BOINC for Windows

The BOINC work manager program controls the use of your computer's disk, network, and processor resources. It is normally started at boot time. It is represented by a icon in the system tray. Double-click on the icon to open the work manager window. Right-click on the icon to:

When the icon is flashing, there is an unread error message. To view it, open the work manager window and go to the Messages tab.

The work manager window has several tabs:

The work manager's menu items are as follows:
  • Help

    Menu names and other text in the work manager are stored in a file called language.ini. The release uses American English. Other languages are available here (thanks to Robi Buechler and other volunteers for this).

    The BOINC screensaver can be selected using the Display Properties dialog. The BOINC screensaver draws graphics from a running application, if any is available. Otherwise it draws the BOINC logo bouncing around the screen.

    The BOINC command-line client

    The command line client has several options: "; list_start(); list_item("-attach_project", "Attach this computer to a new project. You must have an account with that project. You will be asked for the project URL and the account ID." ); list_item("-show_projects", "Print a list of projects to which this computer is attached." ); list_item("-detach_project project-URL", "Detach this computer from a project." ); list_item("-reset_project project-URL", "Clear pending work for a project. Use this if there is a problem that is preventing your computer from working." ); list_item("-update_prefs project-URL", "Contact a project's server to obtain new preferences." ); list_item("-run_cpu_benchmarks", "Run CPU benchmarks. Do this if you have modified your computer's hardware." ); list_item("-help", "Show client options." ); list_item("-version", "Show client version." ); list_end(); page_tail(); ?>