deprecated) continue; array_push($platforms, $platform); } mysql_free_result($r2); $xml = $_GET['xml']; if ($xml) { require_once('../inc/'); xml_header(); echo "\n"; } else { page_head(tra("Applications")); echo tra("%1 currently has the following applications. When you participate in %1, work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.", PROJECT)."

"; start_table(); } $result = mysql_query("select * from app where deprecated=0"); while ($app = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($xml) { echo "\n"; echo " $app->user_friendly_name\n"; } else { echo " $app->user_friendly_name ".tra("Platform")."".tra("Current version")."".tra("Installation time")."\n "; } for ($i=0; $iid and platformid = $platform->id"); while ($av = mysql_fetch_object($r2)) { if ($av->deprecated) continue; if (!$newest || $av->version_num>$newest->version_num) { $newest = $av; } } if ($newest) { $y = pretty_time_str($newest->create_time); if ($xml) { echo " \n"; echo " $platform->name\n"; echo " $platform->user_friendly_name\n"; echo " $newest->version_num\n"; echo " $y\n"; echo " $newest->create_time\n"; echo " \n"; } else { $x = sprintf("%0.2f", $newest->version_num/100); echo " $platform->user_friendly_name $x $y "; } } } if ($xml) { echo " \n"; } } mysql_free_result($result); if ($xml) { echo "
\n"; } else { end_table(); page_tail(); } ?>