Click your browser's Back button to try again."; page_tail(); exit(); } db_init(); $new_email_addr = $HTTP_POST_VARS["new_email_addr"]; if (strlen($new_email_addr) == 0) { show_error("Email address missing"); } $query = "select * from user where email_addr='$new_email_addr'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { $user = mysql_fetch_object($result); mysql_free_result($result); if ($user) { show_error("There's already an account with that email address"); } } // web passwords disabled by default if (0) { if (strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS["new_password"]) == 0) { show_error("Password missing"); } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["new_password"] != $HTTP_POST_VARS["new_password2"]) { show_error("Different passwords entered"); } } $authenticator = random_string(); $query = sprintf( "insert into user (create_time, email_addr, name, web_password, authenticator, country, postal_code, total_credit, expavg_credit, expavg_time, teamid) values(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, 0, 0, 0, 0)", time(), $new_email_addr, $HTTP_POST_VARS["new_name"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["new_password"], $authenticator, $HTTP_POST_VARS["country"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["postal_code"] ); $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { show_error("Couldn't create account"); } setcookie("auth", $authenticator); page_head("Account created"); echo "Your account has been created, and an account key is being emailed to you.

If you don't already have it, download the BOINC client. Install and run the client, and give it your account key.

If you're already running the BOINC client, select the Add Project command and give it your account key."; mail($new_email_addr, "Account information for ".PROJECT."\nThe URL for this project is \n\n".MASTER_URL."\n\nYour account key is \n\n$authenticator\n\nCopy this information into the BOINC client."); page_tail();