A workunit describes a computation to be performed. The basic workunit attributes include: "; list_start(); list_item( "name", "A text string, unique across all workunits in the project." ); list_item( "application", "Which application performs the computation. A workunit is associated with an application, not with a particular version or range of versions. If the format of your input data changes in a way that is incompatible with older versions, you must create a new application. This can often be avoided by using XML data format. " ); list_item( "input files", "A list of its input files: their names, and the names by which the application refers to them." ); list_item( "error mask", "A bit mask of various error conditions:
A workunit has several parameters related to redundancy and scheduling. Values for these parameters are supplied by the project when the workunit is created. "; list_start(); list_item( "delay_bound", "An upper bound on the time (in seconds) between sending a result to a client and receiving a reply. The scheduler won't issue a result if the estimated completion time exceeds this. If the client doesn't respond within this interval, the server 'gives up' on the result and generates a new result, to be assigned to another client.
Set this to several times the average execution time of a workunit on a typical PC. If you set it too low, BOINC may not be able to send some results, and the corresponding workunit will be flagged with an error. If you set it too high, there may a corresponding delay in getting results back." ); list_item( "min_quorum", "The minimum size of a quorum. Set this to two or more if you want redundant computing." ); list_item( "target_nresults", "How many successful results to get. This must be at least min_quorum. It may be more to reflect the ratio of result loss, or to get a quorum more quickly." ); list_item( "max_error_results", "If the number of client error results exceeds this, the work unit is declared to have an error; no further results are issued, and the assimilator is triggered. This safeguards against workunits that cause the application to crash." ); list_item( "max_total_results", "If the total number of results for this workunit exceeds this, the workunit is declared to be in error. This safeguards against workunits that are never reported (e.g. because they crash the core client)." ); list_item( "max_success_results", "If the number of success results for this workunit exceeds this, and a consensus has not been reached, the workunit is declared to be in error. This safeguards against workunits that produce nondeterministic results." ); list_end(); echo "
BOINC provides a utility program and C function for creating workunits. "; page_tail(); ?>