requested action. ") _T("Please shutdown any running applications or reboot the computer and rerun ") _T("setup to complete installation.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } memset(szBuffer, '\0', (dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR))); // Base 64 encode the 'boinc_project' account password // CW2A pszASCIIDecodedPassword( strBOINCProjectAccountPassword.c_str() ); if (!Base64Encode( (const BYTE*)((LPSTR)pszASCIIDecodedPassword), (int)strlen(pszASCIIDecodedPassword), szBuffer, (int*)&dwSize, 0) ) { LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_FATALEXIT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("The 'boinc_project' account password failed to be encoded.") ); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } CA2W pszUnicodeEncodedPassword( szBuffer ); _sntprintf( szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), _T("(Unicode) Base64 Encoded String: '%s'"), pszUnicodeEncodedPassword.m_psz ); LogMessage( INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, szMessage ); FILE* fClientAuthFile = NULL; fClientAuthFile = _tfopen(strClientAuthFile.c_str(), _T("w")); _ftprintf( fClientAuthFile, _T("<client_authorization>\n") _T(" <boinc_project>\n") _T(" <username>%s</username>\n") _T(" <password>%s</password>\n") _T(" </boinc_project>\n") _T("</client_authorization>\n"), strBOINCProjectAccountUsername.c_str(), pszUnicodeEncodedPassword.m_psz ); fclose(fClientAuthFile); free(szBuffer); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: CreateClientAuthFile // // Description: This custom action stores the 'boinc_project' account // information in the client_auth.xml file. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT __stdcall CreateClientAuthFile(MSIHANDLE hInstall) { UINT uiReturnValue = 0; CACreateClientAuthFile* pCA = new CACreateClientAuthFile(hInstall); uiReturnValue = pCA->Execute(); delete pCA; return uiReturnValue; }