#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ ''' Usage: upgrade [options] project_root Options: --srcdir default: current directory Copy source/build files to a project tree, overwriting what's already there. Run it in the source directory (tools/upgrade). If project_root is an absolute path, it's the project root. Otherwise the project root is HOME/projects/project_root. ''' import boinc_path_config from Boinc import boinc_project_path, tools from Boinc.setup_project import * import os, getopt def usage(): print "Usage: upgrade [--web_only | --server_only] [--srcdir DIR] project_root" raise SystemExit def syntax_error(str): raise SystemExit('%s; See "%s --help" for help\n' % (str, sys.argv[0])) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['help', 'web_only', 'server_only', 'srcdir=']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: syntax_error(e) home = os.path.expanduser('~') options.web_only = False options.server_only = False options.srcdir = None for o,a in opts: if o == '--help': usage() elif o == '--web_only': options.web_only = True elif o == '--server_only': options.server_only = True elif o == '--srcdir': options.srcdir = a else: raise SystemExit('internal error o=%s'%o) if len(args) == 1: if os.path.isabs(args[0]): INSTALL_DIR = args[0] else: INSTALL_DIR = os.path.join(home, 'projects', args[0]) else: syntax_error('No project name') if not options.srcdir: for dir in ('.', '..'): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, 'html', 'project.sample', 'project.inc')): options.srcdir = dir if not options.srcdir: syntax_error('Not running in the source directory and --srcdir was not specified') if not tools.query_noyes("Overwrite files in "+INSTALL_DIR): raise SystemExit if not options.web_only: if os.system('cd '+INSTALL_DIR+'; ./bin/stop'): raise SystemExit("Couldn't stop project!") print "Upgrading files... " options.install_method = 'copy' init() install_boinc_files(INSTALL_DIR, not options.server_only, not options.web_only) print "Upgrading files... done" print "Finding SVN revision" print "Updating translations" try: os.system('cd '+INSTALL_DIR+'/html/ops; ./update_translations.php -d 1') except: print '''Couldn't install translation files''' opt = ''; if options.server_only: opt = ' --server' if options.web_only: opt = ' --web' print "Checking for DB updates" os.system('cd '+INSTALL_DIR+'/html/ops; ./upgrade_db.php'+opt) if os.path.exists(INSTALL_DIR+'/html/project/project_news.inc'): print '''\ html/project/project_news.inc is deprecated. Run html/ops/news_convert.php to convert project news to forum format. ''' if not options.web_only: print "Run `bin/start' to restart the project."