Caching configuration

The file html/project/ contains a number of parameters related to caching: "; list_start(); list_item("TEAM_PAGE_TTL", "Cache life of team pages; default 1 hour"); list_item("USER_PAGE_TTL", "Cache life of user pages; default 1 hour"); list_item("USER_HOST_TTL", "Cache life of user host list; default 1 hour"); list_item("USER_PROFILE_TTL", "Cache life of profiles; default 1 hour"); list_item("TOP_PAGES_TTL", "Cache life of user/team/host lists; default 12 hours"); list_item("INDEX_PAGE_TTL", "Cache life of main page; default 1 hour"); list_item("MAX_CACHE_USAGE", "Max cache size; default 100 MB"); list_item("MIN_FREE_SPACE", "Min free space on device; default 100 MB"); list_item("CACHE_SIZE_CHECK_FREQ", "Check cache size on every N user accesses to cached pages; default 1000"); list_end(); echo "

Caching and translation

BOINC uses several web-page caching systems, which support language translation in different ways.

If something shows up in the wrong language it's probably because a page that was previously not being translated got translation abilities but wasn't moved to the proper cache type. Also if a page-piece that is included is now translatable, all pages that make use of this piece should now either use fullpage caching with translation, or use an object cache (nicer but takes a few more lines of coding). "; page_tail(); ?>